

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter Nine

After a while, I woke up and found out that she was gone, so I brought out my stone which I had turned into a belt pocket knife, so she wouldn't take it away from me_and yeah you can transform your stones into anything you want. So I used my stone_which was still a knife to cut out of the ropes she'd tied round my hands, then I used my force field to blast my way out of the magical cage she put me in.'

'I ran to meet my father to warn him about Octhelia, but it was already too late, because Octhelia had began her nightmare-of-a-dream-come-true. So I went and gathered my army _and oh, did I tell you I had a fiancee who was also part of my army?" I asked Ella and her gang.

"No" They said.

"Her name was Hathor, she was named after the goddess of joy, inspiratin, celebration and love. She fought bravely for our kingdom, I'll never forget her" I sighed, 'we went to fight against Octhelia and her army of demons and monsters, after fighting and defeating everyone of them; one of them killed Hathor, then I grew angry and collected all my dead army stones and joined the together with my own and I went to fight Octhelia. We fought and fought until I finally I injured and killed her; before she died, she said to me"

'You...you will never...be happy, as long as my...soul lives' Then she died, and her body turned to dust and disappeared.

"I decided that I didn't want to be immortal, so I hid the stones which you guys found...and then I became a statue, freezing myself in time. That's why you guys saw me as a statue but when you guys brought the stones to this throne room where I was, Immediately I knew that Octhelia was still alive somewhere in somebody's body, but I'll know her when I see her" I said.

"You will?" Anne asked

"How?" Gab and Eddie asked

"Twelve years ago in this particular century, a man came here and stole two of the magical stones and left, I could't stop him from escaping because I was still a statue. You should know this, this magical stones and I are connected if anything should happen to them I would disappear because I took control of the whole eight stones centuries ago so technically I hold all the powers of the stones in my body, so if someone were to take or touch the stone, I would wake, that's how I woke up as a statue when you children came in. Though Ever since then, I can't find the man who stole the other two stones, it's like he disappeared" I said.

"So you're saying that there are two more stones out there in the world and you don't know where they are?" I asked

"Yeah, that's right" Amun said.

"Amun? We'd love to help you out now, but we gotta get to the bus taking us all back to our hotel in five minutes...so maybe tomorrow?" I said, as we stood to our feet.

"Come on let's go" Gab said.

"Eddie, can you race us to bus now before Ms. Philips notices that we've been gone?" I asked.

"No, I can't even control this powers" Eddie said,

I sighed, "Okay Flow what about you? Can you get us to the b_"

"I can take you all in a second" Amun offered.

"Really? Well...okay" I said.

Amun held my hand and I held the others. Immediately, he teleported us to the crowd of students following Ms. Philips to the bus. We caught up on what she was saying.

"Be careful next time and stay close to the group so you don't get lost next time, okay Chloë?"

"Yes Ms. Philips" Chloë said

Ms. Philips smiled and said, "Good, now get in to the bus"

We would've gotten safely in to the bus, if Amun has just left immediately like he was supposed to, but Ms. Philips caught us as we were about to enter the bus.

"Hold it right there Ms. McCall-Rodriguéz" She said and we all froze and turned to face her.

I smiled at her.

"Yes Ms. Philips, how may I help you?" I asked, trying to act oblivious to the fact that Amun was right behind us and that every student, especially the girls in the bus was suddenly at the window gawking at him.

"I should be asked you that, young lady, who's this young man with you guys?" She asked smiling, while eye fucking Amun.

We all spoke at once.

"Transfer student!" I said

"Our cousin!" Eddie and Flow said

"My boyfriend!" Anne said

"My cousin's younger brother" Gab said.

Ms. Philips crossed her arms and arched a suspicious eyebrow at our lies, of course she didn't believe us, I mean who would?

"And which of you should I believe?" She asked

"Me!" We all said at once.

But Amun beat us to it by stretching out his hands for a handshake with Ms.Philips.

"Hello Ms.Philips, my name is Darius Gamal, I'm a transfer student from Travolta High School here in Egypt" He said.

Then he reached into his leather jacket, which we all knew was empty, but he brought out a printed document that really said he was a transfer student. That's when we realized that he used magic and apparently had Ms.Philips wrapped around his fingers from the amazed look on her face I could tell, that she was impressed with his paper and then she smiled at him then glared at us.

"Welcome to Sky Level High School, Mr Gamal" She said, "You'll have to come to our school officially and talk things out with the principal of our school,Principal Steele, but for now you can stay with Mr Stone and His friends_where is your luggage?"

"Oh it's at the back of the bus, lemme go get it" Amun said and came with two traveling suit cases.

We fit it into the bus trunk and then we were all seated in the bus, while all the girls and gays on the bus were all eye fucking Amun.

I mean, who wouldn't? He had a shiny wavy looking brown hair with the deepest green eyes, tempting pink lips and a wonderful tanned skin, finally, He has amazing muscles and biceps. Yep I've decided, he's hotter than Derrick but I'm still in love with Derrick though.

I decided to ask the million dollar question on everyone's mind.

"Okay! Let us all know, what happened just now?" I whispered

"Yeah, how did you even make that paper appear in your pocket, we all know it was magic but how?" Anne asked, surprised like I was.

"So you're like in our school and class now?" Gab asked.

"One question at a time guys" Amun said to us and answered Gab's question,"Yes I guess so, I mean, it's the only way I can stay close to you guys and train you" Amun said.

"You know Amun,the name Darius Gamal was brilliant. It's like we're in a spy movie or something and we're all secret agents" Eddie said and Amun smiled.

"Amun where are you gonna stay when we get back to New York? Anne's or Gab's" Flow asked.

"Good question" Amun said.

"Thanks" Flow said and blushed.

"You know you could stay at my place for awhile if you want, I'll just talk to my parents on the phone when we get back to the hotel" Gab said and put on his earpiece and began nodding and humming to some music.

"Cool, now that that's settled; I think it's time, you start looking for Octhelia, don't you think?" I said.

Amun didn't say anything, so Flow rested her head on my lap and slept while Eddie was busy playing a video game on his phone. I looked out the window and watched roads and people pass by.

I couldn't help but think this, my adventure has just began.