
The Reborn Uchiha

Your average everyday otaku dies, but by a twist of fate he gets reborn as Sasuke. How will our protagonist deal with this unexpected yet welcome event? Read more to find out

Demi_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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An Unfortunate End

Damian was laying on his bed watching the last episode of Akame Ga Kill. Damian was your average otaku college student. He had short black hair that went down to his ears. He had average looks and a normal build. He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He was a cool-headed young man that treasured his friends, but didn't give a rat's ass about other people.

As he was watching the final fight between Esdeath and Akame, he heard a knock on his door, he got up to check who it was, he opened the door and as he was opening it, he was tackled to the ground by a bunch of men that that wore tactical vests and equipment befitting of S.W.A.T agents.

"Get down on the ground!", someone shouts.

"Ugh, What the hell! Get off me!", Damian retaliates.

Damian, afraid and confused by this situation, struggled to get out of the agents' grasp. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, he escapes their grapple with his temporary strength boost.

"What did I do wrong?!", asked the young man

"Where's the bomb?!", questioned someone from the group of men.

"What bomb?! I don't know what the hell you're talking about!", yelled the student.

"He's resisting! Shoot him!", shouted an officer in panic. But that was all it took. Those 2 magic words.


Time seemed to slow down, he perceived the bullet travelling through the air in slow motion, until it pierced his heart.

A loud bang echoed through Damian's room, as he felt a sharp pain in his chest, he looked down to see a crimson stain, originating from where his heart would be, rapidly expanding in size, marring his white shirt.

He slumped down to the ground on his knees, looking in shock and fear at his blood. He tried to formulate sentences but nothing would come out, only the occasional gurgling and blood.

'So this is where I die, huh. Dead for something I didn't do. A shame I never finished watching Akame Ga Kill.' he thought, as his vision slowly blurred and slowly darkened , he felt this chilling cold slowly take over his body. Then there was nothing. Death has claimed him as its tenant. Or so Damian thought.

Unbeknownst to him, the reason why S.W.A.T busted into his house. The reason he got accused of having a bomb. The reason he got shot. The reason he died.

Was because of a simp.

Earlier that day, Damian was browsing through Twitter then he saw the return of someone he hoped he'd never see again, someone so powerful and scary that could split the internet in half. The Original thot. She who commands teenage simp white knights.

It was her. B*ll* D*lph*n*. Damian tweeted this message, this singular phrase. "The internet was better without you.". This caused an outrage within her community, so the simps banded together to destroy Damian for insulting their queen.

Through a joint effort, the simps spammed all of his social media with hate comments and death threats, they doxxed him and swatted him. Which resulted in the pitiful, unfortunate death of poor Damian.

This is my fist time writing anything. If you have any feedback or criticism, feel free to adress it in the comments.

Update schedule: whenever I feel like ig

Demi_creators' thoughts