Satoshi Sera, a prodigious law student, is summoned to the tumultuous world of Shield Hero. Brace yourself as he establishes democracy in a northern country and introduces modern industrialization and sweeping reforms! With catastrophic waves striking, gargantuan beasts awakening, and dangerous foes emerging, the only way for the small countries to survive is to unite. And who better to lead this new Confederation than the Bow Hero!
(The Rising of the Shield Hero Fanfiction, Replacing the Bow Hero)
Alexanderctn · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs
Hello everyone! It is time to make an important decision. With season 2 of Shield Hero around the corner, I can either continue this story with short 1.5k word chapters to lay it to rest or write a new parody and comedy fic. Vote in the comments!