
The Return Of The Lycan King Mate

The house of Elron has collapsed. A family composed of thirteen people has a love affair among them, although true, but forbidden due to the belief that dating between cousins ​​is a sin and brings not only disgrace to the whole family, but also, a curse falls on the aspirants to marriage to love. Blinded by this belief, they are captured and taken to Ianã, a sorceress from the world of the dead, who tries in a moving appeal from Norah's mother to withdraw their love without major consequences, however, this "apparently" simple task for her fails, she is forced to transform Duran into a hideous, nefarious and violent creature who will feel disgust when smelling both the skin and the blood of his beloved one, Norah. The family with divided opinions separates and in the neighboring city sets its roots, the Petros family, rival of Elron, is born. Five years later, with both families already rich and powerful, the silver full moon emanates a power so great and overwhelming that it breaks the spell and miles and miles away, Duran not only, remembers, but enjoys, for the first time, when sniffing the well-known scent of his beloved one and "The Return Of The Lycan King Mate" will bring more than tryin' to recover Norah's love, once prevented from experiencing, but a war between the families to which their son, still "secret" it will be the salvation for his curse or the next werewolf? Also, will there be the arrival of a mystery man who could be a piece of the love triangle or fate itself? Unleashing his fury on a far-from-puritanical family that disowned him or a powerful enemy seeing in the thirteen a mighty force? But the plot doesn't stop there... This is just the first part, because everything needs a balance and the planet Akros is the opposite of Earth, located in universe 47, containing all its characters, but on the contrary, however, everyone will have one evil in common, an uncontrolled and powerful enemy, Ambrosius Popescu, who needs to kill all his "selves" from other realities to become the most powerful being in the universe and enslave everyone and these unlikely ones will have to join forces against Popescu and each one, thus, to save his reality, however, Popescu sees everything and knows everything.

Thiago_Oliveira_8522 · Romance
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15 Chs

The Vampire Head Is Dead (Part 4)

"Jerome, Paulineous, Tiberius and Lucios, go to the back. Like fools believers and followers of a belief that will only lead them to death, there'll be no resistance, however, if any cowards regain consciousness, sanity and flee, kill with no mercy! Wait for my signal!" All say, "yes, my lord"! If anyone says "yes, my lord" one more time, I'll kill them! Or not because a vampire can't kill another of its kind, but it's getting on my nerves. All duly allocated in their strategic positions, it's time for the show to begin. I levitate and I fly towards the main gate, however, I don't want to get into it by breaking it down, which would be the most appropriate within my race and hierarchical position, but rather, I'll lower its "invisible" religious defenses!

"Uurrr... Uurrr... Uurrr..." These shocks due to the spell thrown over the high walls would at most hurt a little, I admit, but today, as I'm in a good mood and well-disposed, they even make me tickle. My roars serve more to get their attention or the effect alone of the spell already warns them.

Bam-Bam... Bam-Bam... Bam-Bam... Bam-Bam... Ah, the bells! One way or another they already realize they are being attacked, however, what they can't predict is that I'm alive and well.

"Vampires! Vampires! Vampires!" Between the bells, vocal alerts name us right. And it is even convincing, however, useless. I stop being passive and take matters into my own hands by lifting the invisible cables and pulling them. I break them up and give the order for simultaneous attacks. The main gate is destroyed, and as expected, they all or most arrive and gather in the courtyard in front of the main gate. Typical. It's foolish. What else could I expect from these fools, but stupidity? In addition to lack of strategy and cleverness! And the result of this thoughtless and groundless racket against us mentally and socially elevated beings, and also stronger ones, is without a doubt they are food for my followers. I don't need to communicate with words and I use telepathy to what they jump from the sides and have some monks with raised crosses, of the most diverse sizes, but soon their arms are cut off and the crosses fall to the ground. The religious needs to wield them with a very great and unshakable faith, which is not their case. My subjects easily won this first clash, which from up here looks more like a dance. The dance of death! Can call it that. It's too beautiful to see. The steps are not synchronized with the group on the left, but it could well be to what they dodge the crosses in front of them and they also slide their hands that are claws and on both sides, they turn food. A river of blood flows to which many of them are still in agony. A characteristic of our race in order for the victim to suffer and also regret before the certain death of having defied us and, it also serves, for the only survivor to spread that we are a violent race and fear us more. I didn't even have to say this time, leave no survivors!

"May the Lord... Wwaaarrggg..." A foolish monk, even with imminent death still raises his voice and begins the famous litany to which one of my people, Salvattore, silences him forever. I congratulate him.

"No, no, Lucius, stop immediately! This is the limit moment to continue sucking blood. Gotta feel! To feel! You can only suck blood while the heart is beating hard, because when it starts to slow down, the cold blood will cause your death too." I am obligated to warn him. Good thing it's on time.


"Come, Antony, get in here and hide! It is essential that it doesn't make any noise. Also hold your breath as much as possible. Take off your clothes. And go as deep into this underground gallery as you can."

"I want to face whatever is with you!"

"Don't be a fool, young man! You are not facing an exorcism!" What's going on then? He asks me vehemently even without showing fear, however, this condition doesn't suit that boy scared just by hearing about evil. I don't answer him, but say that the case is serious and explain that the more his body cools down, the harder it will be to find him. Soon after, according to the urgency, I close it which automatically closes from the inside. A ready-made refuge to defend ourselves against invasions, however, invasions by countries that fight over borders, for example. I hope he'll follow my advice and not do anything foolish or it will cost his life. If he follows them, he'll be the only survivor. I sincerely hope that he understands the importance of all this here and what we do and rebuilds our monastery again.


"Wait, Rachel, don't kill this fool yet!" I descend imposingly and approach him.

"Where is the Book of Good?"

"We... We... We don't know... This book!

"I find your collectivism so funny. When in fact, each one with their hypocrisy and false sense of religiosity fights in a disorder and distances one from the other. If perhaps — you would have acted together, you would have succeeded, however, on second thought, your belief is little, without strength, though, you have proven knowledge on that fence, but, weak heart. Do you not believe in good? In doing good deeds? So tell me for your own good, not on earth, but in heaven, where the Book of Good is? That I end your suffering."

"Go to hell!" My dear, I've been there! It wasn't pleasant at all, but, it even felt like a vacation to me, I answer him. I crouch down and I squeeze his neck. I look him in the eyes and, as I already knew, the rotten parts of him are revealed and I say:

"You were a bad boy! Your stay here will be of no use, for however much good you may have done in this brotherhood, if it is can call it that, let's call it that, will make you forgiven. Even more so due to the "users" here. Ha, ha, ha, therefore, I can ease your situation with Lucifer. Yes. Himself! The evil boss. I can even hear him calling you. Are you Mauritius?" By his upset face, I got it right. In fact, I can actually hear the demon call out to him, as well as, come get him and in a torn voice. Frightening.

"Oh!" He died! I was enjoying this game so much. But no problem. He wasn't going to tell me anyway in the first place and in the second place I already knew about this resistance in protecting an institution bankrupt by themselves and I feared that they would live up to the oath. And indeed, he did.

"But what?"


"Where do you think you're going, monk?" As soon as I leave Antony safe in the basement, I come across the vampires. I immediately point my cross at them and they begin to heat up and smoke. Shortly thereafter come the screams. And I haven't even uttered a word. I can't stop being amazed. Not by my faith, but... This is the first time I've faced evil in this form. I gain ground and I advance. The right words at that moment are also necessary and I use them soon.

"May this evil that is in you return to the nearest source..." They fall to the ground and the smoke rises, as well as, they writhe and scream more.

"May this nearest source receive them and.... Uuuaaarrrr.." With a swipe of my hand I make a deep cut on his back.

"Master, why did you take so long?"

"We were almost dying..." It is necessary to stop them now by saying:

"Shut up!" First, even before confirming the death of the monk, I wave my hand and melt the cross, which is made of pure silver. A conductor of faith and maximizer of it. As can be seen from the deplorable state of my vampires to what I lean on each one and I restore their "health". Although, given the proper understanding of who attacked them, it wasn't such a shameful defeat, in fact, they were very lucky to still be alive and this alerts me to a weakness in my army. I'll fix that later. Seeing that he's dead, I give the order to invade the place and find the book.


"Aaarrr..." Damn! Traps! I should have expected this. I have just been informed of this by the screams of two of my own due to the pain caused in their skins by the holy water. A real hell in our lives! I ask them to wait. I know it was my fault, but there's no need to apologize to them. I roam around and I undo the traps with one of my powers. Making their job easier, I tell them I can't see into a room to the west and I send them all there. Obedient, they go, including the survivors of the solitary attack that almost killed them.

"Well, well, well, sir... Diogenes... oh, oh, of course, you would get some positive result in the action of wielding your cross. An honest life. Single. No carnal sins. Pure and light heart. Wow! A worthy opponent, but, we'll never know, will we?" I am not completely insensitive or a miserable ignoramus, today, after my victory, you'll be honored, my dear Diogenes. It is a virtue to recognize a worthy opponent.

Boom... Boom... Boom...

"My lord, we can't open it!" The noise said it all. We have the strength of more than fifty men and all my men can't break down the door, which even if it's made of iron, it wouldn't be a problem for one of them. In the field of religiosity or magic, what counts is the strength of faith or the strength of belief. I order everyone away and I put my hand down. It starts to warm up. I have to pull it out or my hand would catch fire. But for everything there's a way and a thought comes to confirm this wonderful theory.

First of all, I would like to thank readers for now, and invite them to continue following the story of the werewolf, Duran, who will have a more complicated mission than winning back his love, but fighting an enemy willing to reign over everything and everyone in all parallel universes.

Come with me on this journey!

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