
The Queen Huntress

One girl's feeble heart and compassion granted her the throne, but also made her lose it just as fast. When Lumbershire is faced with the overbearing blow of a large group of warriors, the heir is put to test. However, being a woman, her efforts are greatly ignored by those who claim they love her. On a mission to take back what's hers and to prove her loved ones wrong, she is tested in the area of battle, magic, and love. All consume the land among the misfits and misfortunes. It is up to her to properly put back together what once was. The question is, can a simple, frail girl pull off such huge tasks?

MiyokoLuv · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
5 Chs

Snakes of Eden

Thousands of years ago, in the sacred country of Lumbershire, ruled a predominant family known as The Gilders. Embodied in sequoias reaching the clouds, hilltops towering villages, and scattered, blue mountains poking the sky, the land emulated a tranquil charm. Emerald remained the symbolic tone, not only for the physical but the undertaking of balance and prosperity. Stacked high above the waters, the motherland remained grounded by chiseled rocks chipped away from the ocean's rage. To get inland, scattered beaches could be accessed at many points. However, they had the eyes of the guardians watching closely for intruders.

Among the prestigious family, King Ferrel, a chocolate-faced ruler, had a heart of gold. His gestures for his people circulated kindness to no end. On the cusp of every morning, fruit basket deliveries came to town for all. From the standard class to the wealthy, not a mouth went hungry. And so it went for all meals, for the working class included every villager, allowing them to care for their families. His fairness to all allowed the economy to evolve naturally, redefining wealth and abundance.

Ruling beside him, his caramel-kissed, childhood companion stood in his corner. She went by Queen Aria. Their bond became a steady chain, welded by their love, yielding many children. They ended up with five, Huckleberry, Ash, Terran, Bloom, and their youngest, Aurora. From tiny seedlings to evolving youth, each child learned three key principles. Selflessness, duty, and compassion. All, but Aurora, stayed immersed in their privilege and entitlement, dismissing their responsibilities. In turn, the heir to the throne became an easy decision.

One sunny afternoon, Aria decided to announce the news to her children. First, she visited Berry Bush Path, a quaint dirt road surrounded by bushes and shrubs. It sat in front of the castle, accessible to all indulging eyes. She stood upon the cool silted path, toes crinkled, feet grounded, and picked the blues and the reds. Like candy, their juicy flavor burst inside her mouth as she popped a few between her pierced lips. Then a handful thudded inside of the basket tucked under her arm. It took 2 minutes for her to fill it to the top. Something for them to snack on, she thought as she returned to the castle to gather everyone.

She led them to the back inside of the sacred garden. Leveled along its mossy path, blue roses glowed from the morning dew. Their beauty surpassed all flowers of Lumbershire. However, curled stems, painted with thorns that enclosed them, gave off an aggressive sting leaving flesh torn or bruised. No one dared to grab one. Next to them lay orchids of all shades that effortlessly bloomed. Aria bent forward and inhaled the essence of one. Like a child, it pecked her nose.

The two younger children ran around scattered trees that echoed along. Like tiny ants, the rest of the group walked beneath their wilted branches trying to keep up. Aurora and Ash found a clean spot to sit and yelled for the others. They all sat on the circled rug of grass in the center of the garden. The feast began with each of them scarfing the berries down by the handful.

Aria veered from left to right at all of her children. The boys looked like their father, with skin the color of crisped silt. They both wore dreads but in different styles. Huckleberry's fade seemed to be a new approach to his identity. They sat in a high ponytail. Ash's were soft caterpillars sitting above his neck. The girls resembled their mother, however. Their silky flesh radiated a deep caramel hue. Terren's curly locks were as wild as her character. Bloom's always sat neatly in an elegant up-do. Like her mother, Aurora's curls coiled naturally and true, with little maintenance since she wet her hair and left it as is.

Now that I got them in a good mood, thought Aria amused at the almost empty basket.

"I brought you all here to tell you that we have chosen the heir. It will be…..Aurora," she said with eyes widened.

Huckleberry coughed out, nearly choking on his food. "What? Your joking right?"

Terren joined the discussion scolding her sister. "Don't look so shocked little miss favorite."

Ash decided to share his opinion. "Aurora's a girl. And isn't she too young?"

"Are you forgetting that I, a woman, ruled alongside your father? And she's not too young," said Aria.

Ash spoke again full of remorse. "Sorry mother."

Raging in the veins of his flesh, Huckleberry's body tensed up as he tried to contain himself. I'm the oldest! This doesn't make sense. With eyes slit and pinned on Aria, he ripped up some grass and choked it in his palm. Her smile made him grind his teeth. The only person he agreed with, Ash, despite his apology. Without any thought, he slammed his fist onto the berry basket causing the juices to splatter on everyone.


"Huckle, I know you're upset," said Aria with a huff. She placed a hand on his shoulder. With a shrug of his arm, her hand collapsed to the grass.

"I will never forgive you or father if you follow through. Her over me?" His eyes turned to puddles he swiped at.

"We're not doing this to hurt you."

"I'm sure father's illness is clouding his judgment right now. He isn't dying any time soon. You shouldn't be too hasty."

"You know nothing!" She grilled him now.

The others were in awe at Huckleberry's outburst at first. While wiping the juices from their faces and garments, they hissed at the stains.

Furthermore, the very person nominated for the crown remained a statue. A dark shadow formed around her causing her significance to dim. Surveying her siblings, a thought came to mind, They never liked me. Before anyone noticed, she quickly smudged away a tear wishing her mother chose one of them instead.

"You all speak of me as if I'm not here. I didn't ask for this." Aurora found the courage to speak.

"See mother?" said Huckleberry. "She doesn't want the crown."

"You are the next heir," said Aria with sharpness. His words had no effect. As a result, he stormed off.

"Why me?" said Aurora. "Everyone's not happy about this."

"Your father and I have decided and so it will be."

"But I'm only twelve! This is Huckle's dream, not mine."

"Huckle is not ready. We don't have time to wait around for an eighteen-year-old to mature." The pot that already boiled over now stirred a little more.

The situation formed a complication for Ash. He wanted to defend his brother's honor, but he did not want to upset his mother. However still, if he said nothing, his older brother would never forgive him. This moment became recognized as his test for loyalty.

"As Huckle's right hand-"

"Right hand?" said Aria ready to end the conversation. However, she let out a sigh nodding her head. What did her thirteen-year-old have to say?

"Yes, his right hand. I believe he should be the heir. It's his birthright and it's my job to make sure it happens."

"Your brother is too temperamental. He's also a bad influence on you."

"Not true," said Ash.

"I know that because of him, you have broken your virtue. Training you to be a womanizer, hm?"

Ash gulped and began panting while his hazel eyes beamed upon his bewildered sisters. There now seemed to be a muzzle on his mouth, one that only his mother had the key to undo. Instead, he listened as she continued talking.

"My dear Terren. You're a drunk who can't even hold their ale."

All laughed out but Terren who scoffed at Aria's knowledge. Many late nights she came home with her skirt turned backward and makeup smeared across her face. Right before hopping into bed, the window beside it turned into a dumping area for vomit. Terren's palms shielded her face for a moment. At first, she meant to hide from the staggering eyes pinned to her in all angles, but soon a headache beamed the edges of her temples. She smudged her fingers along them in circular motions. Uh, I'm still hungover. When the brief moment of torture passed, a cloud of unworthiness hovered over her head. She veered towards Aurora, let out a sigh, and dropped her gaze to the ground.

Bloom stole the attention now. "My sweet Bloom. You will never be the heir as long as you think you can lay with just anyone."

"I don't wish to be heir and what are you talking about?" said Bloom who finally found a reason to speak.

"You already know. The whole village does."

"It's all hearsay."

"It must have been your twin walking inside of the keeper's home last night then."

Bloom's face appeared flushed as her cheeks reddened. Last night, she met her lover, Quil. He was a handsome, olive-toned artisan, not native to Lumbershire. He became the primary tree keeper within the 30-mile radius of the castle, chopping wood for villagers during fall and winter. Certain her parents wouldn't approve of him, their relationship remained a secret. However, now she sat frozen and baffled by Aria's knowledge. How does she know?

"We have guardians watching over all of you," said Aria.

"You mean stalkers?" said Terren rolling her eyes.

"If you want to call it that," said Aria. "Either way, now you know why we have reached this decision."

"But you haven't even said anything bad about Aurora."

"I have nothing bad to say," she said as she smiled at Aurora proudly.

Ash, Terren, and Bloom decided they had enough of their mother's insults. Grateful that they weren't in any trouble for her findings, they each got up and left. Aurora was now faced to faced with Aria and the discussion spilled over.

"I don't know if I can do this."

"You can my strong-spirited daughter. You have a passion for our people."

"Huckle will have my head on a wooden stake." His anger alarmed her enough into that sinister belief.

"He'll do no such thing. They will all fall in line."

"What if they don't?"

The siblings shared no common interest with their youngest sister. They despised her intent, the initiative which was always firsthand, to serve her people. That was actually quite boring to this group of teenagers who were so enthralled in themselves. Which is why Aria decided to be straightforward with her selfish children. Each of them took advantage of Aurora, leaving their responsibilities in her hands. For them to disregard her accomplishments made her blood boil.

"Then they are choosing to go against one of the strongest leaders I know. You have the power now. No one will withstand going against it. Not even your siblings."

"Okay. When will this all start?"

"On your thirteenth birthday. Your father will step down."

She continued to say, "With your father being ill, I will be your confidant."

"You and not father? Cause' he's ill?".

"Yes, but he's far better than before. His illness comes and goes."

"Is he going to die?"

"Possibly. Your father lived a good life, so he's come to terms with that."

"It's still a sad thing though."

"If you could see things through his eyes, you'd understand why this isn't a sad thing."

Aria lightly placed a hand on Aurora's shoulder and added, "Your father has lived an honorable life serving this kingdom. He will rest in peace knowing so."

Aurora tuned in to her father's intellection. If he was not sad about his fate, she would not be either. For now, her goal remained, to cherish the time he had left and spend as much of it with him.

She recalled how the others took the news of his illness. They were sad when they first heard, but as time went by, it was like they forgot about it. Aurora believed their optimism kept their minds away from the negative possibilities. If they knew death was inevitable, they would be a little more considerate of Ferrel's wishes. However, there he was, allowing his children to live out their lives the way they chose. At this moment, Aurora realized her father was giving her a choice as well. A choice to live freely or dedicate her time to her role. The choice to continue his legacy. She felt honored.

After talking with her mother, she wandered off to the Euphony Stream. It swayed through an enclosed tunnel that sat beneath a cave. With every step she took, mounds of sand began to surpass the silt her bare feet glided along. Eventually, she made her way out into the opening. The beach stood a few feet away. The sound of yelping seagulls and the ocean's kiss caressed her ears as she continued forward. She left a trail of footprints as she made her way to the ocean. Stopping at the edge, she tilted her head back inhaling the fresh air. A quick rush entangled her body at first but subsided when she breathed out. Her glossy eyes beamed forward, taking in the beauty of the horizon. That's when her knees buckled slamming to the sand and she sat down to enjoy it some more. The beach connected her to peace of mind. With all that happened earlier, she surely needed a calming force within her peripherals along with some meditation. She decided to begin.

With her legs crossed and her hands in a prayer position, a mellow tone left her mouth.

"I trust my path and I trust my destiny," she repeated again and again.

Within minutes of chanting those words, someone took her by surprise. That someone tapped her shoulder from behind causing her to jump to her feet. Frightened, she grabbed a dagger from her belt with the sharp edge gleaming at the intruder. Oddly enough, a boy, not of Lumbershire stood frozen with both hands raised. He wore armor as if he were ready for battle.

"Please don't hurt me!" the boy whimpered.

"Who are you?"

"Gunther, the battle warrior, son of Gunner."

"Son of Gunner, how'd you get here?" said Aurora astonished that he somehow got past the guardians.

"I swam in to meet with the king." The boy also went on to say that they didn't want to appear to be a threat, so the ships stayed in the distance.

"What do you want with my father?" Her nose smashed against his now. Her dagger at his throat.

"My father wants him to grant us access to your land."

"Why?" Her tone was aggressive.

"We've come here for help."

Aurora lowered her weapon and stepped back. She wanted to hear what Gunther had to say.

"Father says the devil clan has taken our lands. We're fleeing."

"Who is the devil clan?"

"Land invaders. Killers and thieves."

"They sound terrifying."

"They are."

"I'll let you speak to my father. Follow me."

She led him off the beach into the mystical forest. The castle's back towered over it appearing larger the closer they got. To avoid going around to the front, which would extend their journey, Aurora ran into a cave. It ran directly under the castle leading to a sewer. The smell of fecal matter and death lingered in the air. They both pinched their noses. When she gazed down at the browned stream of nastiness, she nearly vomited.

"We're really going through here?"

"We are," she said.

To avoid the water, they both jumped along a ledge protruding from the wall. It led them to a ladder a few feet away. She climbed up and he followed. At the top, they reached an underground temple but still remained deep under. The ceiling seemed to have no end since it drowned in darkness. Stone columns stretched upward holding it in place. They were pear-shaped and had elegant grooves indented with gold shimmer. Gunther's eyes widened with wonder as they cast a sparkling glow each time he ran by one. The place was not accessed for quite some time. Dirt blanketed the floor causing a dusty cloud each time their feet pounced along. The walls were covered in ancient code and art. He became frightened when he noticed the tall statues of kings and queens wearing judgmental faces. It almost looked as if they stalked him. He quickened his speed and ran up a set of stairs behind Aurora, heart rate through the roof. With fingers crossed, he hoped the upcoming path led them out.

They went through a heavy door that brought them to a room of old scrolls. Neatly placed on different shelves, they both pondered on what was written. Aurora continued forward crouching to a crawl, under a wall opening leading to their exit. The boy wondered why she did not use the door to her right. She explained to him it led to a separate room of poisonous vipers purposely placed there to protect artifacts. Bitten before, she backtracked on the moment her ankle endured the deadly sting. A witch doctor saved her life making her nibble on velvet bean.

On the other side of the wall, a rusty ladder dangled out of reach. Luckily a crate sat under it ready to give them a lift. Sanctuary floated above them. Aurora scurried up first checking on Gunther as he followed. When she reached the top, she pushed the floor covering with all her might until it shot up. She climbed out and aided Gunther to his feet. They now stood at the center corridor on the lowest level of the castle.

When they finally reached the throne, Aurora explained the situation to her father. He put a pointer to his lip as to hush her.

"I want to hear from you," said Ferrel pointing to Gunther.

Gunther gulped in intimidation while Ferrel's curious eyes stared."My father sent me to ask for help. Our lands have been invaded."

"What help does he expect from me?"

"We need food and a place to rest."

"How many people have come with you?"

"Uh, 200."

"Two hundred?" said Ferrel overwhelmed. "I'm going to have to see what I can do."

Ferrel suddenly felt a coughing spell creep up his throat. He quickly grabbed a handkerchief preparing for what would come up. He coughed into it multiple times, then quickly composed himself. Blood now coated his mouth and handkerchief. Both Aurora and Gunther wore a jaw-dropping resemblance.

"I'm sorry you two had to see that."

"Father are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm actually going to let you make this call." He smiled down at his daughter trusting she would make the right choice.

"Really?" said Aurora.


"I think we should let his people into our lands. They can camp out on the beach."

"That's a great idea," he said with a weakened tone. His forehead pulsed striking each temple. He didn't want to worry Aurora, so he remained still.

"You have no idea how grateful I am to both of you," said Gunther. "I will set off the signal so they know to come."

"First let me warn the guardians before they kill your people on the spot."

Aurora bolted out of the room and down the pebbled stairway. She nearly lost her footing since it spiraled towards the main hall. When she emerged from the entrance, her fast legs carried her towards the barricade and up a rickety, wooden ladder. At the top, the guardians watched the ocean for intruders. She immediately told them of the incoming ships and to stand their ground. Once they all were notified, Gunther came up after her, lighting an explosive that zoomed in the air making a huge, red sparkle. Ships and their hazy forms emerged from the thick fog becoming more prevalent the closer they came.

Each of them pummeled through the angry ocean towards the shore. The men wore shiny metal with shields on their backs. Helmets topped some heads. Others wore mohawks in all sorts of styles or some type of bun. Women accompanied them. Fur rode their shoulders and leather blouses melted along their malnourished forms. Tangled, messy buns and french braids seemed to be their custom hairstyle.

As their ships neared, Aurora noticed a soot-faced blond with missing teeth who wore a broadened smile the entire way. Their physical features brought on regret causing her face to scrunch, but she could not go back on her word now. Since the beach sat in front of the barricade, she climbed down to meet with them. Her father already stood at the gateway awaiting them. She then realized he didn't put full power in her hands just yet.

When the ships finally smeared across the shore, a man hopped from one. His dragon, shaped vessel led the entire way. Is he the leader? Aurora thought as he marched over to Ferrel. He bowed and Ferrel bowed back.

Aurora cautiously made her way through the sand beside her father. Her gaze never broke from the mysterious man who stood before them.

He was young, maybe just hitting twenty, and he had tattoos circling his neck. A scar covered his right brow and his hair was a matted mess when he took his helmet off. He stood lanky and tall with a strong build.

A brute, thought Aurora. She looked over at her father who gave a tight grin. She knew the face. Though the visitors would assume his smirk graceful, his expression meant disgust. He still spoke kindly to the gentleman anyway.

"You must be the leader."

"Yes. Ludovic."

"I'm King Ferrel and this is my daughter Aurora."

"Dashing young gal," said Ludovic with indulging eyes.

"Aurora, why don't you go to the castle? Tell the family our guests have arrived."

She did as her father asked knowing now that he didn't want her near them. She even concluded that he regretted allowing her to make the call. As she walked up the stoned path, Gunther made his way down to meet with the man she assumed to be his father. Aurora looked back and watched him run to him. She immediately saw their connection when Ludovic hugged him. She decided to continue to the castle when he shot a blank stare her way. If only she could read his thoughts.

Still standing on the shore, Ferrel continued his discussion with Ludovic.

"You're people can stay on the beach and make camp."

"Thank you."

"Of course. I'll also have my guards bring food and drinks."

"You are far too kind."

"I assume you have to set up camp. We will talk again soon."


Ludovic went to his ship and shouted for everyone to exit. They all swarmed out one by one, lugging belongings or children from their boats. He assisted them with setting up their tents making sure no one went without a proper place to lay their heads. Shortly after they settled, Ludovic decided to throw a celebration. He lit a fire that blazed at the center of their encampment. Everyone joined there to dance or converse.

Overlooking the beach and mounted high on a hill, the castle shined as candles peeked through the windows. Ferrel's distraught face appeared from one, giving him ample view of his rowdy visitors. Retreat or invasion? The answer did not seem clear. He put his palm at his heart where its convulsions eased only when noticed a guardian stationed on the rooftop. Seeing her made him feel safe.

When he grew bored of watching them, he gripped his gold staff in his palm and dragged himself along to the dining room. His entire family ate ahead of him and he finally joined them. He knew his children had questions about today's events, especially Huckleberry. However, he felt far too tired to talk. However, not even ten minutes passed while nibbling on his meal before his eldest started the questioning.

"Father, are you really going to let Aurora be the heir?"

"Yes, Huckle, I am, but I want you all to leave me be tonight. I'm not feeling well."

"Right," said Aria, "enough with this heir mess. Eat your dinner."

"Fine," said Huckleberry. He didn't eat but swirled his food around.

Bloom then spoke, "Can I be excused?"

"What for?" said Aria.

"I'm finished."

"You barely touched your plate," said Aria.

Bloom took a spoonful of soup and crammed it in her mouth several times. Lifting up the bowel and gulping down the rest caused her to steal everyone's attention.

"Done!" she said not minding the minding corners of her mouth and chin that were covered in vegetable particles. When she stood, her chair flew a foot away. She rushed out of the dining room as if she needed to be somewhere. Everyone had their ideas.

Her exit seemed to influence Terran since she asked to excuse herself as well. Her parents let her go since she already finished her meal. They had no idea she was headed to the shore to carouse with the visitors. Aside from that, she had her eyes on Ludovic. She found him to be very attractive when her eyes captured him from her bedroom window.

Shortly after a two-minute silent spell, Huckleberry stormed off leaving Aurora and Ash to keep their parents company. Being the two youngest, they did not mind being in the comfort of their parents. Aurora decided to strike up a conversation.

"How do you feel about our new arrivals?"

"They haven't caused any trouble yet," said Aria.

"They look different," said Ash.

"How so?" asked Aria who did not get a chance to see them.

"Their heads are shaved and they have tattoos on their faces," he said intrigued.

"Mohawks, dear!" said Aurora.

"I want my hair cut like that." He now felt that his medium-length dreads did not make the cut.

"You're hair is just fine. They have their way of doing things and we have ours," said Ferrel with strictness.

Down at the shore, the people were settled. Some were already nestled in their tents while others lounged around the border. At the center of their encampment, the jamboree ran into nightfall. Terran made her way by the fire where Ludovic stood. She watched as he threw additional firewood into the warming blaze. She waited for him to hurl the last of it while gathering the courage to speak to him.

"Hello," she said.

"And who might you be?" he said.

"Princess Terran, Ferrel's oldest daughter."

"What brings you here?"

"Just wanted to join in the festivities and drink some ale."

Ludovic stared at her with a handsome grin.

"You are more than welcome."

He stared deep into her eyes to give her a taste of his desires. Suddenly, they locked to his as the thought of their passion rushed through her mind. He continued to show off his ability for a few seconds longer until he felt she understood.

"You are more than welcome," he said again.

"Impressive, fortune teller."

"At least you know it will happen."

She blushed at his comment, "When?"

"Tonight. Of course, we shall enjoy the party, but you will lay with me after."

By the tug of her hand, he pulled her towards the rest of the group. They danced and drank while getting to know each other more. When the party was over, Terran met with him in his tent. His visions were then brought to life.