
Kiss (1)

"Take this to the lady and be quick with it. You mustn't disturb her work," Florence said as she handed a tray to a maid.

"Can I take it to Scarlet?" Alana asked, approaching Florence and the maid. 

"We have been instructed to not let you work. If there is something you need, we'd be more than happy to get it for you," Florence answered. How could she as the head maid allow a princess to do such a simple task?

Alana appreciated Scarlet letting her stay here free of any costs but it was hard to just be here and not do anything. "Please. I want to do something to thank her for allowing me to be here. I can't sit still doing nothing so please, let me take her drink to her. I won't spill it."

"I'm afraid that I must follow the lady's orders to not let you work. If you wish for that to change, you must speak to her," Florence said, sticking to what she had been informed.