
The Race For Hell

Demonic racer Rein Schinn gets himself into quite the predicament as he gets his tongue caught by quite a large cat. He is forced into the world of racing he never knew existed, will he live, or will he reunite with those demons back in hell who knows! All we know is that its time, for the Race For Hell to begin! Racers read? 3.. 2.. 1.. GO!

Tyrean · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Welcome To HQ!

2058 Georgia, Russia

          Rein coughed badly, laying limply down on the concrete floor of the parking garage he found himself in. He kept on coughing in pain, before another kick was delivered into his side. Valin, the man who brought him here saw the name of the man Rein once raced for and suddenly he was enraged, not believing that Rein wasn't still working for him. Valin cared much for his boss, he couldn't chance a spy getting in from a enemy agency. Rein coughed a bit of blood, slowly looking up to the male who stood above him. Rein had a terrified look to his face, this is what made Valin finally believe him.

          "Get up, you would've broke by now if you were a spy for them. Yet, im still disgusted you walked in here bearing that name on your back with pride. Though trust me, we will be talking and I will be watching you very closely young man. Now follow me once your up."

          Rein nodded calmly, slowly getting up, using his car to support himself. He wiped his mouth calmly, finally it was over. All he needed to do was do this damn race, then he could leave and never return. Rein stretched his body a bit and began following the taller man. He soon caught up as they entered a elevator. Valin stood tall fixing his clothing up, he had a few scuffs of dirt, and other specs on his suit he wore. He looked down to his right at the shorter Rein, wearing a dirtied up racing suit with an enemy agency name plastered over it. Valin did notice old sponsor patches that were very worn out. Maybe this kid could drive and put on a show.

          "Rein, you will not be leaving this facility until we can fully trust you. Even after the race, if you do survive it that is. I won't let someone ruin my hard work. We'll have a talk in my office then I'll tell you where your room is, and there will be a change of clothes waiting. I already had someone find your home and go bring your clothes, by time our talk is done the clothes will be there."

          Rein nodded towards Valin, slowly straightening his posture. His knee trembled a bit, damn that hurt. He wanted to kill this bastard, but felt like that would br a bad idea for some reason. He didn't want to do too much talking, he didn't know what would set this guy off again, hopefully he doesn't have to say much, though most likely he will. The elevator made a beep, and the two men stepped out, Rein began to follow Valin through the nice facility. Rein was looking around kinda amazed, Valin on the ither hand felt like he was dealing with a child.

         They continued their walk, eyes all on Rein from those they ended up passing by. It was scary almost, everyone just stared at him as he followed Valin. They all noticed the patched and the agency name, beginning to gossip and trash talk from afar. Why did this happen to him of all people?! So unfair! Rein crossed his arms as he pouted a bit following the man up a staircase to a big set of doors. The doors opened automatically and then slammed shut once they both walked through. Valin walked to a desk at the farend of the room and sat down, whilst Rein sat down in a chair Valin pointed to which was just on the other side of the desk.

          "I should've killed you in the parking lot, but the look on your face back then was pure terror. Quite funny to say the least, anyway Rein, listen, you aren't leaving. Get used to that right now, also you are my racer so sign this to make it official, or you can die here. Make your choice."

          Valin handed a pen and a few papers over to the otherside of the desk towards Rein. Rein gulped, he really wasn't leaving? Oh no it was lime he was back in hell now! He looked up to Valin, who was staring into his soul, it sent chills down Reins spine. His hand shook and trembled a bit as he picked up the pen, jotting down his information and then signature on tbe papers. Now, legally, he was Valins racer. Valin took the papers and pen back, throwing away the pen and wiping his hand. He scanned through the papers and chuckled a bit.

          "You are the weirdest male ive ever met, who puts a heart over their 'i' while writing? Ugh. Anyway, I somewhat believe all you said earlier so you may leave we have nothing more to speak about, actually, one last thing. The race, its tomorrow. Everyone else has already practiced the track, so get going to your room and catch some rest, wouldn't want to be tired before the race would you?"

          Reins' eyes shot open and he tried to argue but kept getting shot down. He sighed and stood up. He walked off, heading to the room, he was so angry right now. What was about to happen tomorrow? He had no clue. He tried to avoid other racers gazes, they all looked like they were out to kill him. They probably were, if what he's heard about this race tomorrow is true, it's gonna be dangerous. Very dangerous. He was kinda excited, continuing on walking and hyping himself up under his breath.

          "You've got this Rein, no one can beat you. You can't chance getting beat, you race for your life tomorrow. Last race, Last chance mentality is what you will need for this. You can do this, show em you aren't trash. Show your worth!"

          Rein got to the private rooming area, and found the room he would stay in. He entered the room with his key and locked the door behind him. He sighed and looked up, almost dropping his keys. It was beautiful! It was filled with expensive furniture, art pieces, etc. It was so pretty he loved it. He began exploring before seeing the time. "12:37?!" That bastard held him late knowing he's racing tomorrow? Rein scoffed and went to the bed, seeing the clothes at the end of his sheets. He put the clothes up and took off his suit and hung it up as well. He got in bed and slowly dozed off. The race was first thing in the morning he heard so he'd get a max of 4 hours of sleep, thats if he was lucky.