
The Return Of The Lycan King Mate

The house of Elron has collapsed. A family composed of thirteen people has a love affair among them, although true, but forbidden due to the belief that dating between cousins ​​is a sin and brings not only disgrace to the whole family, but also, a curse falls on the aspirants to marriage to love. Blinded by this belief, they are captured and taken to Ianã, a sorceress from the world of the dead, who tries in a moving appeal from Norah's mother to withdraw their love without major consequences, however, this "apparently" simple task for her fails, she is forced to transform Duran into a hideous, nefarious and violent creature who will feel disgust when smelling both the skin and the blood of his beloved one, Norah. The family with divided opinions separates and in the neighboring city sets its roots, the Petros family, rival of Elron, is born. Five years later, with both families already rich and powerful, the silver full moon emanates a power so great and overwhelming that it breaks the spell and miles and miles away, Duran not only, remembers, but enjoys, for the first time, when sniffing the well-known scent of his beloved one and "The Return Of The Lycan King Mate" will bring more than tryin' to recover Norah's love, once prevented from experiencing, but a war between the families to which their son, still "secret" it will be the salvation for his curse or the next werewolf? Also, will there be the arrival of a mystery man who could be a piece of the love triangle or fate itself? Unleashing his fury on a far-from-puritanical family that disowned him or a powerful enemy seeing in the thirteen a mighty force? But the plot doesn't stop there... This is just the first part, because everything needs a balance and the planet Akros is the opposite of Earth, located in universe 47, containing all its characters, but on the contrary, however, everyone will have one evil in common, an uncontrolled and powerful enemy, Ambrosius Popescu, who needs to kill all his "selves" from other realities to become the most powerful being in the universe and enslave everyone and these unlikely ones will have to join forces against Popescu and each one, thus, to save his reality, however, Popescu sees everything and knows everything.

Thiago_Oliveira_8522 · Romance
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15 Chs

Book Of Hell


"Wwwwwwaaaarrrrgggg..." I have my clothes torn.

"Do you know how much that Italian silk shirt costs, you silly animal? And this Romanian leather coat? And this waistcoat?" Obviously without response, the werewolf comes out of static mode and returns the attack with his left arm this time, I raise my right arm and I defend the attack, I turn my arm quickly and I break his hand. He bellows, "The Symphony of Pain" as I call it. The screams of my archenemy are sweet music to me, just as I see deep in the eyes of the beast the human taking pity on her. They are flour from the same bag. Then I break his arm and, as he's too obvious, I grab him by the neck because that's where a bite comes from. I admit it takes a lot of strength to hold it. I pull out a pointed nail and I stick it in his eye and then I punch him in the chest throwing him far away. I hear a crack to my left, but the attack comes from the right... He moves fast, but not too fast. I see the arm coming from bottom to top aiming to tear me from the belly to the neck. I just lift the leg and I step on the hand lowering both it and him. He stays where it belongs... At my feet! I reach down and not only grab him by the neck, but I dig my nails in as he screams and blood flows. Immediately a counterattack is made and, unfortunately, successful, and I have his left hand claws digging into my right leg. Immediately too, I extend the fingers of my right hand and I use my nails that become a sharp weapon and I cut his arm whereupon his hand falls apart, and immediately I also regenerate.

"Oh, sweet symphony!" I lift him above me with only one arm.

"Wwwwwwwaaaarrrr... Aaaarrrr..." Unfortunately when measuring strength, I take many blows by his already regenerated left hand to what I only held his right hand.

"Wwwwwwaarrrr... Aaaarrrr..." These wounds, which I am willing to endure while I squeeze even more and I see more blood flow and less neck will remain...

"Wwwwwwwwwwaaaaarrrrrr..." For desperate situations, extreme attitudes. He ceases the strokes on my chest, under the arm and shoulder to stick his five fingers in the middle of my face. This has the opposite effect and becomes a motivation and I yell to what in this measurement of forces, I don't manage to strangle him, otherwise, he faints and won't feel the pain and, I rip half of his neck off. Not surprisingly, the smell of his blood doesn't make me want to taste it!

"Aaaaarrrrr... Master! Master! It's me! Aaaaarrrr..."


"Yes! Yes!"

"Did you open my coffin? Don't you know how to be extremely forbidden? This is where I regenerate my strength!"

"You can... If not..."

"Oh, yes, of course!"

"Oh! Oh! I... I... Noticed that you were angrier than usual and... I decided to open up to help!" I don't need to oversee your actions. For by drinking my blood voluntarily, he predisposed himself to be my servant unconditionally, although, it was only a few years ago.

"All right, Barker! But never do that again! Unless I ask for it!"

"Perfectly, my lord! What happened, my lord?"

"I dreamed!"

"Is that possible, my lord?"

"I am a dead person, but also a living one and dreaming is part of the "alive" part. Every fifteen days this happens. And before you ask me, no, I still haven't figured out why."

"Perhaps you'll find it in the Book of Hell!"

"Aaaaarrrrr..." My vampire side acts according to the urgency, a boil bubbles in my blood that drives, my canines grow, my eyes redden, as well as, my senses sharpen and my movements multiply as I move without the simple human eyes noticing and, I stop behind him.

"Never speak in this book again!" I order close to the ear.

"Ye... ye... yes, my..."

"Better, never even think about this book again!" I give another order, but I know that, in this specific case, it is useless.

"It all starts about fifteen years after I was transformed where loneliness and silence are overwhelming, which would drive anyone crazy, but times lived immersed in solitude when I was human helped me to go through this phase. Without a mentor, someone knowledgeable or a base to support me, I was overcoming adversity and adapting myself in front of new realities that presented themselves, but then, walking through the streets of the city, I came across the figure of a bat carved in a stone. I felt like I was being embraced by madness seeing bats everywhere, but this wasn't due to the fact that I had discovered my ability to transform myself into one, in fact it was a drawing of a bat and, paying close attention, in the part under one of the wings, compared to the other, the tip was more thin, and subtly, revealed an arrow. I had there then... A direction! Follow me!" We left my resting place, in the basement, as far away from the terrace as possible, fleeing the light, and we went down a narrow, spiral staircase, and before we reach the floor below, an iron door prevents our advance. I open it with the only key to my castle not in Barker's possession and unlock it. With a wave of my hand I light the torches at the top that light up the entire place...

"The room is empty, master! Is it hidden in an antechamber? Or behind loose rocks?"

"In none of the options and your statement is erroneous! Nothing's what it seems like. Trust, distrusting." I levitate and, when I reach a certain height, I stop, I intertwine my hands in circular motions and I finish by undoing the invisible protection with both hands facing forward and touching the thumbs together.

"You can make objects disappear!" Until then he didn't know about my ability, hence, his face and voice of astonishment! He's not entirely wrong, but I don't go into further explanation.

"One of my many skills, Barker. All learned thanks to this book!" I go down with it in hand. I place it under a hole in the wall, carved for this purpose.

"It is too handsome!" The book is large, with a hard cover, without symbols or drawings, with the title: "Life To The Dead" by Ambrosius Popescu and with pages yellowed by the relentless action of time.

"Ouch... Wow... What a pain!"

"No human can touch it! Only a vampire. That story I started to tell took me from the streets to a wood and to a carved image, now in a tree, however, the drawing was upside down, which meant only one thing. I dug, I dug, I dug and... I dug it up. I found more locations with that design, but... I haven't investigated them yet.

Here it contains from the simplicity of guidelines, of the most diverse, for the vampire life, rules of conduct, obligations, prohibitions, waivers, weaknesses, passing through known enemies, weapons cons and pros, powers and abilities to the infernal thirst! As you could see, the search for the answer that originated this demonstration can't be found on it.

Please, now, prepare dinner for two! Place the typical options of plates from our beautiful Romanian cuisine on the table!"

"Perfectly, my lord!" He barely takes two steps, I move fast and I'm in front of him...

"Ah, Barker..." I move my fingers from bottom to top counterclockwise and he becomes static.

"You went down to the basement, found the door closed and went back to your business for dinner!"

"I went down to the basement, found the door closed and I'm going back to my duties for dinner." It's not the case that I rely on his melodic voice, as of a vaulted person, spaced words or even his dead eyes on the horizon, but on my skill in mental manipulation, in recent situations. I see him leave. I return with the book to its resting place, as well as, to the enchantment. I leave. I close the door and I lock it.

My mind remains alive on what happened yesterday...