

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter Sixteen

Afterwards, Derrick escorted me to my room, we held hands and walked to my room and I just had to ask;

'what was our relationship status now? Were we still friends or lovers?' I wondered.



"What are we now?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean...are we still friends or something...more?"

"We 'are' something more, okay? You're my girlfriend now"

I grinned.

"Okay; but what about Susan? You know how angry she'll be when she finds out, right? Oh! She'll never forgive me" I said and began panicking.

Yes it was true, Susan would never forgive me if she finds out that Derrick dumped her for me... Oh god...my social media life would be totally ruined.

Derrick smiled as I began to panic.

"Ella relax, I'll explain things to her and I'm sure she'll understand, okay?"

I looked up at him.

"You think so?" I asked

He nodded.

"Okay if you say so, then I believe you" I said, smiling.

Tonight, I felt so happy. In fact, I was the most happiest girl in the world.

Derrick kissed me when we reached my door.

"Good night Erik" I said quietly, after we stopped kissing.

He smiled.

"Good night Ella, sleep tight and oh..."

"Yeah?" I answered and stopped from opening the door.

"Dream of me, 'Kay?"

I smiled.

"Okay, sweet dreams Derrick, see you tomorrow" I said and stepped inside.

Immediately I went inside, the lights switched on.

I yelped.

"Oh my god! You guys almost gave me a heart attack, what was that for?!" I yelled at all of them, while panting.

Gabe, Eddie, Flow, Anne and Amun were all staring at me.

"Tell us everything!" They all said excitedly well except Eddie who was kinda disgusted by the whole love and kissing issue.

I rolled my eyes at them and sat on the couch.

"Anne, Amun I know u followed me, okay? I'm not stupid"

"Well...we were only looking out for you so you wouldn't_"

"Do anything stupid?" I asked cutting Anne off, completing her sentence.

"Ella, Anne was right in following you, you were kinda traumatized, isn't that true guys?" Amun asked.

"It's true!" They said.

"Yea Ella its true, you weren't listening to anything we said after you had that nightmare, you couldn't sleep, I know cause I watched you the whole night" Flow said.


"And even though you smiled and laughed at our jokes throughout today, I could tell you weren't yourself beneath that smile you pasted on your face" Gabe said.


"And you got angry so easily and I heard you tell Amun that you felt like Octhelia was inside your head; but I gonna say this only once Ella...don't be such a whiny baby and fight back when she comes back and show her your stronger than her,okay?" Eddie said.

Ugh! This mushy mushy moment is annoying, right? Well I'm just stalling so they don't ask me about my relationship with Derrick now.

"Thanks guys, but I feel so much better and relieved than you could ever imagine" I began, "and that's because I had help from some friends and you guys too, of course..." I said, stretching out my hands for Anne and Amun to take.

"But this friends showed me that I was stronger than I thought and I could be loved too" I said smiling, "and it's because of them I'm smiling today" I said affectionately.

"Ugh! Gross" Eddie said and rolled his eyes, "no offense Ella but being affectionate or sentimental, doesn't suit you at all"

I glared at him.

"Yea and this mushy lovey moment is really annoying me" Flow said

"Okay end this mushy moment already!" Gab groaned.

"Fine!" Anne and I said.

"Oh that reminds me, Amun?"

"Yes?" He answered as they started to leave our girls room.

"I need your help with something"

"Sure with what?" He asked.

"With Susan" I said.

"Susan?!" The guys yelled in disbelief.

The next morning we were packing our bags cause our one week in Cairo was over and our normal lives began next week.

"Don't forget your toothbrush, Flow!" I yelled at her from the room cause she was in the bathroom.

"Okay" She yelled back

Suddenly there was a loud banging at our door.

"Who could that be?" Anne asked, looking up from her phone.

I shrugged, "Beats me" I said as I walked to open the door.

On opening the door, a loud harsh slap landed on my face, causing my face to sting.

I touched my face and faced Susan, actually, an angry one.

"What was that for?" I asked, I wasn't angry with her cause I knew Derrick must've broken up with her and that was why she was this way.

"You bitch!" She yelled, "I confided in you, I asked you if you liked Derrick and_"

"And I said yes; I never lied to you about my feelings for Derrick, Susan, and maybe he didn't tell you about his for me but the truth is none of us planned this..."

Susan glared at me and scoffed, then she muttered out loud to my face.

"Sophie was right..." She began and glared daggers at me, " I should never have confided in you about my feelings for Derrick"

In case you're wondering who Sophie is, she's Susan's cousin, she stays at their place since her parents died when she was in junior high; and she's always bullying me alongside Susanna. Three words? I HATE HER.

I sighed.

"Susan, please I swear to God I never meant to hurt you, so please forgive me" I said, hoping she'd understand.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Then why did you kiss him?"

Apparently not.

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

Cause the truth was that her question caught me off guard.

"I didn't plan that e_eit_ei_either, I swear to God, i_it ju_just hap_ha_happened!"

"Are you guys ready to go?" Amun asked, coming towards our door, looking incredibly hot.

Today he was wearing a large green short sleeved shirt matching his eyes, with a black singlet, black jeans with an attached chain on it with black boot. He packed his hair into a ponytail. Yep totally hot.

I looked over at him, then Susan turned to see who I was looking at and froze.

I smiled to myself. BINGO.

"No. not yet, we had a visitor, Susan please I'd like you to meet our newest transfer student and my friend, Amu_"

Oh God! I'm doing it again, I need to get used to his new name before I blow his cover.

"Darius Gamal from Travolta High School, Cairo" Amun said, facing her and from the look on Susan's face, I knew she found him breathtaking too, like every other girl would once we reached school next week.

"H_Hi_I'm_sluz...fvck! I mean I'm Susan_Susanna Coy" She stammered.

'Smooth. Real smooth. Mighty Coy has been found speechless' I thought.

Amun smirked like he'd just read my mind.

"Nice to meet you Susan or should I call you Suz...I hope I'll be seeing you around" Amun said, as he took her hand and kissed inside her palm.

Okay I'm out. Wait! Was he flirting with her? I did tell him to make her fall for him, that is; I had to stop myself from laughing at the look that was still on Susan's face.

'Oh she's fallen alright' I thought.

"Ella you coming?!" Anne called from across the hall, holding both of our suitcases.

"Yeah coming!" I yelled back at her, as I looked at Susan and Amun again; "So! Susan, I'm sorry about Derrick, please forgive me, okay?"

But she wasn't listening.


"Yeah?...sure, sure, sure, sure, I forgive you." She said and continued talking to Amun.

I smiled.

Right now, my life was going great. I had the hottest boyfriend in school and a hot friend helping me seduce his ex_plus! I have powers, could my life get any better?!.

Well we're about to find out