
the reverets

short story I created this novel to explore themes of identity, family, and relationships. I wanted to create a story that would be compelling and entertaining to read, while also making readers think about how these themes are relevant to their own lives. I believe that stories have the power to open our eyes to new perspectives and help us better understand the complexities of the world around us.ld around us.

Narsuki_isaki · Realistic
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12 Chs


It was a dark and stormy night when the two travelers finally arrived at the abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. The house was situated in a desolate area, surrounded by tall, dead trees and an eerie silence.

The travelers decided to spend the night in the house, little did they know that their decision would cost them their lives. As they entered the house, they felt a chill running through their spine. They noticed that the furniture was all covered in cobwebs, and there was a thick layer of dust everywhere. It was almost as if time had stopped in this place.

Suddenly, the travelers heard a loud banging noise coming from upstairs. They cautiously made their way to the top floor, where they found a decrepit room, filled with old books and artifacts. In the corner of the room, they saw a figure in tattered clothes, sitting in a chair.

The figure slowly turned around and the travelers saw that it was an old woman with wild eyes and hair. She cackled maniacally and explained to them that she was a witch who had been cursed to spend eternity in this house. She had been using her dark magic to create horrific creatures and monsters, which she used to terrorize the surrounding area.

The travelers were horrified when they realized that the old woman had been planning to use them as her next victims. She cast a spell on them that would slowly turn them into monsters.

The travelers tried to escape, but they were too late. The witch's spell had already taken effect, and they were slowly transforming into hideous monsters. The travelers screamed in terror as they saw their own twisted reflections in the mirror.

The witch cackled with glee as she watched her horrific plan come to fruition. The travelers were doomed to spend the rest of their days in the cursed house, slowly turning into the monsters of her own creation. 

Two boys exploring the wood find a weird humanoid creature in retreat.

Once upon a time, there were two boys who decided to explore the wood near their home. They had heard all kinds of stories about strange things that happened in those woods, and they wanted to find out if any of them were true.

As they walked deeper into the woods, they began to feel a strange presence. They looked around and noticed a strange humanoid figure standing in the shadows. The boys were both scared and intrigued, so they decided to slowly approach the figure.

The figure was dressed in a tattered cloak and had a long beard. The boys could see that the figure was very old and weak. When they got closer, the figure spoke in a soft, raspy voice. He told them that he had been living in the woods for many years and asked if they would help him get home.

The boys were terrified, but they also felt sorry for the figure. They decided to help him by guiding him out of the woods and back to his home. After a few hours, they finally reached the figure's home. 

The boys said their goodbye to the figure and left. They never saw him again, but they never forgot the experience. They had learned an important lesson that day; never judge someone by their appearance and always be kind to those in need.

Once upon a time, two brave young boys decided to explore a nearby wood. The boys were curious about the mysteries of the forest, and so they set off, with nothing but a few provisions and their wits to guide them.

They had been walking for what seemed like hours, when they came across a strange sight. In the middle of the wood was a large, humanoid creature, with a head like a boar and eyes that glowed a deep red. The boys were terrified, but they knew that they had to find out what this creature was.

They approached the creature cautiously and began to talk to it. The creature spoke in a strange language that the boys had never heard before. As it ran at fast speeds rword them they started ran to an house

 John and Jack ran to the house as fast as they could. When they arrived, they saw a strange figure standing in the doorway.

The figure beckoned them to come closer, but the boys were too scared to move. After a few moments of hesitation, they decided to run away. But as they turned to leave, they heard a voice calling out from the darkness.

"Wait! Please don't leave! I'm not dangerous, I promise."

The two boys slowly turned around, and saw an old woman standing in the doorway. 

The old woman invited the boys inside and told them stories about the house, its history, and the strange phenomena that occurred there. She also shared her own experiences of living in an abandoned house. After listening to her stories, the two boys felt much less scared.

As the sun began to rise, John and Jack said their goodbyes and before they could leave she grabbed them both by the arms and dragged them into her house.

The boys were terrified and could not understand why this old woman was so cruel to them. She then took them into the back of her house and tied them both to a chair. She then took out a large knife and proceeded to stab the boys multiple times.

If you hear knife stabs and children pleading and crying in the woods, it is important to take action immediately. Leave the area 

As I walked through the woods, I heard the sound of children pleading and crying mixed with an old lady's sadistic laughter. I felt a chill run down my spine, and my heart began to race. I quickened my pace, hoping to get out of the woods as soon as possible.

As I ran through the entrance, I was snatched up by an inky void. Everything around me disappeared and I felt like I was suspended in a vast, empty space. I couldn't see anything but the darkness, and I felt a chill run through me. I tried to take a step forward, but I couldn't move. I was stuck in this mysterious void, not knowing what was going to happen next.

I looked around the dark, damp basement, struggling to free myself from the ropes that bound my wrists and ankles. I had no idea how I had gotten here, or why I had been tied up. All I could remember was falling into the void. Fear and confusion raced through my mind as I frantically pulled at the ropes, desperate to find a way out.

I felt a chill run down my spine as I looked up and saw the witch, holding a machete.

stabbed him repeatedly and butchered him mercilessly. The young man screamed in agony as the witch continued her attack. 

As I lay barely alive, my life flashed before my eyes "mother, father, papa, mama....sister.b..br..b...brother........... I drew my last breath and all I could see was a laughing maniac.