

There is a Prophecy. The child of the most powerful Vampire and the chosen wolf will end the evilness of the vampire imprinted with the cursed ink." Already living their simple lives as mortals,Zara and Liam are unaware that the said Prophecy will hunt them. When Vlad suddenly comes to kill them and their daughter Athena, Who is believed to be the chosen one, Zara and Liam Will do everything they can to protect Athena even if they have already lost their powers and immortality. But in the end,evil prevailed and Athena is left an orphan under the care of the other Vampires and werewolves. Hoping that she is indeed the chosen one to save the Vampires and werewolves from great peril, they hold on to their faith in her.

Ijego_Juliet · Sports, voyage et activités
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78 Chs

A story of betrayal and Redemption

Chapter 36.

"A story of betrayal and Redemption"


"Am I seeing things?"Vlad asked himself as he watched his media consultant Walk towards him.. Zara.....Zara... "She looks like Zara,"but....but...


"Welcome to the country, Ms. Clawdeen," said Vlad, extending his hand to her as she stepped off the plane. She took his hand and smiled, but her eyes betrayed a hidden malice. "Thank you, Mr. Vlad," she said, her tone dripping with insincerity. "I'm so excited to be here and to help you with your campaign." She knew she had to play the part, at least for now. But soon, her revenge would be complete.


"Ms. Clawden, are you alright?" Vlad asked, his voice shaking. "You look like someone I once knew." Clawden's heart raced. He recognized her. She had to think fast. "I'm sorry if I remind you of someone else," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "It's just a coincidence, I'm sure." But Vlad was not convinced. He stared at her, a mixture of confusion and fear in his eyes.


Clawden could feel his gaze on her as she settled into her hotel room. She knew she had to be careful. She couldn't let him suspect anything. But she also had to keep him close, to further her plan. When he asked her to dinner, she knew it was the perfect opportunity. "I would be delighted to join you for dinner, Mr. Vlad," she said, smiling sweetly. "I look forward to getting to know you better."so dinner tonight ms.clawden?","okay ",dinner tonight Mr Vlad.."I look forward to seeing you again,he said and kissed her hands and walked away.


"Gross", clawden said as she cleans her hand where he kissed in the restroom,"she splashed water on her face, starring at herself in the mirror,"my mission comes first",I know what I went through before the moon goddess granted me this opportunity and I can't let my guard down..


"Clawden came out dressed in a flowy, silk dress in a soft peach color. It has a scoop neckline, and it falls just below the knee. It's paired with a pair of nude heels, and a delicate gold necklace. Her makeup is understated, with a soft peach lip and a subtle smoky eye. Her hair is styled in loose waves, with a few tendrils framing her face,carrying a small clutch in a complementary peach color.


"Vlad takes in her appearance, and his eyes widen in surprise. He was taken aback by how beautiful she looks, and he can't help but stare. He's captivated by her outfit, and the way she carries herself with grace and confidence. He feels his heart race as he takes her all in. He's never seen anyone so stunning, Clawden waved at him and walked towards him,"Good evening Mr Vlad,A lovely Evening to you Ms. clawden.."hope I didn't keep you waiting clawden asked,Not at all Ms. Clawden,the wait Worth it..


Vlad opens the car door for clawden and as she slides into the passenger seat, he says, "You look stunning. I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone so beautiful." He tries to sound calm and collected, but his voice betrays his excitement. Clawden smiles, flattered by his compliment. "Thank you, Mr Vlad,I'm flattered," she says. "That's very kind of you to say." As driver drove off, there was a comfortable silence between them, filled with anticipation and possibility.



As they arrive at the restaurant, the waiter opens the door for the both of them and they walk inside together. The hostess greets them with a smile and leads them to their table. As they settle into their seats, Vlad can't help but notice how the candlelight reflects off the woman's face, highlighting her delicate features. He feels himself falling more and more under her spell with every passing moment.Clawden smiled at him ,"A waiter took their orders and left...


Few minutes later,their order were bought,Vlad watched clawden while sipping his red wine,he knows supernatural beings can't eat food meant for human,so he was watching to see her reaction...


Vlad watched as clawden eats vegetables and fries while he's just sipping his wine and watching her, trying to keep his composure and not give anything away.

Clawden noticed Vlad's intense gaze on her. She looked up from her plate and met his eyes. "Why aren't you eating?" she asked, a small smile playing on her lips.

Vlad was caught off guard by Zara's question. He hadn't expected her to notice him watching her. He considered his response carefully. "I'm not hungry," he said, trying to sound casual. "I'm more interested in our conversation,he said sipping his red wine,"how about a toast, Clawden suggested, raising her glass of juice,to?...to a successful campaign then,Vlad said..cheers .

"Could you tell me more about yourself Mr Vlad, clawden asked while sipping her juice,sure Ms clad.

"Clad"?,yes Vlad said,I like the name Mr Vlad...

"So what do you want to know Ms clad,"how about we start from your aim and goal for wanting to be the president of this province,Vlad was thrown off guard by the question,but in oder to cover up,he smiled,"Ms clad this is more like an official welcome dinner date not an interview section,so relax from your long trip and enjoy your meal,as your job will finally kick off by Monday,"wow if you say so Mr Vlad, clawden said sipping her juice.


As the evening progresses, vlad and clawden chat and laugh, finding themselves more and more at ease with each other. The conversation flows effortlessly, and they find themselves sharing stories.vlad feels as though he's known the clawden for years, even though they've only just met. As the night draws to a close, clawden suggested they go home "I had a wonderful time," vlad says. "I'd love to see you again.


As the dinner came to an end, Vlad escorted Zara to her hotel. He opened the door for her and bid her goodnight.

"That was so intense, Clawden said,as she closed the door behind her, looking at the mirror,I know he was surprised to see me eating vegetables and fries.


In a faraway realm, beyond the reach of mortal and immortal eyes a supernatural being kneeled before her Creator. "Please," she pleaded. "My mission was not yet complete. There is still so much I must do. Let me go back." The moon goddess looked upon her with compassion. "I will grant your wish," she said. "But there are conditions. You will be given special abilities, but you must use them only for good. You will have the power to heal, to shape-shift, and to see the future.


With these powers, you will complete your mission. But there will be a price to pay. Your immortality will be stripped away, and you will be bound to this realm for all eternity. Do you accept these terms?" The being bowed her head. "I accept," she said. "I will use my powers for good, and I will complete my mission." In a flash of light, appeared back in a strange lady, her powers restored. She set out into the world, determined to make a difference.


The being traveled the land, using her healing powers to help the sick and injured. She transformed herself into different creatures, to blend in and observe the people she was meant to protect. And she used her ability to see the future to warn of impending dangers. But her greatest challenge was yet to come. "A mission,and revenge against the evil one..