
The rise of the King cobra

Alabast Alejandro was a famous hitman named Cobra many people would hire him because of the way he delt with the target. He would use snake venom in every assassination, but the venom he uses has no antidote. One day as he was about to die, he noticed that a son of one of his targets that he killed came to him to avenge his father. He did nothing but let the man kill him. As he floated in the void a god was amused on his technique to kill and decided to give him a chance to live once more. The god gave him a companion to help him in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, Alabast had heard of the game but never had the chance to play it. Though he did not care, since he will continue to kill till the day, he die's

Nether_Ark · Video Games
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25 Chs

The third target

Few hours have passed since I accepted the job from Faraday, I was driving back with Sasha in my lap. The two of us haven't said anything and the air was tense, Sasha then broke the silence with a question.

"Are you sure you can kidnap the target by yourself?" She asked with worry in her tone. I smiled at her concern for me and stroked her head.

She leaned into my touch and smiled, I chuckled on how adorable she is and continued to stroke her head.

"I can handle myself Sasha, plus you'll be there to help me." I said with a smile, Sasha then looks at me with happiness and places her head on my chest.

As I made my way to the bedroom, I began to pull out a different set of clothes than the ones I usually wear. The clothes were a black sleeveless t-shirt with a hood to cover my head and a black mask to cover my face.

The pants were military pants and were black, while the shoes were running sneakers. After making sure that everything was set for tomorrow, I called back the snake I was experimenting on and continued to see if I could make some improvements.

A few hours have passed since I started to try to improve the snake, I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Sasha with a concerned look on her face.

"Hey, you've been working on this for quite a while, you haven't eaten dinner." I looked outside and noticed that it was already dark.

I moved back from the snake, and closed the panel and stretched my body, and enjoyed the sound of my joints popping.

Sasha then brought me a plate full of the synthesized food and placed it in front of me after I sent the snake away. I was about to take a bite; I noticed that Sasha was looking at me with a worried expression.

"Is everything okay? I've never seen you this focused on a job." I sighed and started to remember my past life.

I remembered how I never ate anything until I took a break on my work, or when I finished my job. It took a toll on me, and I would just shrug it off like it was nothing.

But after hearing Sasha ask me if I was okay, reminded me of my family. I smiled at the memory on how they worried about me. But I reminded myself that it was in the past and had to focus on the job.

"I'm fine, I'm not that hungry at the moment. So I'll get back to work."

I set the plate aside, and called back the snake, but as I was about to continue to work on it, Sasha placed her hand in front of the snake and shooed it away. She then placed the plate in front of me and pulled out a spoon.

"No you are not, you haven't eaten anything since lunch." She then held it in front of me, I was about to tell her that I was not hungry again. But her eyes narrowed, telling me that I have no choice.

I grabbed the spoon and began to eat the food in front of me, I had to admit the food was cooked well. Sasha then dragged me away and forced me to lay on the bed.

She then snuggled into my chest and soon her breathing was steady, signifying that she fell asleep. 'Guess old habits die hard.'

I then wrapped my arms around Sasha and fell asleep and had a small smile on my face.



As the sun sets on the horizon, the lights in night city began to illuminate the night. Yet we see a mansion with many guards patrolling the area, making sure that no one trespasses into the house.

Overlooking the mansion is Alabast with the clothes he now wears, in his hands are a pair of binoculars. The figure is scouting the guards, seeing when the guard's rotate spots, and finding blind spots on the cameras.

After a few minutes, Alabast then descends towards the mansion and makes his way towards the walls. As he flattens himself on the wall, he slowly peeked the corner and saw two guards talking to one another.

'Two guards, both with their guards lowered. Must avoid them, camera looking at them.' Alabast then takes a different path and soon saw another guard standing by himself.

'Alone, looking tired probably didn't have enough coffee. No guards nearby and no camera in sight. perfect host.' Alabast then slowly made his way towards the guard and placed his hand on the guard's mouth.

The guard who was taken by surprise, tries to free himself. but no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't free himself.

After a few minutes of struggling the guard dies, but what remains is a walking corpse.

"Continue to act normal, posses more when you have the chance, do not be seen." The corps nods and walks away.

'Host found, must move.' Thought Alabast, he then moves to a different spot and soon finds a ventilation system. He then reaches towards the vent and a large snake pass through the bars.

"Find security room, possess the people, disable the alarms." The snake nods after receiving the orders and went to find the security room.

Alabast then moves to a different position and checks the two needles on his arms, while checking the needles he received the confirmation from two of the snakes finding the security room.

As the alarm became useless, Alabast began his genocide, he hides in the shadows and started to make his way towards a pair of guards. The two of them were having a argument about something.

But he didn't care, all he did was a quick stab and moved on to find more guards. He then noticed a different type of guard, he was covered in a large metal mech, but he was twitching every few seconds.

'Close to having cyberpsychosis must kill.' Alabast placed more snakes on the ground and made sure that no other guard was nearby.

After making sure that he was in the clear, he gave the snakes the 'go ahead.' The snakes then began to wrap around the feet, arms and mouth of the man. The man panicked when he felt the legs and arms become tied.

He was about to raise the alarm, but something prevented him from screaming. He continued to struggle as much as he could, but as soon as one of the snakes bit into his neck, he slowly died.

'Threat killed, must kill the rest.' Alabast then continues to kill the guards with no remorse whatsoever. Some guards have seen him, but they all had the same fate.

One of th guards noticed the lack of noise and sounded the alarm. But nothing happened, the entire mansion was silent, and no alarm was heard.

"You are a smart one, sadly you must die, can't have any loose ends." The guard turned around to face Alabast, but was too late, he felt something enter his system and fell.


After killing the last guard, I had the possessed corpses destroy the screens, and delete any video evidence that I was here. Then I made my way towards the targets location.

As I arrived at the doors, I saw multiple locks with keypads and scanners, I was impressed that the target focused all of his defense in his bedroom. But that was going to change.

I had two of the corpses to unlock the entrance and when the doors swung open, I wished I could unsee what I saw. The man was being pegged and was enjoying it much.

I pulled out a pistol and killed the woman pegging the target, and just walked away. I had the snakes render the target unconscious and left the place.

I sent a message to Faraday that he can meet with the target in a few hours and went home to drink the sight I saw away.

"I am never going to do a mission like that again."

(A/N) Hey hey hey heres todays chapter hoped you all enjoyed it, if you did send some powerstones to show your support. For now peace