

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter Eight

"Wait up, hold up!" I said interrupting Amun's story.

"Yes Ella?" He answered.

"Yeah, yes Ella? Why do you always have to ruin the good part of a story?" Eddie asked

"Or a movie" Anne and Gab said.

"Whatever" I said, completely ignoring them and focusing on my new question.

"Amun, why would you and your father be surprised that the priestess wanted a position as a royal priestess, because if I'm not wrong, in the myths, all of your King's royal sorcerer or priestess were all male and female" I said, making my point of the question I asked.

"What's she up to again?" Gab asked, whispering.

"I don't know, but let's hope it's something good" Anne said

"Yeah like last time, right Eddie?" Flow asked.

Eddie shrugged.

"I don't know Flow but let's hope so, remember when Amun got mad last time at us for disturbing his sleep...which reminds me, we didn't wake him up, none of us went near him, right?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, so how did he wake up?" Gab asked, realizing Eddie's theory.

"We'll ask him, after Ella's question" Anne asked.

"That seems okay to me" Gab said

"Yeah sure, okay" Eddie said

"Okay Anne" Flow said.

"Good, now let's listen to Ella's question" Anne said.

"Yes Ella, all of the King's sorcerers were all male and female then but you don't know Octhelia, the priestess of Taherah like I do, two thousand centuries ago, when I was still a child at that time like you and your family. The things Octhelia did when she was newly appointed as the first female sorcerer were unspeakable, she made my father sacrifice his sons before me as an offering to the god of evil and darkness, Ba-pef, pregnant women were also part of chaos, until it got to a point my father couldn't take it anymore then he and the elders of the court complained to the King and he banished her to a far away desert where she couldn't harm or hurt anyone. So you see why we couldn't take or understand her offer? And I'd rather have died then than to accept her offer but sadly we did and she helped us build and make the stones with every gift and attributes of some of her powers and then we healed the King, defeated our enemies;made the king reinstate Octhelia as the Royal priestess again. Rejoicing that all our enemies were all gone, what we didn't know was that we had a war to prepare for until it was too late" Amun said.

"Wow, so you're saying that_Octhelia was evil and she was planning on destroying your people or something for banishing her and by securing her position as a royal priestess... She was gonna kill your people and your family and you had no freaking idea?" Anne asked.

I smirked and waited for Amun's answer.

Anne's always the only one among us who always got a story right, well...aside from me of course.

"Well...yeah, not how I'd put it_but yeah, pretty much" Amun said

"Wow" Eddie drawled, clearly interested into the evil person_good person story of course.

"Gab?" I called

"Hmm?" He answered

"What's the time now? my phone's in the far end of my bag so I can't reach it "

"Three-forty five p.m" He said

"So! Amun?"


"It looks like you've got two hours before we leave and join our class, or they'll eventually notice we're gone" I said, smiling nervously at him, hoping he understood that I wanted him to wrap up his story quickly.

Was the story freaking me out? Well yeah, I'm totally freaked out by this story of his.

"Well, I started noticing something fishy about Octhelia" I started, so I asked Ella and her family a question; "So you all know how we Egyptians all have a secret passage way in the palace?"

"Yeah!" They answered.

"Well, I caught her touching the walls leading to the courtyard of the palace like she was looking for a secret room or passage way; and the first time I called her name like in a friendly greeting, she panicked. I reported the incident to my father and_"

"Ooh, what did your father do? Did he banish her?" Eddie asked interrupting me.

I sighed and said, "I wish, but instead he said that I was being ungrateful cause I was suspecting and accusing someone who helped us to defeat our enemies several times and saved the King's life. So I decided to get proof and show my dad once I found out what Octhelia was up to, So I followed her through a secret passage way she'd opened. I got to the most scariest place of my entire life_if you guys think the horror movies you watch now a days are scary then you should really see Octhelia's shrine"

"No thanks" Ella, Anne and Flow said in unison.

I smiled

"I quickly hid in a dark place where she wouldn't see me. I then took a skeleton skull of one of her victims and made a run for it, but six to eight of her minions or should I say monsters surrounded me_they were half lion, half eagle. I changed into my battle suit and used my powers which you now have Ella_to kill them but I wasn't strong enough to kill them all_"

"So you're saying you used to have my powers?!" Ella asked, looking surprised and happy.

"Yes. Out of nowhere, Octhelia appeared and zapped me with her staff, wearing me down to a point I felt like I was paralyzed;then she said"

'Oh prince Amun, welcome to my shrine' She said letting me take it all in.

'You witch! I'll make sure you pay for this! I'll make sure you rot in hell, I promise you!' I spat in anger, she hit me in the gut with her staff and smiled as she said.

'I hope you like what you see, cause it will be the last place you ever see on earth' She said and with that, I blacked out.