
The Realm of Eternity into the unknown

Luna Adriana is an orphan who never knew her birth parents. Spending her whole life never having a true home. The day her twentieth birthday came, she was tired of living alone working a dead end job to keep her shitty apartment. She found herself in the woods with only one plan to end her life. Fate seemed to have other plans that day though as she meets a stranger who shows her a whole other world she never knew existed outside of stories. A world she shouldn't be able to enter as a mere human. Follow Luna through her perilous journey as she tries to uncover the truth about her past and find her footing in this new world, with two kind, gorgeous, and mysterious men with secrets of their own. The more she learns about herself the more dangerous things get. As secrets come out bonds will be broken and new bonds will be awoken. As Luna learns the truth of herself she sets out on a journey farther into the realm in search of Allies. As the magic inside her awakens more everyday she begins to realize how bonded she is to the realm and three of the beings that accompany her on her journey.

Feisty_Kitty12 · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

A journey into the past

I wake up to the smell of coffee and the sound of clinking glasses coming from the small kitchen in Asta's secret room. I sit up yawing as I stretch and try to brush my hair down with my hands to make It somewhat better.

"You look beautiful as always." Asta says his silky-smooth deep voice being the first thing I hear in the morning brings a smile to my face. I really could get used to waking up with him all the time like this.

"Thank you, you really are too good to me."

"Only the best for my princess." He chuckles walking toward me with a steaming mug of coffee in his hands.

"Stop that even if I am a princess, I doubt id be a good one. I can't even think about that right now really. If I think too much into it, it's rather overwhelming." He sets the coffee mug in his hands down on the coffee table and sits next to me on the couch.

He puts one hand under my chin and gently lifts my face to look at him. "Hey little Fox it's okay. If you are the princess, I will be your mighty bodyguard, and I know if something in your bloodline is what the kitsune have been waiting for to choose a new ruler that you will be amazing. We dont have to think of that right now though we can just figure things out piece by piece together. You aren't alone anymore whatever happens remember that. I will always have your back."

I close my eyes and lean into his hand that's under my chin finding comfort in his touch. "Thank you Asta for everything you have done since I've been here. I really appreciate you more than you know."

I look into his gleaming violet eyes. "I know if I am the princess and somehow end up the queen no matter what I want you by my side I know I could trust you with anything and while it may be scary at times, we'd have each other. I feel like I can face anything as long as I have you with me Asta you make me feel so much stronger than I ever have in my life."

He smiles a big toothy grin. "You make me happy." He says in a dreamy far away voice as he brushes a piece of hair behind my ear, "So happy." He whispers this time like it was meant just to be a thought.

He shakes his head a bit. "I just needed you to know that." He smiles brightly at me. "That coffee is for you." He says pointing to the mug on the table I'd pretty much forgotten about.

"Thank you." I grab the mug from the table and take a sip of the steaming liquid letting it wake me up.

"I have to meet with Zeph pretty soon if I'm to inform him of our outing today." He winks at me. "So, I hate to rush you, but we need to make that call soon."

I pull the card Kenta gave me out of my pocket. My chest is tight as that oh so familiar bundle of nerves settles into my stomach as I stare at the elegant white and gold card in my hands. The card that could very well be my link to finding out more about my birth parents and why I was separated from this world. I wouldn't have magic if I wasn't from here.

I feel a warm hand gently grab my knee. It's Asta he's here with me. I focus on his touch letting it break me from the downward spiral of thoughts my brain can become. I take a deep breath and put my hand over Asta's on my knee. I look into those sparkling violet eyes. He looks at me and smiles.

"Are you ready?" His voice is sweet and calming as he asks me.

"I'm as ready as I can be. I'm still a little nervous."

"It's okay to be nervous, but we've got this. Anything that happens I'll be right here with you. If you are a princess or if you aren't. I'll be here holding your hand. One thing I know if this doesn't get us closer to finding out your past I will do anything I can to help uncover your past until we do."

I look at him where he's sitting on the couch next to me those violet eyes ablaze. I know without a doubt he means everything he says to me more than anyone in my life ever has. If my nerves try to overwhelm me, I know as long as he's a part of my life here I'll always have him to help me through it all. I lean my head against his shoulder. I never knew someone's touch could be so comforting.

"You always know how to make me feel better. I need your phone and I want you to stay right here with me." He leans forward and kisses my forehead. "I wasn't planning on leaving you silly little fox."

He digs his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. It looks much like any smartphone from the human world would. I stared at it for a moment before typing in the number on the card. I put the phone to my ear with shaky hands. It rings a couple times before someone picks up.

"Hello Luna." Kenta's cheery voice says from the other side. I don't even know if I want to know how he knew it was me calling.

"Hi Kenta. You said to call you so I here I am." He chuckles. "Yes, I did I assume you told Asta as I recognize his number. I trust him so don't worry I don't mind. Asta knows this world better than you so it's good to have someone you trust to help you navigate until you learn. If I may speak to Asta to easy explain where to meet me little one."

"Of course." I hand the phone to Asta, and they talk for a bit until he hangs up. I cock my head to the side in question as I stare at him.

"Don't worry Luna I know where to go. If you want to get dressed for the day no fancy requirements today while I go tell Zeph where we will be today." He winks at me. "That sounds like a plan." I smile at him as he walks off. I take my coffee with me as I head to my room as I go to get dressed for the day.

Since I don't have to be fancy today, I went with one of my warm silky golden pants and a black sweater. I'm lacing up a pair of my boots when someone knocks on my door.

"Come in." I call to them.

Asta walks in a smile on his face as he runs his hand through his messy fluffy red hair. "We're all set to go Vixen."

"Good I'm ready, still nervous but ready. Is it kind of scary to be facing potentially finding things out about my past yes, but do I really want to know more also yes."

"That's my strong little fox. We get to ride my dragon, Storm. I've been dying to take you on her or just to have you meet her in general." He's bouncing with excitement, and it is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love how excited he gets to be the one to show me things about this world and even though I've been on a dragon with Luca I bet it will be even better with Asta.

"Then what are we waiting for." I say laughing as I grab his hand and drag him out the door and down the hall.

Asta didn't stop telling me all about his dragon storm during the walk to the barn. Once we got to the barn, he ran off in front of me saying something about wanting to get her ready for me. I laughed a little as I followed after him. He really can be so cute and silly sometimes. It's such an excellent change in my life honestly to get to be around someone who shines so brightly. Sure, everyone here has been kind so far except for that one incident, but no one quite matches the way Asta quite literally shines with that bright orange aura of his. The very thing that drew me to him to begin with. It takes me a little longer to find him than I thought it would. I've not been in the adult dragon barn as much as I have the hatchery barn with the baby crystal dragon. He stands next to a beautiful pale blue lightning dragon I would think as I looks much like Luca's dragon, just in a different color. She really is magnificent.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing dragons." I say in a dreamy voice as I stare awestruck at the dragon in front of me.

"It really is a sight to see. I've lived here my whole life and I still stay in awe of dragons. I don't think it ever really goes away if you love them like you should. Like we were always meant to." Storm huffs blowing out air into his face as she nuzzles against his shoulder.

I smile softly as I watch them together. "You know I'll never stop loving dragons. Now let's get out of here, shall we?"

He smiles wide at me gracing me with that gorgeous toothy grin I've come to adore. "We shall Vixen my shinning blue stead awaits you."

He climbs atop Storm and holds his hand out to me, his hair ever so slightly falling over his eyes. I smile while biting my lip as I take his hand allowing him to help me aboard Storm. I take a moment once I'm on to pet Storm some marveling at the feeling of how smooth her scales are under my hands.

"I know you love the dragon, but I do need you to hold on to me for safety of course." Asta's silky smooth voice calls to me.

"I would hold onto you even if it wasn't for safety." I guess I'm feeling bold today I think to myself as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Be careful there or I might have to hold you to that." He says his voice low as he turns to look at me.

"I don't think that would be so bad." I reply holding eye contact with those blazing violet orbs.

He leans forward to whisper in my ear. "The way you tempt me is so unfair." He places a kiss on my neck before lightly nibbling my ear. I shudder as a shiver runs through my body.

"Who's to say the feelings not mutual." I whisper. He rests his forehead against mine and we stare into each other's eyes in a peaceful silence for a few seconds before he speaks.

"I trust you Luna because of that I can be patient. Please don't make me regret it." His voice is soft and his expression vulnerable.

I know the position were in Is unfair. I've said so many times if I could just run away from it all i would, but that's not fair either. I said I would give them both a fair chance, but I know it's not fair in anyway. As sweet and kind as Zephyr has been and while I do appreciate everything, he has done for me as well. As of right now Asta is the one wiggling his way into my heart. Some deep part of me tells me I don't have a choice. It's like the more the magic inside me awakens the more I'm pulled to Asta.

"Your trust isn't misplaced Asta. I won't hurt you." I stare deep into his violet eyes.

"I hope not Vixen." He shakes his head a bit. "Enough thinking about the future for now let's get to finding out about your past." I tighten my grip around him as he nudges the dragon to take off toward the flight opening in the roof.

The flight was a bit long, but about the same as the flight to the mermaid cove just more to the west than the cove. I held onto Asta the whole way enjoying his warmth in the presence of the harsh chilly wind that comes with flying.

"The kitsune live all throughout this forest. The council and many of the kitsune live In a city called Miyori that is a vast cave network. The Forrest surrounds the area where the castle sits In the realms capital city Shikari that way the royals could easily commune with the council." Asta tells me pointing things out to me as he speaks while we begin to descent toward the forest.

As we get closer to the land, I can see rolling hills covered in a vast array of different colored flowers spread about amidst the thick towering Pine and Oak trees. Asta lands in a meadow overlooking one of the flowers covered hills. Once he lands and we slide off storm, I can see a herd of deer like creatures grazing not too far away from us looking unbothered by our landing.

They look like deer but the closer I look they all seem to share wooden antlers that each have their own eco-stem of vines, moss, and flowers growing from them. "Those are Zoticus as the Kitsune call them it means full of life. They created this world for us, I believe I've mentioned and when they did these creatures were born with it as were some others you have yet to meet. These here earned their named from the seeds they carry in those antlers. They are responsible for a lot of the first growth of many of the plant life here." He explains to me, his eyes shining in that wondrous way they do when he tells me about this world.

"That is amazing." I sigh. "They really are beautiful. This world never ceases to amaze me at the life it holds within it. I can't help but be a little upset I was deprived of growing up here the more I learn." He looks at me, his expression sympathetic.

"I can't fix that, but I can promise to help you find out why you weren't able to be raised here and show you everything you've missed along the way."

"Thank you Asta." I smiled at him slightly.

My anxiety is rising the closer we get to Kenta, and to potential answers about my past. I reach out and grab Asta's hand in mine looking for comfort in his touch.

"Lead the way. I'm as ready as I'll ever be, better just to rip off the band-aid."

He chuckles and gives my hand a squeeze. We set off into the forest following a small worn trail I would have missed if I was by myself. The forest floor is covered in something that looks like moss with vibrant red flowers growing throughout it. The trees are wrapped with thick vines covered in white flowers.

I can see more of the Zoticus grazing amongst the trees. Asta gives my hand a squeeze and I return my gaze to the front of us to see we've arrived at a small cabin built within one of the thick pine trees like many of the shops in town were built into the trees. This one is so overgrown with the thick white flower vines it almost looks abandoned except for the bright twinkling lights strung around the entrance.

"This is it." Asta says as he turns to look at me, his face filled with worry as he tightly grips my hand. I do my best to smile at him as I squeeze his hand back.

"I'm nervous, but I'm ready. All I can do is keep going forward in this world and if I am the princess I deserve to know just as much as I deserve to know why I was left in the human world. Even if I don't like the answers I need to know."

He smiles at me, his eyes shining. "Thats my strong girl. I'm right here with you no matter what."

"Thank you Asta. You mean so much to me already. I really am lucky I fell through that portal with you."

His smile seems to brighten, and he reaches out to tuck a stray strand of my hair behind my ear. "You mean so much to me Luna. We're both lucky you found me whether It was luck or fate I'm glad it was me who was able to reunite you with your birth world. Now are you ready to go inside?"

"I am. Let's go see what Kenta has to say." Keeping a tight grip on my hand he starts to walk into the tree. I follow behind my heart beating so fast it feels like It could break through my chest.

I study the inside of the tree as we walk. The walls are carved out of the tree, the rooms are lit with hanging lanterns, more of the thick white flower's vines run along the walls in a straight horizontal line. The vines seem to act as shelves as they are adorned with jars, bowls, and many other objects. The room were in has a large table in the middle of the room and a mini bar area in the corner. The room seems to branch off into the tree into other rooms as well.

"I see you made it safe." I recognize Kenta's sly voice coming from the bar area.

"Miss Luna will always arrive safe anywhere as long as she's with me." Asta replies back.

He smiles at me. I smile back. I know he would probably give his own life before ever letting anything happen to me.

"Of course, Lord Asta no one would dare mess with you. It's nice to see you, it's been too long. How have you been?" Kenta says emerging from behind the bar a glass in his hand he hands to Asta.

"I've been good. Always busy taking care of the family." Asta says taking the glass from Kenta. The glass is half filled with a shimmering purple liquid.

"It's your favorite, at least it was the last time we were together. Now if I may have how did you find miss Luna here... I'm sure you have many questions of your own, but I'm quite curious about some things myself." His ears flick as his speaks his tail swishing behind him. It was easy for me to forget for a second that he is still a god in this world.

"She found me more than I found her. " Asta says. Kenta raises an eyebrow and turns his curious gaze to me.

"Really how did you do that little one?" His swirling golden eyes bore into me, making me nervous.

"I just saw him in the woods and ended up tumbling through the portal to here with him." I stammer out.

"No need to be so nervous little one you're safe here with us. In the rest of this world alone not so much."

Okay yeah like that wasn't just super ominous. What could you mean by that mister fox god. My nerves definitely didn't need that. Asta like the angel he is must have sensed that as I felt his hand wrap around mine. I squeeze it back finding some comfort in his touch.

"What do you mean by that Kenta?" Asta asks.

Kenta's golden eyes swirl with mischief as he flicks his tail back and forth. "I mean that if she is who I think she is this entire realm would kill to have her. " His voice is stern and ominous.

I feel my nerves rise even higher as my heart beats faster. So I really am the princess is that what this means. Does that mean I have to save this realm, that I have to lead it? A world I wasn't even raised in. Would they even accept me?

My mind is whirling with thoughts. I look to Asta to try to ground myself, I see his eyes alight with shock as he stares as Kenta.

"So, the queen did have a child?" He asks keeping his hand tightly intertwined with mine.

"She did according to Ryoko, and Ryoko is never wrong. She is a seer in the city of Miyori for the Kitsune council. She sees the future and after the queen disappeared, she had a vision. This vision foretold of a child that was hidden from this realm that would one day return to us. A child that would one day wield unimaginable power that would bring this realm back together. This child was born of royal blood and Kitsune blood. It is said that she would find her way here when the time was right."

My chest is tight, and my head is spinning. I try to take a couple deep breaths to calm myself, but nothing is working this is so much information to process all at once.

"What makes you think it's her?" I barely hear Asta ask over the pounding sound of my heart in my head. I try my best to focus in on Kenta's response.

"She's a magic child who wasn't raised here. She holds a card that has the queen's initials. Despite never having been in tune with her powers as a child while she may still lack precise control, she has demonstrated raw power most magicals born and raised here never show their whole lives. I expect the longer she is here and the more she trains the quicker her Kitsune traits will appear and any other abilities. Although being only half Kitsune she may only get the ears if she even does. Of course, we can always test her blood to see, but you'd have to travel to Miyori and see Ryoko yourselves that's more her specialty."

"How do you know all of this?" I manage to stammer out. First, he dumps so much information on me I still think I might pass out then he just somehow knows so much about my time here.

I really think I may be sick. I know I've been trying to be brave, but this is just so much at once. I need to know it yes, but I need some time to process all of this.

"Kitsune have eyes and ears everywhere. It's our job to know what happens in this realm. "He replies like I should have known. I guess if they are these realms gods that makes sense.

My brain just can't keep up right now. I still hadn't wrapped my head around my mom being the queen. Now I find out I'm not just royal blood I have god blood in me.

It's cool yes, but it's so much. Yes, I care for this world but to find out the fate of it is riding on me because of the bloodline I just found out about is overwhelming. I start to see black spots at the edge of my vision as my head spins.

Do I really think I'm ready to run an entire world? A world I'm still learning. I try to breathe but all that comes out is a breathy gasp. Does Zephyr know about this? Is that why he let me into the family? The black spots begin to overtake my vision as my mind spirals out of control. I feel my legs give out as everything goes black.