
What Next?

Alpha Adam POV

Time Jump........

Time had flown by it was already 2 Weeks and we were back again to see Dr Prin. Athena's baby bump was slowly growing.

Athena got settled on the chair for the ultrasound sound. The ultrasound tech began and did measurements. Soon Dr Prin came in and began looking at the baby again. she got the same measurements as the nurse, baby was only sitting at 14 weeks.

She thought it kinda odd so she handed us the photos and began scribbling down notes. She looked back up at us... we waited for her to tell us. " Ok, baby looks good. You're only at 14 weeks, that's not where you should be at in your pregnancy. I'd like you to come back every three days or I can come to you. You will also need to be on bed rest. Except for showers and bathroom use, " Dr Prin stressed.

When we were all done Athena wiped off the gel and pulled her shirt back over her tummy covering her baby bump. I loved her baby bump it was cute. I decided I would take her shopping today especially since Dr Prin approved it for today. I had My Beta Joe bring my truck to the hospital so I could put her in and go. He stood waiting with the door open and ready to go. I put her in my truck and buckled her in.

She looked worn down but excited to go out. I gave My Beta instructions for everything and had hand written instructions for Athena's dad for while we were gone. I hopped in my truck and off we went. 20 minutes later we finally arrived at the mall.I got her out of the truck and closed it up after locking the truck up, I scooped her up and carried her in. She turned bright red as everyone looked at us.

I found a wheel chair by the front entrance and I quickly but gently sat her down. I hung her bag on the back and we went to Macy's. We went to the maternity section and she got up out of the chair slowly and began to search for clothes. She found several dresses she liked a lot but no winter clothes.We came up to November very fast and I wanted warm clothes for her. She decided to try them on and came to show me each dress. I loved them all, her bump complimented by each dress.

We decided to go eat some lunch and try another store for some more clothes. We were waiting in line as the cashier finished up the customer in front of us. She looked up only at me with a bright smile and began trying to flirt with me in front of Athena. of course she snapped. " Um excuse me... I am his wife... I'm pregnant and Hungary.... do your D*** job and quit flirting with my husband or I'll call your manager over here," Snapped Athena.

She quickly finished, keeping both eyes down. Athena sat in her chair with her arms folded, tears in her eyes. They slowly began rolling down as we left the store with the bags hanging on a hook in the back of the chair. Me being about 6 feet squatted down in front of her wiping her tears away. I knew another woman hitting on me had upset her. I wiped more tears from her eyes and gently rubbed her hands with my thumb.

Athena honey I didn't pay attention to her for a reason. I have you... I love you more than anything in the world. You are my other half. I wouldn't trade you nor our child for the world. I'm blessed to have you both. After a much needed lunch we went to another store and she finally found more clothes that she could wear during winter. She even found some shoes. All she had was flip flops and I was not having that.

Finally we were done and Athena was worn out quite a bit. I put Athena in the truck and put the wheel chair in the bed of the truck along with the bags. I drove up to the doors of the mall jumping out and putting the chair back where I had gotten it from. I ran back to the truck and Athena was laying back in her chair asleep. I didn't want to disturb her so I quickly got in and shut the door.

I called her dad and let him know I was on the way. I gave him a choice to take over training class or come help me get her and her clothes in. " I'll meet you at your house Adam. I can help bring her in or her things just tell me what to do." said Alpha

Ron. I quickly hung up and we made it to the house. When we got home Athena barely woke up to see we made it home.

I gently got her down and carried her in as her dad held the front door open for me. I got her in and laid her on the bed. I covered her up and Just as I was getting ready to leave and grab the bags she grabbed my hand. I gave her a tender kiss and whispered I'll be back. I am just grabbing the bags. She quickly fell back asleep, and when I went to check on getting the bags, her dad had already brought all of them in.

He sat at the table where he was drinking some coffee that he made. " I already got everything in. I just set it in the living room I didn't know where you wanted it. How was the Dr Appointment?" Ron asked. It went well the baby is measuring at 14 weeks and she wants to see Athena again in 3 days..... Dr. prin put her on bed rest. The baby is supposed to be bigger than that but she is not.

He looked at me puzzled.... " we're you able to find out the gender, why are you calling the baby a she?" Ron was even more puzzled than before standing out in his tone. I sat down at the table with him and began telling him about my dream with the moon goddess and then the story Athena told me right before we found out she was 100% pregnant. He was puzzled and could believe what he was hearing. He gulped down his coffee and walked out the door quietly. All I caught was "I'll be right back to stay here with Athena" alpha Ron Grumbled.

I began taking the clothes out of the bags sorting between shirts, pants, and dresses for her. I had quickly grabbed some hangers from the closet and began hanging them up. When I was done I headed back to the kitchen and began getting everything prepared for dinner. All of a sudden I hear Athena shouting loudly. I dropped the towel I just had in my hand and ran to the bedroom tearing around corners. When I got in she was so frantic, tears rolling down her cheeks, out of breath, pale white.

I picked her up and sat down on the bed gently cradling her. Shsshshhshh..... it was just a dream Athena.... It's ok... Nothing will happen to you and long as I am here. " Adam it wasn't a dream it was more like a vision. I don't know how to explain it but something has happened to my dad. I know he was here helping bring things in, but now I can feel him but he is barely hanging on. Please go look for him." Athena cried.

I'll send out a search party I am not leaving you. Whatever has happened I have to make sure you stay safe. Mind linking My Beta Joe I told him what Athena told me. He began gathering members of our pack to find her dad. Several hours went by and We heard nothing I brought Athena into the living room turning on the t.v. It was another hour before we heard anything.

"Adam we found her dad. He is weak and still alive. He has been jumped by the rogues. We got here in enough time to chase them off. We are bringing him to the hospital as we speak. I alerted the hospital staff already." said Beta Joe. I nodded my head before quickly cutting off the connection I sat by Athena. I gently reached for her hand. She had fallen asleep, so I decided to leave her be. I would tell her when she woke up.

I got up slowly and decided to shut down the house for the night. It had been a long day and there was a lot that happened. Athena was pregnant and needed all the rest she could get. I felt someone reaching out to me so I opened my mind link... it was my Beta Joe..... " Sir I have an update for you. Athena's dad is going to need a long recovery. He had silver all over him. Despite the amount of silver he will make it though. Dr. Prin said it's ok to tell Athena but tell her as little as possible. She said if she gets too stressed she could lose the pup." Said Beta Joe as I nodded and gave my thanks. Closing the mind link.