
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantaisie
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94 Chs


She never expected such a reply from him. "Was he toying with her?, Or is he not upset about the way I spoke to him?". She thought inwardly, her face clearly showing her thoughts.

" What's wrong with the way you spoke with me?". She heard the next question ring behind her ear which sort of sounded husky to her. The tone he used, aroused a tingly and bubbly feeling within her but she quickly shake whatever feeling it was before it erupted.

"It's rude". She replied to his question. Well, she thought of remaining silent but turns out it would make her look like a fool, sort of. That was what she imagined a princess that was shy anytime she talked to the prince, which conveys that she has feelings for him. Heck no ! w would she ever acts like such in front of him? Bleh!, the thought alone gave her cringes. She can't imagine herself in that state. She was used to being strong and independent, not the other way around.

" What makes you think so?". The next question he threw at her shook her off her tightrope. What is this? An interrogation? Now she feels like a kindergarten or that feeling when you are asked to justify your answer in an examination. Uggh!. She could feel the hair on her neck rise just at the thought of being in an examination. She usually has these feelings to skip time or for her to travel ahead of time when she's in a similar situation. But now.... now she felt cornered and maybe upset. Why was she upset?

"I don't know how to justify it, but I know. You know that feeling when you know but you can't put it in words but you know. It's unexplainable." she muttered, answering his question.

What the hell was that? That was more than that what thee was asked, and why did she have to narrate so much? Uggh!". She scolded herself inwardly, her expression showing what she was thinking like a mirror. She showed her expression cause she was aware Zamiel can't see her expression. He's sitting behind her for God's sake.

"I agree. But still, there must be a reason why you think such. Care to share why?."

"What the heck?, What is he doing again this time?". She felt like a broken person, whereby she's been interrogated to talk about her feelings and emotions. Where she's treated as a case.

" The reason? I think the reason is that....maybe because I think it's inappropriate to talk to someone higher than me, especially in status, like that. Not to talk about a crown prince. It's rude to speak to his highness in such a manner it's against our tradition." She explained what she could think of at the moment. The truth is she said some truth in it, some came from her heart, and she didn't answer him just to satisfy his curiosity. She couldn't deny he was a nice guy but still, she has to be wary right? She can't just loosen her guard against a guy she barely knows just because he was nice, and warming up to her. His next question almost made Ir I speak to him rudely once more.

"And why do you think it's rude to speak to someone of my status? especially being a crown prince".

" Uhm." ('Wow he cornered her this time ). She cursed her tough luck.

"Uhm. I don't know how to explain but...."


" Huh?"

"Why can't you explain when you know it?". He said, completing his question and clearing the confusion he produced in her head.

" Seriously?". She mouthed. If only he was facing her right now, she would have shot him a deadly glare. For the first time, she remained silent, out of words to reply to the prince.

"You should know how to express your feelings and thought in words. That's why they were created. If you don't, you'd find yourself at a disadvantage in the future". She heard him say, which hit the spot, numbing all her sarcastic thoughts.

" Thank you"

"For what". She heard his thick voice vibrate behind. Why was she feeling it at this moment?

" For the advice". She smiled at her behavior. The smile looked bitter and mocking at the same time. She was confused, confused at her behavior, and...why was she thanking him?. It's not about being rude or proud, but why?. There must be a reason like he said, and she's pretty sure it's not because of the advice.

"Aren't you supposed to know all these basics?". His voice snapped her out of her reverie.

" What basics?". She responded with her eyebrows raised, totally forgetting about what was bothering her a few seconds ago.

"About being social. Every princess knows all these, especially how to communicate with words, especially with intuitive words indirectly". She heard him speak for so long for the first time. With the little time, she spent with the prince she has come to see him as an introvert who was not even in the slightest interested in the conversation. He behaves as if talking takes a toll on him. But now? He even initiated the conversation and to top it all he said his longest sentence ever since the time she met him.

But still, this wasn't the time to be surprised cause her cover would soon be broken any moment with all these interrogations she keeps receiving.

" Hm. But I don't pay attention to stuff like that even though I was forced to by my parents. I'm terrible at it". She lied smoothly without even batting an eye.

"And why is that?". She heard him introduce another question. 'Oh no here we go again '. She's pretty sure by the end of this journey, her way to be in heaven must be blocked due to the number of sins she would commit, which was none other than lying. If this prince is to keep up his interrogation, she isn't sure she'd be part of those visiting heaven.

" Cause I don't like it.". She answered straightforwardly, with a tiny dash of truth in it.


"Here we go again". She rolled her eye in its socket.

" I don't know?. Cause it isn't fun". She declared, telling an extra lie that had a bit of truth in it.

"I see". He muttered. " You have to know there are certain things you have to do even though it doesn't sit well with us, as long as it is beneficial for you. That's how life is, it's all about enduring". She heard him the second time speaking for more than two seconds.


She felt her heart feel heavy and....it was unexplainable. It was as if her heart was in pain but not physically but she could feel it.

What he said had some truth in it. Some?. It was the truth. She had to admit, what he said hit her, it was as if he was talking to her to endure for a little while. But something is suspicious here. What if?..... What if he was aware of what was going on with her and he was the.....Oh my God! What if this was a test, a story that I happened to get stuck in and there are certain things I have to do? Like Alice in wonderland. The only difference is that, Alice was told she was the chosen one and she was told the story and what to do, giving her clues to return home but her.....She was stranded with zero clue. It was as if she was left here in the middle of nowhere or desert to find her way out.

The thought alone made her stomach turn, making her feel dizzy with the what if? in her head. The thought of Zamiel being a spirit guide or whatever made her feel uncomfortable. She was snapped out of her reverie by his voice.

"Are you listening?". His voice woke her up from her imagination.

(" No wonder he was talking a lot more than usual. No wonder he was giving me lectures on how to defend myself and...Ugggh. Should I just ask him what I should do to escape this world? What If I was wrong about him then my assumption would be wrong, turning me into a fool. Except for that, he would find out that I don't belong here and that I'm not a princess and I've been lying. But if I don't, I might remain here forever, worse, she'll have to consummate her marriage. The thought alone had goosebumps crawling down her arms.

"Yes". She replied to his question. " So when is Mr. Avi returning?". She interrogates, trying to sway the conversation which earned her an extra twitch in Zamiel's expression. Unfortunately, she couldn't see his expression.