
The Queen Huntress

One girl's feeble heart and compassion granted her the throne, but also made her lose it just as fast. When Lumbershire is faced with the overbearing blow of a large group of warriors, the heir is put to test. However, being a woman, her efforts are greatly ignored by those who claim they love her. On a mission to take back what's hers and to prove her loved ones wrong, she is tested in the area of battle, magic, and love. All consume the land among the misfits and misfortunes. It is up to her to properly put back together what once was. The question is, can a simple, frail girl pull off such huge tasks?

MiyokoLuv · Fantasy
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5 Chs


The sun peeked through the brown stitching of Ludovic's tent. Nearly the size of his ship, it nestled an entire bed and wardrobe, leaving open space from where he lay and the entrance. An outstretched, polar bear sprung out beneath him and Terren as they slept. The tune of his trinkets and necklaces, hanging on a hook, clashed about each time a gust of wind intruded. Orange zest and cinnamon rested in tangled brushwood riding the air. The rustic atmosphere gave an essence to their ruthless romance.

As the rumbling sound of Terren's snores raced through his ears, his eyes popped open turning to slits. The corners of his mouth lifted high and he let out a chuckle. Each time she breathed, the weight of her head hammered down on his biceps. He rolled her left and she collapsed to her right side like a rag doll. With his fingers flexed, the prickling sensation passed. His sunken orbs wandered to the peak of the tent, then to the opening. He tilted his ear taking in the commotion outside. Muffled chatter in the tent yards away let him know that he overslept. They're meeting without me?

Leaning towards Terren, he gently shook her shoulder and she let out a yawn with arms soaring high. A soft sigh pierced his lips when she resumed her feudal-like position.

"Shouldn't you be getting up?" His forehead creased as his eyes shimmered with worry.

"No," she said. "I'm comfortable." Her body curled into the quilt when Ludovic's warming touch dissipated. With haste, he rammed his heels against the floor. His eyes wandered around for his clothing.

"Won't you get into trouble?" He faced her now, lips puckered like a troubled child.

"Stop worrying! Just gonna rest a bit."

"Long night?" His charming grin revealed the delight in her presence.

As the lustrous memories spilled into his thoughts, his eyes narrowed, staring her down like a meal. He nearly pounced when she shoved the blanket aside. A voice of reason shunned those thoughts. With patience running from his manhood to his toes, he cleared his throat, resetting his attention to his undergarments.

"Where are you off to?" she said, eyes fully engaged in his movements.

"I have errands to run. You go ahead and rest then. You'll need it for later."

A high pitch chortle jumped from her throat. With that, he scooped up his underwear putting them on along with his pants. A brown leather jacket, draped with fur, mounted his chiseled body. He buttoned it up and put on his boots. Before he left, he crawled onto the lumpy cot and floated over Terren. A hand traced along the smooth of her thigh. His head shot forward and he pressed his lips against hers. Just as fast, he jumped to his feet and left.

Moistened sand with trails of tiny, footprints trickled across the narrow path he took to his destination. The distant melody of children's laughter brought him to smile while he gazed at the trail they created for him. As the wind howled by the narrow walk, the fragrant aroma of grilled fish lingered along. He nearly tumbled into a tent as his nose traced the smell. Each shelter stood a foot apart making it impossible to maneuver between them. Luckily his destination stood in view. He headed inside where a group of men ceased their rambling.

"Hello Devils," said Ludovic.

Everyone sent a nod his way, but Duncan. Both his feet swung from heel to toe while his arms rested behind him. He stood in the shadows with his fiery, copper curls tousled over his eyes. They darkened the corners of his face. When he slithered to the circle of men, the golden glow of candlelight cast upon his face, smearing out his aura.

"How long until we take these lands?" said Duncan with a thundering rasp. Impatience stained his sun-charred face when his forehead crinkled.

"Quiet!" Ludovic veered towards the parted slit bringing in sounds of his awakened clan members. He brushed through it and peeked his head out. His eyes veered left and right but locked on his tent. Seconds wilted away like his guilt burrowing back into his sub-conscience. No one heard, he thought as he stormed back inside.

The volume in Duncan's voice decreased."I almost forgot about the moaning harlot."

"She's not a harlot, but the princess. With your big mouth, our plan could've been blown." A tightness began to creep up his neck, so he stretched it from side to side.

"The princess?" The urge to yell strained against Duncan's tonsils, but he only let out a growl. "Your brother should not have put you in charge!"

"What did you just say to me?" Full of rage, he rammed his forehead into Duncan's as he went for the first blow.

Instantly, Sten, Ludovic's soldier, leaped between them, pushing against both their chest. They lunged toward each other.

With a sharp shove against Duncan's torso, Sten spun in his direction and gripped his collar. "Back off now!" Sten demanded.

"Okay! Okay!" Duncan sighed when all the weight in his toes fell to the edge of his heels. He eased away, back in the shadows.

"I'll pretend that comment wasn't made!" Ludovic said.

With flared nostrils, thickened with disappointment, the others groaned under their breaths since a fight did not come of the commotion. Would they ever succumb to brawling with the distaste they had for one another? Who would win? Those chants trickled through their minds during the many disagreements. All, but one, put bets on Duncan.

As he straightened the crinkles on his collar, Duncan said, "It is my job to report back to Gunnar. I need to give him something."

"I'll make an alliance with the king," said Ludovic. "Gain his trust. With that, we will gain passage inland. Then we will have an advantage. Tell him that!"

"An alliance? Your brother-"

"I won't have another blood bath!" His gaze dropped to the ground. Memories soared through his mind, ones he wished to forget. No, not now! A woman's startling shriek pierced his eardrum as the recapture resisted his desire to overlook it. He swayed his head when the blur sharpened into a face. Then he saw her, eyes bulged and frightened by the flock of brutes storming into her village. Some rammed their way in by foot. Others, of higher status, rode horses, chasing those caught in the crossfire. As they whipped past homes, torches flew along the rooftops. Villagers bolted from their houses choking for air, only to meet death. He remembered the sword that hushed the woman's cries as she watched horrified. As if he did it, her dimming orbs locked on his. His face was the last she saw before collapsing to the ground, an image that stayed with him ever since. Pulled back to reality, his eyes beamed at the very person responsible. "But course' that's what you would want."

"It's our way!" said Duncan. "The only way. Quick and concise. Your plan will take weeks. Months even!"

"We must do things differently!"

"What for? This ain't just a raid." Is there any reasoning with this fool? "This change is because of her innit'?"

A guardian emerged without warning interrupting Ludovic's reply. It was almost as if she appeared from thin air. Did she hear us? he thought. The woman's gentle smile reassured him. She glided his way gaining inches with each step. He raised his chin as the towering goddess with charcoal skin neared. From top to bottom, his eyes traveled along the indentations of her gold-plated body suit that concealed her upper half. From her lower thighs to her feet, the same substance shielded them. A spear choked in her grip as she straightened with poise. In her other hand, a folded piece of paper sat in her opened palm. She handed it to him.

"Message from the king," she said with a monotone voice. She left with haste. The paper read, Meet me in my meeting chambers at lunch hour. Come alone.

Just before the time came for him to meet Ferrel, he met with Terren first and they proceeded to carry out their desires. When they finished he brought something to her attention.

"Until I am certain this meeting has nothing to with us, we have to lay low," he said.

Shortly after she left, he made his way to the castle. The same guardian met him at the entrance and led him to Ferrel's quarters. When he walked through the halls, the ceiling hovering over their marble path overwhelmed him when his eyes stretched up to its mountainous depths. Chain of hearts and leafy vines protruded from ceramic pots were nestled on shelves inches from it. He inadvertently slipped by an open door where Ferrel and the guardian studied him. Ludovic galloped around in amazement scoping out the corners, edges, and depths of his surroundings. Geometrical shapes and mathematical passages echoed like a diagram where he sought answers on how the structures were possible. His hands trailed the smooth, textured walls, running them up an arch. Through its triangular hole, an indoor pond surrounded by emerald moss carried the reflection of its ethereal environment. Is this what heaven looks like?

Ferrel cleared his throat when Ludovic's feet carried him too far.

"Sorry!" said Ludovic who scurried into the room. "But this place is-"

"Everything you imagined I hope," said Ferrel sitting at a center desk with his arms folded.

"Greater. I cannot wait to see the rest of your land."

"Now, now. You've only just got here." With a shooing gesture, he waited for the guardian to leave the room. She closed the door behind her. He pointed to a chair for Ludovic to sit across from his.

"Right!" Ludovic tapped his fingertips on his lap while his brain searched for a better reply.

"I've called you here for your honesty. Why have you really come?"

"For refuge. I only hope to house my clan. Provide them with a safe place where they can live freely. In turn, I would offer workers, soldiers, and allies."

"I know your kind. Land grabbers. Savages willing to shed blood over a piece of bread."

"Have we not shown you we're civil?"

"For now, you are to remain on the beach. Your welcome here is limited."

"Very well." Ludovic slammed his boots onto the ground using them to swing his chair away. His shoulders flew up and his knees straightened. With haste, he strode to the door, brows narrowed towards the creases of his nose.

As the days passed, Ludovic knew he had to rethink his plan. Terren did not make it any easier for him. In such a short time, his heart bounded to hers. His obligations for the invasion halted. He used his time to bond with her ridding his guilt through their passionate fling. The more they entwined, the further away his commitments seemed. Eventually, his leadership dwindled to the point where he reexamined the role he played in everything. His heart jolted whenever Terren rested in his arms. Can I go through with this now that you're in my life?
