
the reverets

short story I created this novel to explore themes of identity, family, and relationships. I wanted to create a story that would be compelling and entertaining to read, while also making readers think about how these themes are relevant to their own lives. I believe that stories have the power to open our eyes to new perspectives and help us better understand the complexities of the world around us.ld around us.

Narsuki_isaki · Politique et sciences sociales
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12 Chs

the big black

Once upon a time, there lived a young woman named Advenge. She was the daughter of a powerful queen and grew up surrounded by wealth and privilege.

Advenge was a kind and generous person who always put others before herself. She was beloved by all who knew her.

One day, a group of bandits raided Advenge's kingdom, stealing all of the royal family's riches. Furious, Advenge vowed to get revenge on the bandits and bring justice to her people.

She set out on a long journey, travelling far and wide. Along the way, she encountered a variety of creatures, both good and bad. Advenge was brave and resourceful, and eventually she tracked down the bandits and defeated them.

With the bandits defeated, Advenge returned to her kingdom and restored the wealth to its rightful owners. The people of the kingdom rejoiced and celebrated their beloved heroine.

Advenge had brought justice and peace to her kingdom, and she was praised and celebrated as a hero. She went on to lead a long, happy, and successful life, and her story of bravely bringing justice to her people will be passed down for generations to come

One day, the leader's son caused a commotion in a local store, which caused the shopkeeper to call the police. The leader was embarrassed and ashamed of his son's actions and decided to make him work off the debt he had caused.

He assigned his son to a local farm, where he worked diligently to pay off his debt. As time passed, he grew in character and became more responsible. His hard work earned him the respect of the townspeople, who began to see him in a different light.

Eventually, the leader's son became respected and well-liked in the town. He even earned the title of "town avenger" due to his newfound justice and leadership. The townspeople were grateful for his hard work and dedication to the town and even elected him as their leader.

And so, the rebellious son of the leader ended up becoming a respected leader of the town. He worked hard and earned the love and admiration of the people. It was a happy ending for all! ... or so they thought.

Katos was a young boy who had a reputation for being good-natured and kind. He was the type of person who would offer a helping hand to anyone who needed it and always had a smile on his face.

However, beneath the facade of goodness, Katos was a conniving and malicious person. He would often take advantage of people's kindness and generosity, using it to get what he wanted. He was also known to manipulate people to get out of difficult situations or get what he wanted.

Katos was so skilled at pretending to be kind and good-natured that it was difficult for people to tell that he was a villain. He was able to fool most people with his façade, and it was only when his true motives were revealed that his malicious and manipulative nature was finally revealed.

Katos was living in the small village with his father, who was the leader of the village. Growing up, Katos had always felt a little neglected by his father and had grown resentful of him he showed his true colors after his father forced him to be good

One day, his father was leading the village in a march against a rival tribe, but Katos had had enough. He had been feeling angry and frustrated and when his father passed him by without acknowledging him, it was the last straw.

Katos grabbed a nearby bow and arrow and charged at his father. He shot three arrows, killing his father on the spot. The villagers were in shock and could not believe what Katos had done.

Katos ran away from the village, never to be seen again. He felt a sense of freedom and accomplishment for the first time in a long while. He had finally taken control of his own life and freed himself from his father's oppressive rule.

The villagers were devastated by the loss of their leader; but also relieved that they were free from his rule. They decided to never speak of the incident again, and they never did.

Katos had killed his father, but in the end, he had liberated them all.

(back to kratos

katos had ran to a faraway place

Katos eventually found solace in the wilderness. He spent countless hours in the woods, trying to make sense of the world. He found peace in nature, and eventually, he found a way to forgive himself and move on.

Although "he" "had" "done:" the "right" thing, he was filled with guilt and sorrow. He could not bring himself to eat; and he barley tried to speak thinking it was the least he could do but, lil did katos know the sports were angry with him so they cursed him

Katos awoke to find his body feeling weird as, he got up he felt as if his chest was heavier and he was somewhat thicker he hurdly grabbed a broker miiror he found when running away and looked at his reflection

he screamed a high pitch as he saw he now had celvage and a gwaaaat and his stick was gone he then paniced and thought he was dreaming and cut his pawlm with hid broken mirror and felt excrutating pain realizing his dillama he started to hyper venalte

After a few hours he calmed himself down and realized he was now a girl 

He grabbed his belognign and walked through the errie woods and saw a big house he was about the door when it open and he starleted, did not think to much 

Katos was feeling scared as she walked up to the door of the old house. 

When the door opened, she was greeted by three large, black men. All of them were dressed in black, and they seemed to be waiting for her.

Katos felt her heart racing as she stepped inside. She was scared.

They were all dressed in black and had 3 big black guns in their hands. Instinctively, she tried to turn back, but before she could, the men shouted at her, demanding that she get down on her knees.

Katos complied, but as she did, she heard the sound of gunshots. She looked up in horror to see that the men had shot at the person behind her. She immediately started to cry, unable to comprehend what was happeningthining is this h....wat I get.

The men continued to shout orders at her, telling her to stay on her knees and open up some room for them. She was so scared that she couldn't even think straight. Then, all of a sudden, the men ran away, leaving her alone and shaking in fear. 

Katos stayed on her knees for what seemed like hours, until finally, she mustered up the courage to stand up and investigate what had happened. But when she looked behind her, she saw a body lying lifeless on the floor. She started to cry again, overwhelmed by the tragedy that had occurred. 

Katos was left in shock, unable to comprehend why the men had targeted her. All she knew was that she had to get out of there as soon as possible. So, she ran out of the house and never looked back.

One day, her fathers spirt decided to take her to a nearby lake to go fishing. Little did she know that her father had a different plan in mind. As she approached the lake, he grabbed her and threw her into the water. The water was so cold, and the depth so deep, that she quickly drowned.

Katos never had a chance to fight back or even scream for help. Her father had taken away her innocence and her life in a matter of seconds.

When the villagers heard what had happened, they were shocked. They could not believe that a father could do such a thing to his own daughter. Everyone in the village was saddened by the death of Katos and her father was exrized by the holy knights.

Katos's death left a lasting impact on the village, and it was a reminder to everyone of the power of life and how it can be taken away in an instant.