

Time Jump...

Athena POV

It had only been 4 months since Thorn was gone and we had no more worries. Adam and I grew to love each other more and more, making our bond even stronger. Adam and I finally had some time to ourselves for the first time in a while. We had some much needed time to ourselves and to say we had fun wouldn't be enough. To say we made love hard core would be more accurate.

Adam was out on border patrol and I was getting ready for my day as usual. I was at the kitchen sink preparing breakfast for when he got back, when all of a sudden I just had a feeling of being sick. I ran out of the kitchen leaving the water running in a sink. Adam came in as I rushed to the bathroom.I heard Adam hollering my name, but it was too late. I was already on the floor of the bathroom and couldn't move I was weak from being sick so suddenly. I was laying on the cold bathroom floor and I started to fade into the darkness when I heard Adam come into the bathroom.

All I heard was Athena... Athena... I was out and I drifted into the darkness that had surrounded me... It felt like forever before I began to see light, but unfortunately I wasn't waking up. I saw a soft bluish white light. It was her again by the edge of the pond. I walked out onto the water and took her hand just like I had done before.

Looked at her as she softly spoke to tell me about something knew was to come. "You will become a mother of a baby girl soon. Your mate and you will overcome many obstacles through life. You will have another battle to come soon, it will be against your old pack members who went rogue. Only by your mate and Father will this battle be stopped. During this time of sorrow and battles you will be blessed with a child. She will have the same gifts as you.

A few years after this battle has come to an end you will be blessed with another child. You will have a son who will grow fast and strong. He is destined to meet his Luna at 25. He must not have a chosen mate. Just beware your daughter will have powers just like you. There are those who will try to take advantage of your trust with her. Keep her safe as she will be the key to joining all the worlds together." The moon goddess whispered as she walked away.

I began shouting as I ran after her... No tell me more please. Don't leave I need to know more! She faded away as I woke up more. When I fully woke up I began hearing beeppp... beeppp... beeppp... The room was dark and Adam was laying with his head on my bed with his hand on mine. I could barely move or talk. My throat was so dry, my body felt heavy.

Adam began to wake up slowly and jumped up when he realized I was awake. He ran over to me pulling a cord from above my head. The Dr. Rushed in and began to take my vitals slowly and gently. When she was done she left and came back to give me some ice water. She left for a while after that and let us wake up more and told us my vitals look good. Adam took my hand and looked at me with worry.

"Are you ok Athena, you had your dad, Beta Joe, and I so worried. When I came home I saw you laying in the bathroom on the floor. You scared us half to death. I told the doctor to wait till you were awake to tell us any results she got. I Just want you to rest." whispered Adam.

Adam sit down please. I have to tell you something important. We are going to have a baby girl. She will be gifted just like me. We will have her during a time of battle that only you and my dad can end. A few years later when the battle is done we will be expecting a son. "So are you telling me that you are pregnant?" He asked in a confused manner.

I believe so. We can wait for the results to be 100% sure. Adam called the Dr. Prin to come back in. She came in with my paper work and results. We sat waiting for the answer we had hoped to hear. She took her time telling us. She was going over my symptoms list with me to make sure all was good.

Dr. Prin began to list everything," Ok so we have illness, tired, weak, easily dehydrated, black outs, tired, hungry, cravings. "Congratulations Alpha and Luna You are pregnant, and I'd like to get an ultrasound just to be safe. I want to see how far along you are." She whispered softly.

She left the room just as quickly as she came in. About half an hour later she came in with the machine. "We are going to have to use the wond ultrasound to get a good reading. So that means we have to do a transvaginal ultrasound." Dr. Prin announced. I wasn't comfortable with it but if I got to see my baby I was going to have to be ok with it.

She had me scoot down to the edge of the bed and had Adam move the pillows under my head. To my surprise I was actually comfortable, I was able to stretch my aching back and I held Adams hand as she began the ultrasound. After a few moments we were able to see the baby on the screen.

Dr. Prin began to take all her measurements and was able to capture the heart beat. She gave us copies of our ultrasound pictures. As she began to write some things down. "Ok Luna so you are 10 weeks pregnant. and we werewolves are pregnant for 6 months with our pups. The heart beat is strong and the baby's is growing well. Congratulations Luna and Alpha.

I will be able to release you tomorrow morning and you can go home. I want you to eat well tonight and drink plenty of water. I am giving you some prenatal vitamins that will help. If the nausea doesn't clear up by our next appointment in 2 Weeks let me know. You can eat anything you want except for a few things. I will send you with a list of what you can eat and can't eat and anything you can have I'll write down the limits of what you can eat for specific food." Said Dr. Prin.

She handed us a menu and began writing some notes down. Leaving the room with the machine I sat up more and just stared at the picture she gave us. Adam just held my hand as he rubbed his thumb on top. I was in awe at our little one growing inside me. As if on cue when I put the picture on the side table and picked up the menu Dr. prin had laid on the table my stomach growled.

I kept in mind what the moon goddess had said... After about 15 minutes later our food was up and we ate. When we were done a nurse came in talking vitals, then the tray bringing me more ice water, and making sure we were ok. As I drifted off to sleep Adam laid his head on my bed, holding my hand as we both fell asleep soundly.

Alpha Adam POV

It was 4 months since Thorn Died and I could tell Athena was having trouble with this. They were best friends before he went rogue and the moon goddess took Athena away as a chosen mate. She became my better half. To say I was the luckiest man would not be enough. I could tell she has been having a rough time when she dreams she talks in her sleep when she has specific dreams. I didn't push her to tell me about the dreams, I knew she would talk with them when she was ready.

I love my mate and I wanted her to be safe. Since the attack from Thorn was no longer an issue we went back to normal border patrols. Several nights later I had a dream that The moon goddess had told me to keep Athena safe, for she will bear a new life. I never knew what she meant by that. Her father and I were key to the rogues being stopped. I decided to put the border patrol back on high alert. Her dad volunteered for shifts of training the border patrols and taking on some of the patrols.

This helped compensate for anything they would try to do in surprise. When I came back from the night patrol the kitchen sink was on. All I caught was a glimpse of Athena running down the hall. I called out for Athena but she never answered me back. All I heard a loud crash in the bathroom instead. Sprinting through the house I found her barely awake and weak on the floor she had been throwing up. She was so weak she could no longer hold herself up.

I quickly cleaned her up. I scooped her up just as my Beta came through the door. "Alpha Adam something is... wrong with Luna.... he whispered... " as I ran past him not caring if the light was left on or not. He kept up with me as I linked for Dr. Prin immediately. She was with another patient but waiting for me by the time I got there since she knew it was urgent. She laid her down checking her oxygen, her pulse and other vitals.

Before long she ordered a blood sample, and had a catheter on her so they could get a urine sample. A few hours passed after they got Athena in a private room and got us settled before she started to wake up. She was still wheezing but they were giving her oxygen to help till she could breath more on her own. She finally woke up and I couldn't have been happier. I pulled the cord for the nurse to come in and they did vitals and everything again on her. She laid there still and her breathing was slowly getting better the more she woke up.

"Honey I have something to tell you and it's really important. The moon goddess came to me. She told me that during the time of a great battle we would be blessed with a little girl. She will be gifted just like me. You and my father are the key to ending the rogue pack we once had.

About an hour later Dr. Prin came back in and Athena was breathing so much better. She signed the order for Athena to no longer need oxygen given since she was back at 100%. She began feeling on her belly and her chest listening and feeling for any problems I guess. She pulled up her chart on the computer and began asking some basic questions. What weird us out was when she began asking some really strange questions.

She finally sat back from both of us and said congratulations you guys Everything came back normal except your hormones Luna. The reason why you're going to have a pup. We were so thrilled that Athena and I broke down crying in awe. " Congratulations Alpha and Luna. I am going to have to do an Ultrasound though, and I know it will be uncomfortable but we need to see how far along you are Luna. I am going to have to use the wond ultrasound sounds so that means we have to do a transvaginal ultrasound.

This will be the only time we will use it though." Said Dr. Prin. She quickly left the room and about 30 minutes later she came in with a machine. She put her gloves on pulling things out to have Athena scoot down towards the edge of the bed. I moved the pillow down for her head to make her more comfortable. She began snapping pictures as she pointed out the baby on the screen. She did all the measurements and said we were measuring at 10 weeks.

She informed us that we wear wolves that were only pregnant for 6 months instead of a normal 9 months like a human. She began printing off pictures placing them in an envelope and handing them to us. Athena readjusted on the bed again. "Now I want to see you in 2 Weeks Luna. No ifs ands or buts about it. Eat healthy and take these prenatals. I'll start the paperwork for you to leave." Informed Dr. Prin.

Several minutes after she left a nurse came in had her sign everything and began checking for ivs or oxygen tubes. She had washed Athena clothes so they would be fresh for her. She slowly got changed. Before I knew it she was ready to leave. Dr. Prin showed us the way out and I took my Luna home.