

There is a Prophecy. The child of the most powerful Vampire and the chosen wolf will end the evilness of the vampire imprinted with the cursed ink." Already living their simple lives as mortals,Zara and Liam are unaware that the said Prophecy will hunt them. When Vlad suddenly comes to kill them and their daughter Athena, Who is believed to be the chosen one, Zara and Liam Will do everything they can to protect Athena even if they have already lost their powers and immortality. But in the end,evil prevailed and Athena is left an orphan under the care of the other Vampires and werewolves. Hoping that she is indeed the chosen one to save the Vampires and werewolves from great peril, they hold on to their faith in her.

Ijego_Juliet · Teen
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78 Chs

The hidden danger

Chapter 35.

"The hidden danger"


For the next few weeks, Athena immersed herself in training with the Moon Chasers. She learned new fighting techniques, practiced her abilities, and gained a deeper understanding of the organization's purpose. But despite all of her hard work, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was keeping a secret from her fellow trainees.

Then, one day, Barbara appeared in the training room. Athena's heart sank. She knew what was coming. But instead of anger or judgment, Barbara looked at her with compassion.

"I know who you are, and I know what you're hiding," she said.


Athena's breath caught in her throat. "What do you mean?" she asked. "I know you're a vampire," Barbara said, her tone gentle but firm. "And I know that you're keeping it a secret from the others." Athena's mind raced. She didn't know what to say, so she remained silent. "I'm not here to judge you," Barbara continued. "But you need to understand that it's not healthy to keep secrets like this."

"I know," Athena said, her voice barely above a whisper.


"I understand that you're afraid of what will happen if the others find out," Barbara said. "But the longer you keep this secret, the harder it will be to come clean. And the harder it will be to trust them when you do." Athena looked down at the ground. She knew Barbara was right, but she was still afraid. "I just don't know how to tell them," she said. "What if they reject me?"

"That's a risk you'll have to take," Barbara said.


Athena was taken aback by Barbara's request. She had kept her identity a secret for so long, and she was afraid of what would happen if the Moon Chasers found out the truth. But Barbara's words gave her pause. Could it be possible that there was a reason she had been chosen for this organization? Could she really be destined to fight alongside Ares? She knew she had to at least consider Barbara's words.

"I'll think about it," she said, hoping to put off the decision for a little while longer. But Barbara wasn't ready to let it go.


"When Dr Stevens and I formed the Moon Chasers, I was terrified to tell them the truth,"so I hid myself," Barbara said. "But eventually I realized that I had to be honest if I wanted to be a part of this group. So I told them everything. And you know what happened?" Athena shook her head. "They accepted me," Barbara said. "They didn't reject me or cast me out. They welcomed me with open arms,"tho it wasn't so easy, and they've supported me ever since."

"That's amazing," Athena said.


"It is," Barbara said. "And I want the same for you. I know it's scary, but I promise you, it's worth it. You have to take that leap of faith." Athena took a deep breath. She knew that Barbara was right, but she was still afraid. "I don't know if I can do it," she said. "What if they don't accept me like they did you?" "I can't promise that they will," Barbara said. "But I do know that if you don't take the chance, you'll always wonder what could have been.


"And I also know that hiding who you are isn't healthy," Barbara continued. "You're only going to continue to feel isolated and alone. It's time to let go of that fear and be true to yourself. It's the only way to find peace and happiness." Athena felt a wave of emotion wash over her. She knew Barbara was right, but it was hard to let go of the fear. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "How do I do it?" she asked. "How do I tell them?"

"Start with the person you trust the most," Barbara said.

As the attack on Senator Fred progressed, the Moon Chasers sprang into action. Ares, the leader of the group, took charge, directing the others to help the senator and his security detail. Athena watched in awe as Ares singlehandedly took down several of the vampires. His strength and skill were impressive, and Athena couldn't help but be impressed.

When the last of the vampires had been defeated, the Moon Chasers gathered around the senator, who was shaken but unharmed. "Thank you," he said.

"You have to come with us sir as you are not safe at the moment"Jacob said as they took senator Fred back to the headquarters...


Senator Fred was skeptical at first, but the evidence was undeniable. Vampires were real, and they were a threat to the safety of the world. He pledged his support to the Moon Chasers, offering his financial resources and political influence to help them in their fight. He knew it was a risky move, but he believed it was the right thing to do. The vampires were a growing threat, and something had to be done to stop them.

As he left the lab, Senator Fred felt a new sense of purpose. He was no longer just a politician, he was a warrior in a fight for the future of humanity.


Back at the Moon Chasers' headquarters, Ares and his team were hard at work. They were training tirelessly, preparing for the next encounter with the vampires. But Ares knew that training alone would not be enough. They needed a plan, a strategy to take down the vampires once and for all. As he paced the room, an idea began to form in his mind. He stopped in his tracks, a smile spreading across his face. "I've got it," he said.


"We need to attack the vampires' source of power," Ares announced to his team. "We need to find and destroy their supply of blood." The others looked at him, puzzled. "You mean their human donors?" one of them asked. "No," Ares said. "I mean the source of their power. The thing that makes them immortal. We need to find their source of blood and cut it off." "But we don't even know what that is," Clara said. "That's what we need to find out," Ares said.

"That is why I'm here , Barbara said appearing behind them,Hello guys..."Ares",a letter from home came for,she said giving him the letter..."he opened it and nodded his head,"what does it say"?Lee asked, nothing much it has to do with Apple's Education,I shall leave immediately to return tomorrow,he said and walked away...


"I will not allow Ares and his followers to continue to interfere with my plans," Vlad said, his voice low and menacing. "I want you to find out everything you can about him, his neighbors, and his family. I want to know everything, from his favorite food to his most closely held secret." Vlad's advisors nodded, understanding the importance of the task before them.

"Do not fail me," Vlad warned. "Or you will suffer the consequences."

His advisors left, leaving Vlad alone in his office. He sat back in his chair, contemplating his next move.

"Hello...Hello another person said from the receiving end,"Good day supreme one,I called to inform you about an emergency and numbers of patient that will be admitted and the number I want to be injected with the serums.... Understood supreme one and the unknown person cut the call ...

"Even Ares can't stop me this time around,Vlad smirked....

The vampire, whose name was Drake, bowed before Vlad as he delivered his report. "My lord, I have learned much about the leader of the Moon Chasers," he said. "He is a man of great power and influence. And he has a secret that we can use against him." Vlad leaned forward, intrigued. "Tell me more," he said.


"Ares came from a humble background, and his family is struggling to send his sister to school?" Drake said .

"Poor and from a humble background "?,I see...he said touching his beards."prepare Drake,my next campaign rally will held in his neighbourhood,"yes supreme one, Drake bowed and walked away...

Vlad went to the neighborhood, he got up on the podium and started addressing the people, "Good morning people, it's great to be here with you, as you all know I'm one of the presidential candidate and I will like to share my plans for this community if I'm given the chance. He started listing his plans for them, "I will provide good roads, good hospitals, good water supply and also improve the educational sector, I will make sure the students get the necessary books, facilities and other things to make learning easy for them he said.


As Vlad continued his speech, he noticed a young girl in the crowd, she was staring at him with such intense gaze, he was curious, he wondered what she was thinking. Suddenly his aide whispered to him that the girl was Ares's younger sister, he smiled at her, he asked her to come up to the stage, he had a plan, he wanted to use her to get to Ares. "What's your name he asked the girl... "My name is Apple, Apple Robert she said. "You're such a beautiful young lady, what class are you in school he asked?


"I'm in highschool she said. "That's great, I want to ask you something, what about your siblings he asked her,"I only have one brother Ares,"My brother is a very busy person she said,then my aunt and grandparents and they are at home she said...


Ares was on his way coming back,when he noticed people gathered at a particular spot ,"what is going on there he asked one of the kids,"One of the presidential candidate came to talk to the people and seek for their support..


As Ares stepped closer, he noticed his sister, Apple standing on the stage with Vlad, he was shocked and angry at the same time, he wondered what was going on. "Apple, what are you doing up there he shouted at her, "Brother Ares, Apple shouted weaving at him,"that's my brother Ares","Finally we meet Ares, I'm Vlad, the presidential candidate he said to Ares, "I know who you are, you're not welcome here, you have no business here, Ares whispered,in order not to be heard by the people..You're dangerous and I don't want you anywhere near my sister or my family he said.


As Ares walked away with his sister, he was filled with a sense of relief. He had successfully protected her from Vlad, and he felt proud of himself for doing so. He knew he had to be more careful from now on, and make sure that she was always safe. He didn't want to risk losing her again. As they walked home, he held her hand tightly, never wanting to let go. When they got home, he sat down with her and talked to her about what had happened. He wanted to make sure she understood why he had reacted the way he did.


"I know you might not understand why I was so angry, but you have to understand that I was only trying to protect you, I don't want anyone to hurt you he said. "I know, but you don't have to be so harsh with people, you can be firm without being mean she said.

"I'm sorry Apple,he said...is ok.... brother, Apple replied and hugged him.

"Drake,I have achieved my aim of coming here,so let conclud the rally,"okay.... Supreme one,"Drake ", said..

"Thank you everyone,Vlad made his final speech and left with his convey..


Let the game of chess began, Apple will be my pawn....

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