

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter Six

"Say Whaaat?!" We all exclaimed

"Like say what now?! Really? You mean you guys_your ancestors used this diamonds to fight during the war?" I asked, confused like my friends.

"Yes..." He paused, snapping his fingers at me like he was tryin'a figure out my name.

"Gabriella, Ella for short" I said, helping him out

He smiled, "Yes, Ella"

Suddenly, you won't believe it, but he transformed into this handsome hotshot wearing a wine red T-shirt with a black leather jacket, black jeans and black leather boots. He had wavy brown shoulder length hair, the greenest eyes with a faint hint of gold, straight nose, a small full pink lip and a nice milky brown skin.

"Wow" Anne, Flow and I sighed dreamily, totally digging into the new look from the statue.

"Greetings, I'm Amun of Egypt, great sorcerer to king Pharaoh_yes I'm not king Pharaoh like you all thought. You all are?" He asked looking at us.

"Anne Blackwell"

"Gabriel but call me Gab"

"Edward McCall Rodriguez but call me Eddie"

"Flow or Flora if you wanna call me that, I'm a sister to this douche bag"

I smiled and gave him a salute with my two fingers.

"We've already met"

"Well you_you children are the chosen heroes that I have been waiting for my whole life" Amun said

"Excuse me?!" I said

"Okay, nobody said anything about us being heroes" Gab said

"Ella, the diamonds chose you all, you didn't choose it , it chose you" Amun said.

"What? Okay Ella, we really need to go instead of listening to this statue's rubbish" Anne said.

"Yea, let's go" I said and we began to leave.

"Wait!" Amun said and suddenly appeared in front of us.

We froze.

"How did you_?"

"Appear in your front?" Amun asked, completing Flow's statement.

"Yeah" We all said suprised but impressed.

"Flora McCall" Amun called, looking at her.

"Yes?" Flow answered

"You have the power to this create ice and snow with your hands"

"Really?!" Flow asked

He smiled, "yes, and that's not all, you saw that trick I just did?" He asked.


"You can do that and even do this" He said,

Pointing his two fingers at me and I began to float in mid air like I was flying. Shit, I'm scared of heights.

"Whoa! Put me down! I shouted.

"Oh okay" He said and put me down.

"So Flow has the power to control ice, has teleportation and telekinesis powers?" I asked

"That explains the disappearing and appearing of the diamond you saw Flow" Anne explained

"Yay! I have powers" Flora cheered.

"Oooh! What about me?" Eddie asked excited.

Amun smiled at him.

"You have the powers of a dragon"

"Does that mean I can transform into a dragon?" Eddie asked, completely awestruck at the very idea.

I giggled.

Eddie, he has a very wild imagination.

Amun laughed. "No, it means your powers are connected with the qualities of that of the dragon, what I mean is, you're fast, like you can run fast like that superhero you kids are into this days; uhm...what's his name again? Splash?"

"Flash!" We all said.

"Yes, he can run as fast as that man and he also has heat breath and super strength" Amun explained.

Eddie gasped and smiled.

"No way!" He said.

"Whoa, awesome dude; so what's mine?" Gab asked

"You Gabriel Stone, your power is this...you can control the weather and technological devices" Amun said

"Cool" Gab said, impressed.

"Mine?" Anne asked.

"Oh Anne Blackwell, you my friend_your power is_the power to control water anyhow you want into any shape or size you want, it can either be a weapon to you or gift. You can also shape shift into anyone and anything you want, here I'll show you"

"Wow" Anne said, amazed.

Suddenly, he transformed into Anne.

"Whoa" I and the guys said suprised.

Man! I was confused which of them was the real Anne and then Amun changed back to his handsome self again, now don't get me wrong, but he wasn't as hot as Derrick in my eyes or was he? I don't know but the only way to find out, is for the girls at school to vote for the hottest boy of the year. I'm lying, he's way hotter than Derrick.

"So can I breathe in water as well?" Anne asked

"Sure you can" Amun said "And one more thing, you all share one power"

"And what's that?" I asked, he smiled.

"The ability to read minds and communicate telepathically" He said.

"Whaaat?" We all drawled

"But wouldn't that be invading on someone's privacy?" Gab said

"No, of course not, only when necessary that is...or like Ella" Amun called out to me.

I panicked, cause I was just thinking of reading Derrick's mind.

"What? What about me?" I asked

"You like that boy Derry Haynes, right?" Amun asked, I frowned.

"It's Derrick Haynes, yeah, what about him? And how did you know that?" I asked.

"Puh-lease, I know all about you kids than you even know about yourselves; but my point is, you wanna know if that guy likes you, right?"

"Yeah?" I answered, clearly interested.

"Then all you have to do is read his mind" Amun suggested.

"Man! That's a great idea, I should try that once we get back to the hotel" I said

"Now hold your horses Ella, we haven't decided yet if we want in on this hero stuff or not" Anne said.

I sighed.

"She's right Elle, we need to discuss this first" Gab said

"Fine. So Amun, what are my powers?" I asked

He smiled.

"Oh yours is a unique one compared to your friends and siblings, you have the power of invisibility, you can create force field out of your palm and _"

"Hold up" I said, stopping him from taking with my hand."What do u mean force field?" I asked.

He smirked at me and created a navy blue dark light glowing ball shape out of his hand and he blasted it into a wall and the wall crumbled down to stones and the whole place shook and we kinda almost fell on our face...No comment. okay, it hurt but we got up and dusted our clothes .

"Whoa!"Anne shouted in surprise

"Awesome" Eddie drawled in amazement.

"Cool!" I said as we stood up.

"Oh man, that was crazy!" Gab exclaimed in shock.

"Wow!" Flow said in shock.

Amun smiled, "uh,how do you like that?" He asked

"That was amazing!" I shouted in excitement.

"If you liked that, then you're going to love your next power" He said

"Wait, there's more?" I and the guys asked

"Uh-huh, you...have the power to fly" He said excitedly.

"Whaaat? No way!" I said, doubting him.

But before I knew what was happening, he'd grabbed me and threw me up high into the air.

"Ah! Please! Aaaah!" I yelled closing my hand eyes, as I waited for my death.

I finally opened one of my eyes and I... I can't... I couldn't believe it! I was flying, I 'am' flying.

"Woo hoo ooo!!!" I shouted happily as I soared round the throne room and the. I cane down on one feet.

"Show off" Eddie grumbled, clearly jealous at my flying power.

Then all of a sudden, he punched a wall and it actually broke.

"Wow!" We all said in Surprise.

"My turn!" Flow called out, as she disappeared and appeared before me and made an ice statue that came to life.

Then Gab looked at me and I suddenly got a text, I brought out my phone and looked at the text, it was from Gab, weird, he didn't even touched his phone to send it. The text said: COOL POWERS, BUT CHECK THIS OUT.

And then he made a small cloud that made it snow in the throne room and finally Anne made a bubble out of the snow flakes Gab made which Eddie melted with his heat breath; I turned invisible and turned back to normal again.

"Man, I love my powers" I said to myself, I turned to the guys, "so it's decided, right? We're in" I asked.

"Oh yeah!!!" They all said,

Then we all faced Amun and I said.

"What's the next step Master?"

"We prepare for battle"

You didn't see that coming, did you?