

"I could drive you." / "Let me drive you.", Irene and Seulgi said in unison.

Wendy looked at Irene and then she looked at Seulgi, with Yeri mirroring her action across the table. The blonde paused for a moment as she pondered at the situation a bit inside her head. How would she answer this? How would she choose a simple offer without offending anyone? She couldn't care less about Irene's feelings because the lady was just probably saying this as an opportunity to portray a very concerned fiancée who just wants to drive her girl to an errand. She knew Irene really didn't mean it. The thing that she was more concerned about is Seulgi. Though the brunette has a very kind and understanding personality, Seulgi is also sensitive. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and Wendy doesn't really want to see the brunette's disheartened face again for the first time in two years, after she fled to New York and left the brunette with a broken heart.

She knew that she's over analyzing this way too much when she shouldn't be. A big part of her wants to just say yes to Irene, as she should, because she's technically in a relationship with the girl. It's just right to go with her instead of going with an ex. But then it would disappoint Seulgi when the least she could do is to accept the brunette's help after everything she did to the girl. There is also the possibility that accepting Seulgi's offer may spark some questions from her family. Wendy's head started to throb.

As her answer is obviously taking too much time, Yeri decided to break the deafening silence in the room.

"Well, I would offer to drive you too if only I had passed my driving test. I failed the practical test last week.", she said jokingly, obviously making fun of Wendy.

"But Irene honey, we had already planned the day with you. We're excited to tour you around Jeju. Seungwan-ah mentioned it's your first time here and it would be such a shame not to show you around.", Halmi said.

"Right. I think it would be best for Seulgi to give Seungwan a ride. If it is okay with you, of course.", her mom seconded.

Wendy started thanking the heavens for these two beautiful women of her life for always making everything easy for her. Now, she didn't have to think of an excuse because they have already done it for her unknowingly.

Wendy watched Irene look at both women and is probably contemplating on how she would say that she really doesn't wanna go with them.

"Is it okay with you, love?", the blonde repeated the question, intentionally adding a sweet endearment at the end to assure everyone that she may be going with Seulgi but her "love" for Irene should remain unquestioned. Never in her life has it ever crossed her mind that she would use that term to associate with the lady chief. Now she's throwing out the word in the open like it's just the most natural thing to say. She should be cringing, but it's a surprise that she's not. And it's weird.

"Oh. Of course...", Irene answered, clearly taken aback by her sudden sweet tone. The lady paused for a moment as she collected herself before speaking again. "It's fine with me. As long as you will catch up with us after getting Joy, love."

Now Wendy is getting a taste of her own medicine. This little devil is really stepping up her game. Whenever Wendy tries to catch her off guard, the chief always has a counter-move. They are both really playing this fake engagement so well.

"Will do." she said, in which Irene responded with a nod.

"Well then, we all better get going." Halmi said as the old woman stood up. "We have a long day ahead of us."


Irene watched as a couple of cabin crew prepared the luxurious yacht for the trip. She was still in awe of its beauty and size that even though she's afraid of the water, she thinks she could live there. She noticed that there are other smaller ships that can be used and asked why they do not use those if it's just a 15-minute boat trip to the port. The lady chief thought that it's such a waste of resources to just use the yacht for such short-time travels. Wendy said they can use the smaller boats but insisted on using the yacht while they are here, saying it's because the blonde knows she's afraid of the open water and she knows what it feels like to face something you're very much afraid of. The blonde said she wants her to be comfortable.

Irene did not know how she would respond to that so she just pulled up a snide remark of "Right. I wouldn't ride the small boats either, even if you insist. I only deserve the best.", in which Wendy responded with an eyeroll and a "Gaad. Remind me again why I'm gonna be married to Satan's mistress." The blonde went back inside the mansion to change her clothing after that, leaving Irene once again with her thoughts.

The blonde really confuses her so much. Back in the company, she always sees Wendy as this super hardworking employee who always follows her around and does her orders and everything she asks for like her rent is due everyday. A blonde girl who gets flustered easily even with the smallest things. She's organized, polite, and well-mannered, even though Irene makes her everyday job a living hell. Being the blonde's boss for two years, she always notices how Wendy interacts with everyone in the office, how she treats everyone with love and kindness and how everybody adores her for that. The blonde was the total opposite of her. Despite the fact that Irene despises every human being, Wendy respected her as her boss and never once the blonde crossed her line as a personal assistant. The blonde never once prided about her personal life. She's good at what she's doing and Irene's life is always convenient with her around. She was the perfect personal assistant for the editor-in-chief.

But now that Irene is outside her realm, Wendy has shown a very different side of her. Maybe the spoiled rich kid part of the blonde is coming out because Irene is in Wendy's territory. Though she's still the same kind Wendy of New York, the Seungwan of Jeju is carefree and bold. What was she thinking when she forced Irene to level up their physical skinship by hugging and caressing her back like that? And calling her 'love'?

Of course she doesn't want Wendy to get the best of her. She doesn't want the blonde to think that she has power over her so she needs to counter every attempt of making her feel embarrassed or catching her off-guard.

Two can play this game.

"The yacht is ready. Let's go, babe.", she heard Wendy once again approach her, with that Seulgi girl trailing behind.

That Seulgi is another thing. It's obvious that the brunette still has a thing for her fiancée but does she really need to lurk around like that? Knowing that her ex is already engaged? Is she really that whipped for the blonde? She doesn't really need to show up everytime like she owns the place. Irene knew that they had a past and that the girl seemed close to Wendy's family but the brunette didn't have to throw it all on Irene's face.

Irene couldn't care less about whether they still had feelings for each other. What she cares about the most is for them not to compromise her plans. With that Seulgi around, she worries that it could cause problems.


Riding the yacht seems fine and she's not getting sea sickness as she usually does. As she stared into the vast sea while drinking her fresh berries smoothie that Yeri made her, Wendy came to her side.

"Hey.", the blonde greeted.


"Can we not fight? It's tiring."

"I'm not fighting with you. I'm just asking what do you want?"

She watched Wendy let out a heavy sigh through her peripheral vision. "Don't do anything stupid while you're with mom and Halmi."

Irene met Wendy's eyes with her left brow raising. "Excuse me? I should be the one telling you that. You're the one messing with an ex."

"What? No. It's not like that. She's... Seulgi's a friend.", Wendy defended.

"Right. Whatever."

"Look. If you're worried about me messing up this whole arrangement, you shouldn't be. The editor position is the most important for me. That's the sole reason why I left Jeju. If I have to suck up everything and be married to you to get that, I would. Because we're already here, we already started this. There's no going back now. We had a deal."

Irene processed what Wendy had said. The blonde seemed sincere, so Irene tried to be at ease about it.

"Fine. It's good that we're still on the same page."

"Just try to be nice to everyone, okay? Keep your negative or offending remarks to yourself. We don't want my family to think that you're really this heartless witch that I somehow decided to marry."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh come on. Let's not pretend you didn't make my life miserable for 2 years and counting."

"Shut up.", she gave Wendy a glare and the blonde made a zipping-mouth gesture.

After a few moments of silence, Irene decided to speak again, realizing that she wants the conversation to keep going. She really does not want to be awkward with the blonde as they were both standing together behind the railings and watching the calm waves of the sea. Might as well get answers for her curiosity.

"I wonder how living in your huge mansion works. Like how does the transportation work? You were going to the airport and we are going to the city but the cars I saw back in the mansion were never loaded for shipment to the port."

"We have a private parking lot near the dock. The cars that are being used to travel around Jeju were parked there and are ready for usage. Visitors to our home parked their vehicles there as well, so you just need to take the boat ride to get to our house. Seulgi's car is in there. Mom's other car is in there, which is your ride together with Halmi. The cars you saw back in the mansion are the ones being used to travel around the island. Having a separate set of cars for both islands saves the hassle of having to ship the cars back and forth."

"Wow. Just how many cars does your family have?"

"A few. Fifteen maybe."

𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏?? 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒂 𝒇𝒆𝒘??

It amazes Irene how Wendy is so casual about it. Like it's not a big deal at all. Well, all rich kids are basically like that. They know they are wealthy but they would usually deny it or just be humble about it. That's when you know they are THAT rich. Wendy could even ask her parents to make their own publishing house and have Wendy be the boss of her own company but she never did that. She went to New York, away from her loved ones and started from the bottom. Irene admires her for that, for not using power and money to get to her dreams. The only very spoiled rich kid-thingy the blonde ever did so far since they got here was requesting a driver to drive her. Wendy is the one who drives her around in New York. Whenever she needed something, she would ask Wendy for it. When there is something needed to be done, she would ask Wendy to do it. Now that Wendy is the one asking like a little kid, it's kinda cu—---

"Hello? Earth to Irene!"

Irene's thoughts were disrupted by Wendy snapping her fingers in front of her face.


"You were spacing out."

"Oh. What were you saying?"

"I said we're here. You're going to be fine, right?"

"Son Wendy, I'm a grown woman. I'm not a baby."

"Right. Just a reminder. Don't do anything funny."

Irene could not even count how many times she had rolled her eyes today because she kept forgetting how annoying Wendy is. Wendy does not need to micromanage her to do her part on this arrangement that they have. She fully understands the assignment and she would deliver it with flying colors.

"Irene honey, are you ready?" Seung-ah called behind them. Irene smiled and nodded to her.

"Alright, babe. You take care.", Irene knew that the act was on as they were in front of the blonde's mother. What surprised her was Wendy kissing her on the cheeks before the blonde left her dumbfounded and proceeded to walk towards her forever-waiting ex.

That annoyed Irene even more.


"Did the manager already report for duty?", Seungwan asked as she guided Sooyoung to the parking lot of the airport where Seulgi had parked. She insisted for Seulgi to just wait in the car while she gets her best friend from the departure area as she did not want to cause any hassle to the brunette anymore. Of course the brunette insisted as well to go with her and help her out but she refused. Seulgi has already gone her way to drive her to the airport and Wendy is already taking much of her day.

"Nah.", Joy answered shortly as she forced a grin. Wendy could tell that her friend was physically exhausted from the trip.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I closed the shop."

"What? Why?"

"Why not? I realize that I don't want to miss all the fun of your little escapade with your fake fiancée in your hometown."

Wendy stopped walking and so Joy did too.

"Sooyoung-ah, this is the last time you'll be saying it's fake. Please. I don't wanna get in trouble. It might slip out of your tongue for God knows when but please, try not to mention our little arrangement."

"It's been like, what, your second day? And you're already having a hard time playing your role huh?"

Wendy let out a heavy sigh. Playing an actress was indeed never for her.

"Please? You're the only person who knows about this because you're the only one I trust enough to know. Even Yerimie doesn't know. Let's just have fun and pretend it's real, okay?"

"And now you're including me into your little game because now I have to pretend too? Son Seungwan, your spoiled butt is asking for too much."

"It's just gonna be a week. A few more days and this'll be over. So, please?", she added a little pout in her pleads.

"Should I pity your situation because you're giving me that famous puppy look of yours? You should know by now that you just look cute doing that."

Seungwan pouted even more, with her sad, cute little eyes looking straight into Sooyoung's soul.

"Oh god. You're cute. Fine. Just stop it.", the tall girl said as she facepalms Wendy.

"I love you, Sooyoung-ah."

"I hate you. You know it'll work every time."

"But still, you love me."

"I hate that I love you."

"Alright, Rihanna."

Both laughed as they reached Seulgi's car. Wendy knocked gently on the trunk to signal Seulgi to open it. After loading Sooyoung's luggage into the trunk, the two best friends got into the vehicle.

"Seungwan-ah. You didn't tell me you hired a hot driver to drive us around.", Joy said from the backseat.

"Shut up. This is Seulgi. Seul, this is Joy.", the blonde introduces. The two ladies haven't got the chance to really meet each other yet in person despite both playing a big role in Wendy's life. She met and dated Seulgi in college when she was studying in Jeju National University while Sooyoung has always been living in America all her life. She visits South Korea for vacations but her family is based in the US.

Despite them not meeting each other yet, Sooyoung knows there's a Seulgi and Seulgi knows there's a Sooyoung.

"You mean Kang Seulgi? Like Seulgi the ex??", Joy exclaimed excitedly as she pokes her head in between Seulgi and Wendy.

"Oh my god. You're loud.", Wendy scolded. "I'm sorry for her behavior.", she sent an apologetic look to the brunette.

"Don't mind it. I like her energy." Seulgi said as she faced the excited Sooyoung. "Nice to finally meet you, Joy-sshi.", the brunette offered her hand.

Joy accepted the handshake with her eyes widening in bewilderment. "OH. MY. GOD. Seungwan is totally right. You are so gorgeous. OH MY GOD. Are you even human?"

Seulgi chuckles at Joy's remarks, a pink blush starting to show from her cheeks. "Oh. Seungwanie said that?"

"No, I did not... I mean, yes, but that was before, you know... when we..." Now, Wendy's cheeks are flushing too. "Ya! Sooyoung-ah! Shut your mouth or I'll have you stay in a hotel."

Joy retreated in the backseat with her two hands up in the air, showing her surrender. "It's just so unfair why you always get all the hot and pretty people and keep them for yourself."

"That is so not true."

"Park Sooyoung, Kang Seulgi and now, Bae Irene. All freaking smoking hot women."

Wendy watched Seulgi's face turn into a tomato as her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, maybe wondering why is Joy like this and why is Joy even on the list.

"Park Sooyoung, I swear to the Higher Being, if you won't shut your mouth, I'll—--"

"Fine! Fine! Sorry! I'll shut up."

Wendy let out a heavy sigh as she lightly massages her aching head. She loves her best friend but Joy sometimes can be too much.

"Are we good to go?", Seulgi asked.

"Yes, take us home please."


𝟑:𝟑𝟎 𝐏𝐌

Irene stared at the temporary basic phone that Wendy lent her as she waited at one of the tables inside The Sons Café 21. The two elder Son ladies went inside the back kitchen to get some freshly baked pastries and freshly brewed coffee for their afternoon snack. Irene was still actually full. They had their lunch at one of the family's restaurant businesses and it was a feast. The food is actually great as well. If Irene hadn't stopped Halmi from bringing out every dish on the menu, the lady chief would probably have indigestion. This café is the fourth stop of the family business tour that the ladies had planned for her today. The Son family probably had a bunch of other businesses and visiting each and every establishment in Jeju in a day or two is an understatement. It would probably take a week. It is THAT many. They are THAT rich.

𝟑:𝟑𝟓 𝐏𝐌

Irene checked the phone again as if she was anticipating something.

"Seungwan hasn't called yet?" Seung-ah asked as the lady placed a tray with two cream cheese garlic breads and two hot café lattes on their table.

"Uh, not yet. Where's Halmi?"

"Oh, she's in the kitchen, helping with the baking. Most of the pastry recipes are from her so she enjoys baking here herself from time to time. Don't worry about her, just enjoy the food and the coffee.", her fiancée's mom smiled warmly as she sat across from her.

Irene nearly spat the first sip of her coffee when her phone started ringing. Aside from the fact that it is a loud Nokia classic ringtone, the name on the screen displays My Forever Love Seungwan.

"Are you okay, dear?", Seung-ah's concerned eyes landed on her.

"I'm fine. It's Wendy."

Irene answered the call right there on her seat. She would like to excuse herself so she could curse at Wendy for putting a super cringey name on the phone but decided not to because it doesn't feel right to just leave the elder lady alone. She just has to be careful when talking with her fake fiancée on the other line.

"Baby? Where are you? Yes... She's... in front of me... Yeah... We're at the café. Oh. Okay. We'll just wait for you here. Bye..."

"She's coming?", Seung-ah asked.

"Yes, she's—-", and speaking of the devil, the main door of the café opened and revealed Wendy. "...here."

Irene watches her fiancée walk towards them, her mouth agape, as she takes in Wendy's new features. The blonde secretary she had known for two years is not blonde anymore. Her short hair is now a freaking chestnut brown. Not that Irene finds it not suitable for Wendy, it is no question that the blonde era is Wendy's trademark and will forever be superior, but this chestnut brown makes her look at Wendy in a different light. The freakin fringe and the specs are the cherries on top. She looks stunning. Irene had never imagined Wendy with a different hair color and now, looking at it in real life, it seems that Wendy is a different person.

She realized she sounded so stupid inside her head. 𝑺𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏, 𝑰𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒆. Right. 𝑺𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏. Irene had to mentally slap her face before Wendy and Seung-ah noticed her open mouth. She slightly coughed to recompose herself. It's a new look and it is understandable that Irene was astounded by it but that's just it and nothing else.

"Hi mom.", the brunette gave her mother a cheek to cheek greeting. "Hi babe.", Wendy then approaches her and gives her a peck on the cheek and proceeds to sit beside her. The brunette has been kissing her a number of times already and Irene is starting to get used to it. She knows it's part of the show but she's telling herself not to get surprised anymore by Wendy pulling stunts like this especially when she's around the brunette's family. "I'm sorry, I'm kinda late. I helped Sooyoung get settled and I dropped by the salon."

"Omo Seungwan-ah. The hair suits you so well! It really looks good on you!", Seung-ah complimented the compliments Irene could never voiced out because she refused to give Wendy any idea that her new look has an effect on her.

Wendy smiled at her mother "I grew tired of my blonde hair. I think it's time for a change. What do you think, love?", the now brunette-haired girl looked at Irene, awaiting her affirmation.

Irene met her gaze but regretted doing so because facing the new chestnut-haired Son Seungwan in a close proximity makes her insides squirm so crazilly.

"W-what?", she managed to mutter a single word.

"Does it suit me?"

"It's..." Irene was trying to think hard of an insult but her head refused to give her any negative adjectives to describe the woman in front of her. "It's... Y-you're pretty.", she said in a small voice, her head turning in a different direction. The teaspoon on the table seems interesting all of a sudden.

"Pardon?", now she knew Wendy was just trying to tease her about her calling Wendy pretty. Her big chestnut head just wants to hear it again. Or the brunette did not really hear what she said. She doesn't know anymore. Her head is suddenly spinning.

Irene met her eyes once again. "I said you're pretty.", she said in all seriousness. She held Wendy's gaze for a good five seconds before pulling away. "Excuse me, I have to take the restroom.", Irene stood up, leaving the table with Wendy still looking at the empty seat where she sat.


Wendy wasn't sure if the compliment was sincere. The way Irene looked her straight into her eyes and told her she looks pretty seems not so Irene. The lady chief was just probably saying it because her mom is in front of them. A tiny part of her wishes that what Irene had said was true though. Well, her mom said it looks good on her but aren't all mothers like that? They would always compliment and praise their own child because it's their child.

She dropped the subject in her head and decided to just ask Sooyoung or Yeri later. Those two know a lot about good fashion.

"Did you enjoy the tour?", she asked Irene as the lady chief finished the last sip of her coffee. Her mom went to get Halmi from the kitchen.

"It was fine. We visited the main businesses. I guess you told your family to show off a bit huh?"

Wendy narrowed her eyes on the chief. "They just wanna show you around, show a bit of our family background."

"Yeah. Show off. What I learned is that you are old money rich. Your wads of cash came all the way from your ancestors. Halmi said it's been a tradition to pass down the business to the next generation. Currently, your father is the one who oversees everything."


"So it's like a monarchy. Your father is the current king of the Son's empire. Who's the next in line then? You?"


"What do you mean?"

Wendy bowed her head down. It's a topic that she never wants to visit. But of course, Irene doesn't have to know much about the family affairs. Just the basic information is enough for them to survive the little arrangement that they have.

She was thinking about how she would divert to a different topic when her phone vibrated, indicating that a message was received.

"It's mom. She said we can go ahead and wait in the car. We're about to head to our last stop."

"Seriously? I thought this was the last one?", Irene groaned. The lady chief clearly just wants to get home. Wendy was already lucky enough to have Irene agree to go with her family. The whining is pretty much understandable. If it's her, she doesn't want to do this either. She wants to stay away from the family businesses as much as possible. She just cannot say no to her mom and Halmi and having Irene go with them seems a nice idea to get them to bond.

"It's the last one. I promise to take you home after it.", she reassured her fiancée.

"Fine." Irene huffed and shouldered her bag. "Let's go."


The last stop was The Son's Urban Kitchen. It is located at the heart of Jeju and is famous for its grilled black pork barbeque and has been serving authentic Korean dishes since 1970. Many tourists visit the place and there is always a queue for diners.

There are two parts of the restaurant. One is with the usual samgyupsal tables where people can enjoy grilling the meats of their choice. The other part is like the usual casual dining where there are no pre-installed grills in the middle of the table. There are VIP rooms for diners who prefer private space and there are also function rooms for group events. Though the place is always full, the overall ambiance of the place is classy. Wendy remembers the time when she would have dinner here with her college friends. It feels nostalgic remembering the good old days.

The VIP rooms were fully booked so her mom reserved a table for casual dining. Since this is the first formal dinner with her family, Wendy was sure that her father would be there. Wendy really doesn't want to deal with her father. All her father does is to nag the hell out of her choices in life.

As they got out of the car, she saw the man outside the restaurant with a glass of scotch on his hand. He looks as if he's trying to get a breath of fresh air. Wendy was contemplating if she would just back out and make an excuse of not feeling well or something but she's already here. Her father already saw them. Might as well have this dinner and get this over with.

Halmi and her mom kissed her father on the cheeks. Irene gave a courteous nod and greeted him a gracious evening. Surprisingly, the man acknowledged the greeting by responding with a nod. If it's just out of politeness or he's just in a good mood, Wendy cannot tell. It is clear as daylight that her father does not like Irene or the fact that Irene is Wendy's boss and her only daughter is practically getting married to her boss. For him to acknowledge Irene's greeting might be something. Maybe they could finish this meal without getting into each other's throat.

"Go on, inside. They are setting up the table. I just need a minute to take a breather. A whole day behind my office desk was kinda draining." he chuckles as he scratches the back of her neck. Her mom nodded and opened the welcoming door of the restaurant to get inside. Wendy followed the ladies from behind.

"Seungwan-ah.", her father called. Wendy and Irene abruptly stopped walking. Wendy was not expecting to be called after their little dispute last night and Irene, well Irene must've also been taken aback by the man's deep voice. Her father's voice is calmer but authoritative at the same time.

Wendy asked Irene to give her a minute with her father and to just follow Halmi and her mom to the reserved table. The brunette throws a timid smile to the lady chief, letting her know that she'll be fine.

"Dad.", she walked towards the man.

"It's been a while since we have eaten here together as a family.", her father said as he took a glance at the restaurant.

"Yah. I kinda miss our signature dishes.", Wendy did the same. She watched Irene and her family get settled at the table through the glass walls of the building. She can see pretty much everything inside from their spot. Every customer had a satisfying look plastered on their faces indicating that they are happy about the service and the food being served to them.

"It's so good to have you back."

"Me too."

Her father took a sip from his glass before speaking again. "Your mother was a little peeved. Apparently, I wasn't the most gracious of hosts last night.", he took another sip. "It was a little bit of a shock to find out that you were getting married, especially when none of us even knew that you were dating."

"I never had the chance to open up the topic to you."

"Well, what we all knew is that you extremely despised your boss. Bringing her home and announcing that you're getting married to her... it seems a 360 degrees turn of events. It was too much for me."

"A lot could happen in a year."

"Right. It's just kind of surprising that you decided to suddenly marry your boss that you've known for two years when you turned down Kang Seulgi's proposal, a person you dated for four."

"Dad... You can never compare and judge relationships based on how long it's been.", Wendy said as she started to get annoyed. Her father has no business bringing up that proposal from years ago. Yes, he favored Seulgi a lot because the Kangs here in Jeju have a pretty good reputation in the business scene and they are well-established as well but he doesn't have a say of whom and when she should marry.

Her father must've noticed the agitation on her face.

"Fine. You're right. The point is... I owe you an apology. I'm sorry."

Wendy started to calm and relax again. It's just the words that she wanted to hear. She was so close to having an argument with him again and it's good to hear that he decided to apologize for his inappropriate remarks.

Son Sang-hyun stretched out his arms for a hug. Wendy hesitated at first but they don't always get the chance to do this so she walked towards her father and wrapped him in an embrace. "Apology accepted.", she muttered. The hug was short, but it's just all that Wendy needed.

For a moment, they stood in a comfortable silence. Just a father and a daughter enjoying the fresh night air.

"There's something else I wanted to discuss with you, Seungwan-ah."


"I've been going over my retirement plans recently, and it got me thinking." The tone that her father uses now becomes more serious. Wendy stopped enjoying the cool Jeju breeze and looked at her father with anticipation.

"I've done a lot of things in my life. Practically built an empire with the family from the ground up. It doesn't mean anything unless—"

"Unless you have someone to leave it to. Yeah, we already discussed this Dad.", her good mood is now completely gone.

"Yes, but I'd like to discuss it again.", his voice powerful and strong. "You have responsibilities here, Son Seungwan. I think I've been more than understanding about your goofing off in New York. I need you to quit playing around."

"Here we go again. Just when I thought you were sincere about saying your sorry and we would end this night on a good note. I was wrong.", Wendy was so mad at herself for letting her father get the best of her. Just when she thought he was really sorry. Just when she thought they could finally mend their broken relationship. Just when she thought they could finally start fresh and forget everything that has happened in the past. She was so completely wrong. And she was blaming herself for allowing this to happen.

After all these years, all her father could still think about was how he wanted Seungwan to be the successor of the empire their family had built. He started drilling it to Seungwan's mind when the brunette was on her last year of college in preparation for her life after graduation. Of course it was always nice to have something to inherit from your family as it's not always the case for everyone. She was lucky to be born in a well-off clan that does not need to worry about how they would survive and eat in their everyday life. Everything she needed to live was provided with ease. Everything she wants can be provided with no hassle. Not that Wendy is a spoiled brat that asks for anything and everything but the point is, the family doesn't have to struggle because they are living comfortably. It's all thanks to the hard work and sacrifices made by her great grandparents who invested blood, sweat and tears to start and build what they have right now. Credits goes to her Halmi and Dad as well for continuing and growing what was started.

But Seungwan wants to pave a path of her own. The family business affair is just not for her. She cannot imagine herself doing what her father is doing. She does not want to take over the family business, have endless meetings with different people, sit behind a desk and manage everything that involves their family name. What she loves are books and her dream is to become an editor. She does not want to confine her life to this small island. She wants to go out there and chase her dreams and touch everyone's life around the world by editing wonderful stories and that's just what she did. After graduating college, she had a big argument with her dad and Seulgi suddenly proposing to marry and asking to spend the rest of their lives in Jeju was the last straw. She fled and escaped to New York. Sure her job is draining because having an Irene Bae as your boss is too much but whenever she thinks she is closer to her goals, it feels fulfilling. She feels content and happy.

"I was sincere about apologizing for how I treated you last night. But we need to discuss certain things about the family, Seungwan."

"Family?", Wendy scoffed at the word. "Do you even treat me as one? When are you going to start taking what I do seriously?", her throat tightens as she holds back tears that threaten to fall. She cannot cry here. She cannot show him she's weak. She wanted to hold her ground because she was tired of running away. It's time to address this issue with him, right here and right now.

"When you start acting seriously."

Wendy cannot just believe what the man is saying. "I'm sorry.", she started. "I truly feel sorry for you, Dad. I wish you had another child. I really do. One who wanted to stay here. One who wanted to take over the family business. One who wants to marry someone that you approve of, but it's not me."

The immense pain seeping through her whole being right now is unbearable. Her eyes finally betrayed her. Warm streams of tears trickled down her face as she showed her father how greatly hurt she is with this never-ending pressure and responsibility he is forcing on her shoulders.

"My life in New York must be strange to you... working in an office, reading books, chasing my dreams.", she continued. "But it makes me happy, Dad. Do you understand that? It makes me happy."

Her dad fell into deafening silence. His crestfallen face shows that he must've somehow realized what he did to his child. Wendy promised to herself that this would be the last time they would be having this conversation. If her dad won't accept her choices and won't support her with her decisions in life, it's up to him. She's done. After this trip, she'll head back straight to New York and God knows when will she return to Jeju again.

He looked at his empty glass before he spoke in a defeated voice. "If that's what makes you happy, Seungwan-ah, I got nothing to say."

Wendy doesn't want to believe his words anymore. If it's true, she doesn't care anymore.

"Well, that's a first. You know what? Apology not accepted. Enjoy your dinner."

And with that, Wendy hurriedly walked out of the place.


Irene was browsing the menu of the restaurant for new drinks she wanted to try when she heard a very concerned gasp from Seung-ah.

"Omo. Seungwan-ah...", the woman cupped her mouth with both hands and unconsciously stood up from her seat.

As her tone was very alarming, Irene abruptly turned her head to where the woman was looking. The action was so hasty that Irene felt something snap in her neck. But the little pang of pain quickly disappeared and was replaced by the same concerned expression that Seung-ah portrays.

What they saw is Wendy walking out of the place and it seems that the brunette is crying. It was so quick but Irene was sure she met Wendy's gaze for a split second as the brunette walked away from her father. She could swear that Wendy's eyes were wet, red and puffy.

What could've happened that made the brunette like that? Did she have an argument again with her father? Irene does not really understand the beef between the two Sons. She noticed it when they first met the man at the welcoming party and Irene instantly felt the tension between them. It was clear as well that the elder Son does not like her or the fact that Wendy brought her boss and suddenly announced that she is getting married. Irene feels like the recent announcement just added more fuel to the existing fire they had.

But her father looked like he's in a good and calmer mood when the man accepted her greeting earlier and Irene almost expected that tonight would turn out smoothly. What could've they discussed that led to Wendy crying?

The next thing Irene knew was Son Sang-hyun approaching the table with a somber expression radiating from his whole being. The man looked tired and defeated as he took his seat on the table.

"What happened to Seungwan?", Seung-ah asked. "What did you do?"

The man let out a sigh. He seemed hesitant at first about telling his wife.

Irene feels the need to excuse herself. This seemed to be a serious family talk and she feels she has no business to be in the middle of it while the folks are discussing the issue.

"Uh... Pardon me. I think I need to use the restroom. Excuse me guys for a minute.", she politely bowed and excused herself from the table.

"Sure, dear. The restroom is over there.", Halmi pointed in a certain direction.

As soon as she took a couple of strides from the table, Irene could hear Seung-ah start asking Sang-hyun again.

"Sanghyun-ah, what did you do this time?"

"I didn't do anything. I mean... I just had a frank conversation with her about her future."

Irene turned into a corner but cannot help to stay a bit as it is still within her earshot.

"Oh. Well, yeah. That's a good idea.", Seung-ah sarcastically said, sounding very very disappointed. "That's a very good idea, Sanghyun-ah. Because she will never come back home again.", the pain in her voice is recognizable enough for Irene to know that the woman really loved and misses her daughter so much. As she was hiding behind a corner, she could only imagine the image of a great Sang-hyun being scolded like a little kid.

"She is my daughter and I only get to see after two years because she doesn't want to come home and it's all because of you. I had enough."

𝑶𝒉. 𝑺𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒅. 𝑺𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒅.

"You're gonna be supportive of her marrying Irene and that is that. You know what? If you keep doing this, we're gonna end up in our great big house with all of our money and family business, just you and me alone. You and me and everything we're angry about and that would be very lonely for us. And God forbid that we should have a grandchild that we never get to see."

Irene nearly choked at the word grandchild. It means having a kid with Wendy, right? The idea of her having a child has never crossed her mind yet. Now, thinking of having it with Wendy is a very very strange idea. The lady chief shrugged away the thought at once.

"You need to fix this with Seung-wan, dear.", Halmi said, agreeing with what Seung-ah said. Irene was kinda expecting the elder woman to back up her son but she didn't. It might just mean that the man is really in the wrong. Well, Irene doesn't really know the full story so she cannot just jump into assumptions.

Irene didn't hear a word from Sang-hyun. She decided to take the restroom for real.


It was a very tiring day for Irene. So much has happened since the morning started. From Deez calling to a freakin eagle snatching up her phone. Does she have to mention Kang Seulgi and Son Seungwan's new hair? Oh, how can she miss the awkward family dinner with the Sons? Her feet are killing her that she just wants to slumped on the bed as soon as possible. But no, she needs to take a nice warm bath to wash all the disgusting bacteria she accumulated for the day.

Thankfully, they are home. She doesn't have any idea where Wendy is. The brunette must be taking her time to breathe. Joy and Yeri don't seem to be present in the house as of the moment. Or the three of them might be somewhere, having fun since it's Joy's first day here. Well, wherever Wendy is, Irene is not waiting for her to go to bed. She would take her precious beauty rest as soon as she finished that shower.

"I had a great day today, ladies. Thank you for showing me around. Everything I tried was great and amazing.", she said to Halmi and Seung-ah.

"It is our pleasure, dear. Have a good night" Halmi said as the elder woman said her good night to Seung-ah as well.

"Sorry for the little argument you witnessed at the dinner earlier.", Seung-ah said with a very apologetic tone and expression.

"It's okay. It's normal to have arguments within the family.", she smiled to let them know she understands.

Seung-ah smiled at that and mouthed 'thank you'.


Irene took her precious time inside the shower. She made sure to use all of her skin care products and that she had properly performed her bath skincare routine. She wasn't able to do it last night because Wendy keeps yelling at her to hurry. Such a pain in the ass.

Steam flooded the bathroom as Irene opened the shower stall. She felt so good and refreshed that she was even humming a tune as she reached out for a towel.

"Where's the towel?"

There was no towel on the towel rack. It must have been placed somewhere else. Irene doesn't know where the towel she used earlier was. She remembered placing it on the rack, but for some reason, it was not there. Wendy's towel is nowhere in sight as well. She roamed the huge bathroom for a moment, checking every little cabinet or storage for a piece of cloth that can somehow dry her, but there is none.

Irene started to panic.

She remembered Seung-ah showed them a cabinet full of linens and towels but it was outside the bathroom and Irene was fully naked. She left her robe outside and the clothes she used earlier were already in the laundry basket.


Irene was left with no choice. She has to run outside very quickly to get one, otherwise, she would be dripping wet all over the bedroom and she doesn't want that.

𝑰𝒕'𝒍𝒍 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒚, 𝑰𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒆. 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒖𝒏 𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆, 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕, 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒖𝒏 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎. 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒚. 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌., she thought.

Because she wants to get this over with, Irene opens the bathroom door without having second thoughts, and without even checking if the coast is clear.

As her mind was set to run at full speed, she didn't even notice a figure just right outside the door. Irene collided with the figure with an impact so strong that they fell on the floor with a loud thud.

Luckily, the figure, whatever she crashed into, is not that solid hard and it's kinda soft. The figure must've taken the impact as well because Irene knew she landed on top of it. She thanked God for that, until the figure started talking.

"What the hel—--", it said.

Irene's eyes couldn't get much bigger as she realizes the freaking figure is a person. Her face turned to a dark shade of a ripened tomato as she stared back at a bewildered, greatly astonished and fully naked Son Seungwan.



