
The Psychopath Lady's Win Will Come

Rosemary Von Carrier- a villainess that I added into my favourite novel. She wasn't ordinary though...she was a psychopath.But now I've been reincarnated into her body can I survive in this unfair novel world?

Galactic_Cloud · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Episode 1

I ,a woman living in such a tragic world, am dying. A miserable. lonely. death. "Haa" I breathed almost laughing. It was unescapable of course had to be the who had to die. It was always me because that was how it has been since I was born. I had worked so hard just to be thrown down the drain so quickly.

The engine of the plane rumbled barely overpowering the screams and cries for help from the other passengers. My head drooped and I coughed blood spitting out over my hand.

Even though I didn't feel panicked my body did and was screeching at me to find a way to escape. I clutched my head pulling at my hair and curled into a ball in my seat.

For a second the whole world went silent and it felt as if a darkness was slowly taking over my body. 'Please...if there's a God, please...give me a second chance' I prayed in my mind.

A spark. A spark had alight in my soul like a candle being re-lit after years of gathering dust. my vision blurred and I felt myself drift away into the abyss.


The spark kept growing. I saw the flames starting to lick at the darkness making it dissolve into air. My eyes flew open and a bright, yellow light made me feel dazed and confused. My eyelids flickered taking in the world around me.

'What happened...?' I wondered. I had barely noticed the soft sheets around my shoulders and the soft bed beneath me. 

Eventually, the room around me started to come into focus and I realised that it was decorated lavishly. Ornate decorations embellished the walls and furniture. Perfumes and makeup -that looked untouched- lay upon a vanity organised precisely in lines.

I lifted up the soft duvet from my legs and arose from the bed stumbling. My body ached and I felt also as if I had shrunken in my sleep. 'What happened to my body?' I plodded toward the mirror further into the room.

I gasped. The person staring back at me was no longer the reflection that I got bored of before I woke up but a beautiful woman. I had long ,wavy red hair down to my waist and mint green eyes that had a sense of warmth in them. "Oh my god..." I cupped my hands over my mouth in amazement. Freckles were dotted along my cheeks and nose and my face was perfectly shaped. I had (as I suspected) shrunk a few feet. 'Have I...been reincarnated?' I grinned. 

I live as recklessly as possible now! I'll find a place in this world and live happily for evermore! In my previous I lived as a professional tap-dancer who was used as a toy by her family and boyfriend. In the end, my boyfriend just ended up leaving for another girl anyway and my family disowned me. I tried leaving the country to start over somewhere else...that's when the airplane crashed and I came here.

While living like a robot I had no chance to live in my youth and have fun, so that's my aim for this life: Work toward being happy and not just accepted by people around me. 'But who am I...?' I wondered glancing at myself in the mirror again. 

Just then, the door burst open and an old lady in a long maid dress tore into the room. My head swivelled around to stare at her. 

"My Lady!" She cried out wandering over to me arms outstretched. I swiftly jumped back as she approached me. 'I can't make her think I'm someone else for now...' I thought, determined. 

"ah...hello sorry my minds a bit blurry remind me your name please" I cautiously said looking away bracing myself for a reply.

"My Lady, are you feeling alright? I'm Amillee your lady in waiting."

I felt myself let go of a long breath that I hadn't realised I'd been holding. Thank God she didn't seem suspicious. 

"Um well I'm feeling a bit dizzy-" but I was cut off by her shouting.

"I'll call the doctor right away!" Amillee shouted rushing out of the door like a chicken running out of a coop. The door slammed as she left and I hesitated before lying down on my bed again and sighing. 

I smirked, 'this world seems fun' I thought happily. 'I'm finally free...' I felt like I could jump up and start crying at the same time. 

'I guess I'm a proper Lady now' I curled onto my side humming to myself merrily. "I wonder what my name is..." I mumbled, grinning.

I arose from the bed and spun across the room in my nightgown. 'Now that I think of it..." I said as I walked over to the mirror again, "my appearance feels oddly familiar." 

I fumbled in my mind for the recognition but was interrupted by a sharp, slightly desperate, knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called and almost immediately Amillee burst in leading a middle-aged man. He did a respectful bow and I nodded at him awkwardly unknowing what to do in reply.

"This is the doctor My Lady" Amillee said, calmly gesturing toward the man. The Doctor smiled at me and I gulped.


"I suspect she just had short memory loss from the medicine that you gave her last night," the doctor said to Amillee -who was now looking very worried.

'Medicine?' I thought "why would I need to have medicine?' Amillee looked down with her brow furrowed. 

"D,don't worry about it Amillee," I said giving her a an uplifting smile "I'll just need to be reminded of a few things!" She smiled back looking slightly less troubled.

"Oh and talking about that...please can you remind me of my full name?" I said awkwardly trying to appear as unsuspecting as possible. The room fell silent and Amillee looked shocked to the bone.

Her hands flew over her mouth and she looked like she was about to start crying.

"A-Amillee?" I cried out "Are you okay?"

"My poor poor child" Amillee mumbled while wiping away tears "your full name is Rosemary Ophelia Von Carrier"

I paused. 'Isn't that the villain from my novel...?' My eyes widened and my stomach twisted.

My favourite story ever was called 'Princely Love' a novel of the perfect, kind female lead falling in love with the dreamy Prince of the kingdom later to become queen. In fact, I loved it so much that I started writing a different version of the story with a new villain and I named this villain Rosemary Ophelia Von Carrier and made her the secret sister of the female lead named Elodie Victoria Von Carrier but this villain had a major problem...she was a psychopath . In the end she was killed by the Prince and the nobles because of her dangerous magical power.

I clutched the sheets of my bed and bit my bottom lip. 'What will happen to me? Will I die too? No...no I can't let that happen' 

"My Lady...?" said Amillee hesitantly. My head flew up to look at her. 

"Ah...I'm fine, just lost in thought.." I replied rubbing my head.

"If you're sure Lady then shall we get you dressed?" She offered stretching her arms out to help me up, "You can't stay in your nightgown all day." 

Amillee smiled sweetly at me making me think maybe this life won't be as bad as I'm making it out to be. It doesn't mean I can stay here though. There's still a chance that I could end up killed.

'I have to stay focused and I can't relax too much until I'm safe' I arose from my bed hand in hand with Amillee who had dismissed the doctor with a wave of her hand and was leading me toward the wardrobe.


It took much longer than I had originally expected to get changed but if you thought about the layers piled upon my body you could probably understand. I had probably never spent so long getting dressed in my whole life. It was a turquoise ballgown decorated from head to toe in frills and small decorations. 

"Goodness!" Exclaimed Amillee patting her hands down on her dress, "you haven't eaten yet! Oh how inconsiderable of me." 

I sigh deeply realising that I had been so lost in my thoughts I had forgotten how hungry I was feeling. 

Amillee left to go and prepare breakfast while I waited in the dining room she had led me to. The house seemed large enough for to fit a family of twenty comfortably but it seemed, to me, that I was the only one living here. 'Why waste such a big house on one person?' I wondered as I sat hungrily at the extravagant table.

Suddenly, the door swung open and a maid walked in with a tray. She came and set a plate from the tray on the table in front of me. Food was spread out across the plate: fried eggs, mushrooms, bacon and tomatoes. Steam was drifting above it into the air. I could barely contain my hunger and I started to pick up the fork before the maid -who gave the food- coughed disrupting my thoughts. 

Just then, Amillee came through the doors happily. "You must be famished my lady do start eating!" She offered walking over and sitting in a chair near the side of the room. 'This is the kind of meal I'd only ever find in my wildest dreams' I thought to myself picking up the fork and knife cutting into the food in front of me.


The day flew past and before I knew it Amillee had already got me ready for bed. I lay on my bed thinking about what to do. 'I have to leave soon, I feel awkward and uncomfortable here. Plus, I could get killed by just staying here. Even though I'm not a psychopath at the moment, my magic could awaken and most likely endanger the whole country.'

The original Rosemary nearly killed villages of people when she awakened. 'I have to control the mana in me now so I won't end up doing the same thing and to do that... I'll have to escape this mansion.'