
The rise of the King cobra

Alabast Alejandro was a famous hitman named Cobra many people would hire him because of the way he delt with the target. He would use snake venom in every assassination, but the venom he uses has no antidote. One day as he was about to die, he noticed that a son of one of his targets that he killed came to him to avenge his father. He did nothing but let the man kill him. As he floated in the void a god was amused on his technique to kill and decided to give him a chance to live once more. The god gave him a companion to help him in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, Alabast had heard of the game but never had the chance to play it. Though he did not care, since he will continue to kill till the day, he die's

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The next test (Edited}

Two days have passed since the entire event, and nothing has changed. Sasha was using my legs as pillows while mumbling in her sleep.

I on the other hand have one of the snakes on my arm with the entire circuitry exposed, while I had a holographic schematic of the snake on the side. The only good thing about it is that it would only tell me if the snake would have problems.

It also tells me if there are new abilities that it can do if I install some parts. During my time on trying to add a camouflage function, the two of us received a call from Maine.

[Hey Maine, what's up choom?] S

[Its Faraday, he says its another test for us.] M

[Let me guess he wants everyone to meet him?] C

[Yeah, he wants to see everyone to give us the deets.] M

Sasha stretches her body, and I close the snake. We then went to get our gear and began to make sure we had everything before we left.




"All accounted for."


"I don't know you tell me." I then made the snakes become visible and soon saw many snakes on Sasha's body.

"Well, that answers my question."

[Alright give us half an hour to be there.] C

[Great, just hurry up, Faraday's not a patient man.] M

The two of us went to the garage and made our way to the car and got ready to leave. But as soon as we entered the car, Sasha sat on my lap.

I was confused at first, but she then explained that people who are going out do this. It made sense since she sat on my lap at home, so I let her be.

After a few minutes of driving, we finally arrived at base. Outside we saw a Black limo with gold rims, the windows were tinted, and the front bumper had a metal skull in silver.

Outside the door, was Kiwi who was leaning next to the door. As the two of us got off, she told us to follow her inside.

Before we entered the base, I placed my mask and used a new feature I had installed in it. I reached in the back and soon, neon eyes appeared and showed two glowing eyes.

(A/N) If you know where I got this from, I love you and let's get some beer.

"Ohhh Cobra that looks so cool! How did you do that?" The neon eyes switched to a surprised look and a bead of sweat appeared on the side.

Her eyes sparkled with glee, and she looked like she wanted to rip it off and place it on her face, I placed my hand on her head and slowly pushed down.

"I've spent my free time adding this feature and do remember that just because I'm an assassin doesn't mean I have other skills." Kiwi nodded in agreement.

"He's right, many assassins have to use many skills sets in order to kill their target, and this..." She points to my mask.

"...Is one of the many skills an assassin needs." We then enter the base and saw Faraday sitting across from the crew. Most of the crew members were doing their own thing, While Maine was staring at Faraday.

By the time they noticed us, we made our way towards the group and found ourselves some seats, though I was forced to use my snakes and make a chair.

This catches Faraday's attention; in his eyes I saw greed and knew what he was going to do. So, I had every snake I had to infiltrate every company in night city to find any cloaking technology.

"Now that everyone's here, let's begin the meeting." Faraday pulls out multiple data shards and hands them to us.

Once we inserted them, a screen appeared and showed a man with blond hair and blue eyes. He wore brown glasses and had a black suite with a red tie.

"This man is named Jonathen Jonson; he owes me 3 million eddies and has not returned a single one. For your second test, I want you to bring him to me alive, and well." The entire crew was surprised that this man owned so much money.

But I was not surprised at all, since many people think that they can borrow the money and not return anything.

I was contacted by many people to bring the target and was tasked to kill any family members until they paid the debt.

Most of the crew became hesitant to accept the job when they saw the security on the location. The home had many drones patrolling the edge of the property, while the roof had snipers.

On the ground floor near the entrance where many bodyguards patrolling the halls and the information told us that they had a chip installed in them to see if it's the real guard or a fake.

"Hmph, child's play." Everyone looked towards me in shock at the things I said and all thought of the same thing. 'How the fuck can he call this child's play?'

"U-um are you sure you can handle this yourself?" He asked me. I simply nodded while my neon eyes gave two thumbs up and a smile formed on the mask.

"Yes, it is possible for me to do so. If you want, I can finish this tomorrow night." I said.

Faraday smiled at the amount of time it can take for me to deliver the target.

"Alright then, if you can bring him to me tomorrow night, I'll double the amount you all earn." He then leaves us and enters the limo.

Everyone then turns towards me and their narrowed in suspicion. Rebecca then walks towards me and grips my collar and pulls me down to her height.

"Alright choom, you have about a minute to explain why you think you can do this tomorrow night?" The eyes on my mask narrowed and a smug grin appeared.

"Simple really, the snakes can eat any implant on the body including the chip, they can also take possession of the person killing them." Everyone moves away from me and had horrified looks on their faces.

"That has to be the most disturbing thing I have ever heard." Said Falco, everyone else nodded their head in agreement.

"Well, it's either that, or spend about nearly a month on trying to break into this guy's home." Maine sighs and looks towards me and nods his head.

I smile and had the snakes disperse and form a table, I then pulled out a tablet and called it: Deceive and retrieve.

"Here's what we're going to do." I then had the snakes form a map on the table and soon, an exact replica of the home appeared on the table.

With the map on the table, I began to explain on what is going to happen.

"Okay, the house is fortified by many guards and drones, so I'm going to bring Sasha with me because I have no clue on how to hack." As I mentioned Sasha, she puffed out her chest with pride.

While Rebecca scowled but I ignored it and continued to explain.

"At the same time, I will have the snakes patrol the entire house, recently I had the snakes try to find any cloaking tech and the good news, they found some." I had a snake make its way onto the table and had it turn invisible.

This made the entire crew to widen there eyes, many thoughts where running through their heads and some of them were a bit disturbing.

After the snake reappeared, Maine and the rest of the crew asked if they could borrow some of them after the mission.

But I mostly knew on who wanted the snakes for what. So I decided to lend them the snakes, while making the snakes seacretly record them.

'Should I make a comedy show?'

(A/N) Hey hey heres todays chapter hope you enjoyed it, send some power stones to show some support.

And a quick question, should I make the mc and his harem go through a multiverse travel yes or no

And if yes, I'll have a list for you guys to choose the first world he'll go to