
The Realm of Eternity into the unknown

Luna Adriana is an orphan who never knew her birth parents. Spending her whole life never having a true home. The day her twentieth birthday came, she was tired of living alone working a dead end job to keep her shitty apartment. She found herself in the woods with only one plan to end her life. Fate seemed to have other plans that day though as she meets a stranger who shows her a whole other world she never knew existed outside of stories. A world she shouldn't be able to enter as a mere human. Follow Luna through her perilous journey as she tries to uncover the truth about her past and find her footing in this new world, with two kind, gorgeous, and mysterious men with secrets of their own. The more she learns about herself the more dangerous things get. As secrets come out bonds will be broken and new bonds will be awoken. As Luna learns the truth of herself she sets out on a journey farther into the realm in search of Allies. As the magic inside her awakens more everyday she begins to realize how bonded she is to the realm and three of the beings that accompany her on her journey.

Feisty_Kitty12 · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Ten dates

"Good morning little fox you have a bed to sleep in you do know that right." A deep fiery fierce familiar voice says breaking through my foggy sleeping mind.

I shuffle around in my sleep position groggily opening my eyes to see the baby crystal dragon curled up next to me and Astas violet orbs staring daggers down at me from behind the stall door.

"You look really angry." I sit up shuffling myself toward the opposite side of the stall. He lets out a large, exasperated sigh.

"Of course, I'm angry." His voice is tight like he's trying to contain himself. He runs his hands through his fiery red hair pacing back and forth in front of the stall door.

"Nobody comes out except for the servants I have checking on the baby dragon when I'm unable to. It was not an easy task to find you. I didn't even know you were missing until hours after you had returned from wherever with zephyr it wasn't until we both ran into each other looking for you that we realized you weren't with either of us. We spent hours searching for you until I finally thought about the baby dragon and hoped to the kitsune spirits that you were here. As angry as I am with you, I found you asleep next to the dragon, so I told everyone who was searching and came to stay here with you until morning. You must have needed the sleep having passed out in the barn." His voice is still fiery with anger as he rapidly speaks but his eyes are soft like he's relived I'm okay.

I don't know what to say he's already so mad do I dare tell him I was here because zephyr kissed me, and I was confused about it all. "I'm sorry..." I stare down at the still sleeping baby dragon. "A lot happened yesterday, and I just really needed to think alone and I ended up here I didn't mean to fall asleep these past couple days have just been so much my body was more tired than I thought."

"You still should have told someone we were so worried about you." I flinch at the fierceness of the anger in his voice pressing myself harder against the stall wall.

I glance up from the dragon to his eyes shocked to see them glistening with tears. "I just..." his voice breaks "I thought you were dead." He finishes his voice trembling.

He turns away from me his body shaking. I stand up from the stall floor and let myself out careful not to wake the baby dragon.

"Asta." I gently call out as I place my hand on his back. He doesn't respond.

"Hey I'm right here. I'm sorry I made you worry like that I never meant to do that please let me make it up to you if I can."

He turns around and walks toward me a fire burning in his eyes. I take a step back slightly startled. My back is pressed against the stall door now. He stands in front of me and places both his arms on either side of me pinning me to the door. He puts his forehead against mine and my breath hitches. I stare into his blazing eyes my heart pounding against my chest.

"First off if you ever need to be alone again, please find me and tell me. I will let you be alone for however long you need I just need to know you're safe when you disappear. Can you do that?" His eyes are softer now the fire dissipating that familiar fondness now shining brightly.

"I can do that Asta I promise."

"Good I'll hold you to that. I'm sorry I was so angry I'm not very good with caring about people like I do you and I just don't want to lose you, so I'm happy you're okay that's all that matters to me. Now the second thing is."

He dips his head down capturing my lips with his. He kisses me hard like he doesn't know how many times he's going to get to kiss me. All too soon he sucks in my bottom lip to lightly nibble before pulling away. "Don't ever forget those lips are mine."

"That's very ominous should I be worried?" I'm not sure if he's saying that because he knows zephyr kissed me or for some other reason I'm unaware of.

"No, you don't have anything to worry about vixen, but we do have to go find zephyr."

"Okay?" I ask confused he doesn't respond instead he just grabs my hand and leads me out of the barn. I find myself sitting in one of the chairs in front of zephyrs desk in his office with the two men standing across from me. Asta is twisting his fingers together his violet orbs flicking about, while zephyr stands rigidly his stormy grey eyes icy cold once more.

"So, the staring is making me nervous." I say strumming my fingers against the desk not looking at the two men.

Zephyr sighs "Asta told me he told you a little bit about Celene so you have a little knowledge as to why we were so worried about you disappearing which I take some responsibility for." I catch Asta glare at him as he says this. "That also means you know that Asta and I both liked Celene when she first came to live with us, we asked her to go on ten dates with the each of us and after that it was her choice if she wanted to be with one of us or neither of us it was up to her. We have realized that we both once again have feelings for the same women and would like to ask if you would be okay with going on ten dates with the other it's entirely up to you."

His deep voice is strained like he's struggling with the memories of Celene. I look to Asta who looks nervous then I look back to zephyr whose eyes still show no emotion. I understand why Asta told me to remember my lips are his now. I really do have two hot magical men who want to be with me, and I really do like both so far.

They each make me feel things in their own ways I could be happy with both of them and that makes this so much harder. I owe them both a chance though. I just don't want this time around to be what breaks their friendship.

"Okay I'll do it but on one condition." I say holding my hand up.

"You two must promise me you'll still be friends no matter what I choose I can already almost reach out and touch the tension between the two of you. I don't know if it's just the memories of the past or the vying for my attention or both, but I don't want to be the reason you two end up falling apart."

They both look at each other then back to me and sigh. "I can promise you I'll still be his brother no matter what." Asta says blowing me a kiss. I wink at asta then look to zephyr awaiting his answer.

"I promise you the same Luna. You're right it's a bit of both and we just need to grow up." He turns to Asta. "All we can do buddy is our best in the end it's the lady's choice and we can both be man enough to respect that regardless of the past."

"I agree." Asta holds his hand out and they shake hands.

"Good boys." I say trying my best to ease the lingering tension in the room. They both chuckle a little at me.

"That's everything to be talked about for now so Asta if you will take her back to the training fields after you feed her of course and try to work more on her control and don't worry if you don't master it today, we don't expect you too." Zephyr says, His stormy grey eyes staring fondly at me.

I smile at him and give him a little wave goodbye as Asta grabs my hand and drags me out of the room. The moment we are out of zephyrs office and down the hall Asta suddenly pushes me up against the wall I gasp as my back hits the wall hard. I barely have time to look up into his blazing eyes before he presses his lips into mine. He spreads my legs with his knee fitting his leg perfectly in between mine.

He runs his hands down my back before squeezing my ass. I let out a breathy moan and he slips his tongue into my mouth causing me to moan again as his tongue dances with mine. A shiver runs through my body as every nerve is alight with a fiery sensation. He kisses down my neck biting a little harder with each kiss. I moan and tilt my head giving him more access to my neck. I know he's probably covering me in hickeys, but I can't find it in me to care.

He kisses back up my neck until he finds my lips again his large hand wraps about my neck gently squeezing as his tongue plays with mine. A shiver of pleasure runs through my body, and I moan once more. I nearly whimper when he pulls away. He looks into my eyes resting his forehead against mine.

"At least if I don't get picked, I'll get to know I was the first to kiss you like that." He places a kiss on my nose. "And the first to make you make noises like this." He smirks and nips my neck gaining another moan from me.

"Hopefully you'll remember all our moments all your firsts with me when the time comes." He smiles but it doesn't quite reach his eyes and I can tell he's worried and all I want to do is reassure him, but I don't want to say the wrong thing. I sigh "Asta." I reach out and touch his face.

"You are so special to me already and I wish I could reassure you so much more but you both do make me feel things in your own ways and it wouldn't be right of me to not allow you both the chance you've asked me for. I don't want to make promises I can't keep but I can promise no matter what I'll remember all our moments together. So, let's not think about it let's just enjoy making those moments."

I lean up to place a kiss on his nose. He smiles at me this time it reaches his eyes. "You shine so bright here. You are already growing so much in this world. That alone makes me happy."

This time I take his hand in mine and smile at him. "Let's go get me trained pretty boy." He chuckles and off we go toward the training fields.

I fall to the ground utterly exhausted. The full moon is lighting up the night sky.

"We have literally been at this all day Asta and I swear all I've managed to do is make the flame larger and in no way controlled."

I defeatedly say. I stare up at the stars that almost seem to swirl around the sky in this world. I can't believe we trained the whole day with some stops for food, and yet I've made zero progress it is so frustrating. What if they cast me out if I can't be useful? No stop being so silly I tell myself shaking my head to try to erase the intrusive thoughts.

"Nobody gets the hang of their magic right away Luna. This is normal, we always have tomorrow to try again. For today let's get you to bed and rested so tomorrow you can focus on all you can do and that's to just be better than the day before even if its just by a little bit."

"Thank you Asta you always know how to make me feel better."

He helps me up off the ground. He keeps his hand tightly Intertwined with mine as we walk the path back to the Tokino Mansion. He stops in front of me once we've made it to my bedroom door.

"As much as I would like to keep you all to myself like the other night. I should let you get some sleep in your own bed after sleeping in the barn little miss."

I laugh and throw my arms around him in a tight hug. "I've said I'm sorry for the barn at least a hundred times today. I am very ready to pass out in that very nice bed I've yet to get to sleep in."

He hugs me back resting his chin on the top of my head. "I know little fox that will be the last time I tease you about the barn. I was just so worried." He hugs me tighter.

"I might not be able to control my flames very well yet, but I could still protect myself if needed. I like to think I'm not quite a fragile as I was when you first found me. I'm still fragile but not as much as I was." He kisses the top of my head. "You're right you are growing so much. You still have a way to go, but you are more capable then when I first found you. Even watching this fire start to grow in you as you become more confident in this world, its hard to not just want to protect you."

"That is okay Asta I know you'll want to protect me even as I keep growing stronger. Just try not to go too hard with it. Don't shelter me so much it feels like you don't believe I'm capable on my own and we'll be okay."

"Ill do my best Luna. I don't ever want to make you feel like I don't believe in you. I just want you alive even if I don't get to be with you."

"Let's not think of that right now. I will always be alive though I have everything to live for in this world and I don't plan on letting a single person or magical being take that away from me."

"I believe you; I know you have the potential to be a very powerful fire mage and I really think if anyone could change this world It could be you." He looks into my eyes his violet orbs gleaming with adoration. I smile up at him. "Thank you Asta. I really wouldn't be here without you."

"I will always be here for you my little fox."

"Thank you." I yawn and he chuckles. "Its time for bed Vixen."

"Yeah, I guess it is. You really wore me out with training today."

"I know I'm sorry we won't go as hard tomorrow, but you still need to get some rest." He leans in to kiss me. This kiss is sweet and gentle and is over way too soon.

"Goodnight little fox." He sweetly whispers into my ear.

"Goodnight Asta." I stare into his shinning violet orbs. Wondering how this is really my life before he disappears into his room. I open the door to my room to find a pair of human pajamas on the bed probably a curtsy of Asta. I get changed and collapse on the bed staring up at the golden canopy.

I've been doing well going with flow of things even if it is still so surreal to me that my life has gone from being an orphan who was never capable of making friends to finding such wonderful people to call my family in a world I only hoped existed. I wouldn't change it for anything though. I feel like I belong here, like I have purpose in this world, and for the first time in my life I have people around me who genuinely care for me. I must do my best every day in training, so I don't let them down. Eventually my mind slows down and I fall asleep to thoughts of Asta and Zephyr.