

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

When we got to New York, I called mom.

"Hello honey" Mom said, answering the call on the second ring.

"Hi mom" I said, "how are you?"

"I'm great sweetie"

"How's your work? When are you coming back?" I asked.

"Why are you asking Ella?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to know when you're getting back" I said.

"Well if you must know, I'm coming home right now" She said.

"What?!" I yelped

"Hello? Ella? Is everything okay over there?"

"No, no, no_I mean yes" I said and sighed, "everything's great. Gotta go, bye love you!" I said and quickly hung up on her.

"Amun!" I yelled in my head.

"Yeah" He answered, coming towards me while Anne came and stood beside me, giving me my suitcase.

"We gotta go home now! My mom's coming home this very minute" I said.

"But why Ella? I mean I'm beginning to enjoy Suzy's company" He said, with a puppy look in his eyes.

Anne and I looked at each other in shock then...

"Suzy?!" I and Anne shouted, making Principal Steel, who came to pick us up with James the driver, glare at us.

"Since when do you call her Suzy? I mean you just met her today!" I said in suprise.

"Yea and don't be deceived by her beauty , okay? Behind that beauty is a savage who's always off the leash" Anne said.

He narrowed his eyes at her.

"Don't call her that again? I mean ever!" He said.

"Oh sorry Romeo" Anne said, clearly finding his anger amusing.

"Guys stop th..." I froze.

It was like as if time had stopped a second; I saw Derrick coming towards me with a single pink rose flower, smiling as he saw me and was looking so dangerously handsome. Suddenly I could hear his faint footsteps from across the escalator where he was coming down from and I could also sense his smell. He smelled divine.

Gosh! How is he that handsome?

I'm sure my mouth was open cause I felt Anne close it for me and jerk my shoulder then I heard Amun whisper in my ear...

"Still want to go home?" He teased and winked at me, as he left to go meet Susan, while

Anne shook her head and smiled as she left to meet up with Gab, Flora and Eddie.

When Derrick finally stood in front of me, I blushed.

"Hi" He said, giving me the flower and planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Hey" I blushed.

"How are you? I was thinking of you the whole night" He said.

"Awww, well I dreamt about you" I said and smiled sheepishly and he laughed.


"Yeah really. So did you want to ask me something?" I asked.

Why I asked him that was because the next two months was our high school prom and I really wanted to go to this year's prom with him and plus next two weeks was our high school basketball championship finals... So I was hoping he'd ask me to both of them.

"Well I wanted to ask you if you could come to watch me play in the basketball finals next two weeks and..." He trailed off.


"If we could...you know...well...Gabriella would you like to go to like to hang with me on Monday?"

I grinned like a fool and nodded vehemently,not entirely what I was expecting but I've heard worse, so I kissed him softly but in a rough way.

"Yes, yes...I would love that"

He smiled and sighed like he'd been holding his breath.

I frowned when I suddenly thought of mom.

"What's wrong?" Derrick asked.

"Nothing. Don't be mad, but I gotta go now, my mom doesn't know that I left for Cairo, cause if she does find out, I'll be grounded for life...or a year if she's in a pretty good mood" I said.

Derrick suddenly looked worried,

"That bad, huh?"

I nodded sadly.

"Okay, want me to take you home?" He asked.

"That'd be great" I began to say until I caught a glimpse of Amun coming towards us, "but Amu...Darius already offered to take us home, sorry" I added.

He frowned angrily but quickly hid it under a smile.

I would've loved the idea of Derrick driving us home but would just take longer than expected and I've got magic now so things should be easier for us.

"No, no, no, it's okay? But Darius's taking you guys home? Does he know your house?" He asked arching a brow.

I winced.

Oh God; that's right to Derrick and the whole school, Amun was just a transfer student and a new friend I and the gang made in Cairo.


Oh gosh! What should I tell him?

"Uhmm...I gave him my address, plus he's has a GPS tracker in his car" I said, I lied.

Of course I lied, I just couldn't tell him that Amun was the former ancient sorcerer of Cairo, plus he was just a golden statue before he'd even come to life and looked this hot; or that I had magical powers now.

Seriously he'd think I was fucking crazy.

"Well...okay, see you around McCall Rodriguez" He said before kissing me lightly on my lips.

I floated away from planet earth but came back when he stopped.

When I opened my eyes, he smiled at me, staring at me in a strange wonder.

"Goodbye Haynes" I said.

He walked away from me, walking backwards without turning to face his front; I kept smiling until, only when he was out of sight did I panick and dialed Anne number.

"Gather the gang, we gotta leave now or I'll be doomed for life" I said and hung up.

We were all together except Amun who was obviously with Susan.

'Did I do something wrong by making them meet up? I hope not' I was thinking that until I saw him kiss Susan in a very starving passionate way.

"WHAAAATTTT?!" We all exclaimed in suprise.

Our jaws fell open in awe and shock.

Eddie tried to block Flow's eyes from seeing the kiss but it was already too late. She jerked his hands away and glared at him. He glared back.

Amun was smiling when he stopped in front of us in the secret quiet corner we chose where no CCTV could get us using magic.

"What?" He defended himself and shrugged.

Then he suddenly teleported us in front of my house. Then he faced us smiling as he said these five dreadful words.

"I think I'm in love"

Silence filled the quiet neighborhood

"He's lost it" Anne said at last breaking the silence.

"Yes" Eddie agreed, looking at Amun with disgust like he just vomited on himself.

Then he took his and Flow's bag inside the house.

"Home sweet home, thanks Amun" I said ignoring what Amun had just said.

"You're welcome" He said.

Cause obviously he's delusional, because Susan is basically the first actual girl, well aside me and Anne, that he's actually talked to; or it might be a side effect of being a statue for a thousand years.

"Come on guys, let's go keep our stuffs and..." Gabe began.

"Too late, I've already done that." Eddie said, sipping an orange juice.

Gabe rolled his eyes at him and placed his other hand round Amun's broad shoulder, the other dragging his suitcase behind them.



"Lemme tell you all about love, because you my poor sweet innocent friend know nothing about love especially one that has to do with the trending type of love of the twenty-first century" Gabe said.

"Really?" Amun asked, clearly interested in this particular topic.

What he didn't know was that Gabe should be the last person he needed relationship advice from.

I and Anne watched as they walked on the sidewalk to their house.

We all live in the same street.

"See you at school McCall" Anne said.

I smiled.

"Sure see u around Blackwell" I said and began going inside the house as I eavesdropped on Anne, Gabe and Amun's conversation.

"Hey wait up!" She said and ran after them.

When she reached them, I heard her say.

"Stop feeling his head with nonsense Stone" She teased.

"Hey! Shut the fuck up! I'm a pro at this game" Gabe said, a little agitated.

Anne arched a brow at him.

"Since when? If you're so good at this game then who's your date to the prom next two months?" Anne asked.

"I'm going with Sophia O'Neill!" He said, angrily.

I paused at the door in shock, just as I was sure Anne looked shocked too.

"Really?" She asked, in disbelief.

I couldn't believe it either, cause he's been having a crush on O'Neill since seventh grade and he hasn't even said, Hi or hello to her.

"Yeah! You're one to talk, who are you going with to prom?" Gabe asked.

She looked stunned.

"Who? Me?" She giggled nervously, "well...uhm...I haven't decided yet!" She added quickly and ran into her house.

Gabe smirked and muttered, "liar" and faced a quiet Amun, "let's go Amun, my mom and dad's gonna love you...I can't say for sure about my elder douche bag of a brother"

"I'll take my chances" Amun said.

I smiled and walked inside.

As soon as I got inside, Eddie and Flow were watching Tv and as I was about to climb the stairs with my suitcase, mom pulled her car into the garage; I panicked.

"Eddie will you quickly place my suitcase under my bed, please? Now!" I pleaded.

He smirked and stood in front of me and had the nerve to say...

"10 bucks"

I glared at him. This bastard was tryin'a wreck me bankrupt before Christmas, but I had no choice, I needed his help.

"Done, now go!" He swiftly grabbed my suitcase and ran upstairs and was down in one sec, grinning, I blinked, as he said...

"Man! I love this powers"

I smiled and quickly ran to cook and pretended that I was preparing lunch, while, Flow and Eddie watched TV.

Mom walked in, "I'm homeeee!" She cheered.

We all looked up and ran to hug her.

"Mom!!!" I cheered.

"Welcome home mom, I missed you" Flow said, she is and will forever be the sentimental one among us three.

"Awwn I missed you guys too, how was your night?" Mom asked.

"It was great"

"Oh it was awesome"

"Fantastic!" Flow yelled.

Man! My mom had no idea how awesome our days have been.