
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · Urbain
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21 Chs

Chapter 20

"Come on work with me people!" Niki was urging impatiently as the models catwalk to and from the the runway ahead of the fashion show. He let out a frustrated sigh, they're really getting on his nerves. That's what you get for not hiring professionals. He walked to a low table to grab himself a drink.

Olivia walked in, she seemed to be in a hurry while digging into her bag for her ringing cell phone which she placed against her ear.

"Hi my love...give me a few more minutes...alright I'll see you there." She put the phone back in her bag. "Niki?" She called.

He nearly choked on his drink.

"Oh Olivia you're here. Goodness this is such hard work." He complained.

"Niki I need you to hold the fort while I go out for a while."

"What... where are you going?" He looked mortified.

"I'm having lunch with Manuel."

He rolled his eyes at her not believing she would throw him to the wolves just to have fun with her husband. It's not easy planning a fashion show on your own especially when it's less than ten hours away. "Are you kidding me? What am I supposed to do, you know I can't do this by myself?"

"Get Leticia and Renata to help you out." She suggested.

"Leticia and Renata really? If I'm going to use those two then there's going to be no show tonight." Niki told her.

"Come on Niki they can't be that bad."

"Try telling them to get you coffee in five minutes and it'll only be delivered after you've forgotten about making the order."

Olivia smiled trying to cheer him up.

"Do this for me Niki please?" She joined her hands together while batting her long lashes at him. Niki shook his head like he couldn't believe he was letting her get away with it but she was his boss so...he let out a long sigh.


Olivia flashed him a smile then gave him a peck on both cheeks.

"You're the best. I promise to be on time tonight." she told him.

Cameras flashed and the applause subsided as Olivia took the platform, walking as far as the middle of the glossy runway. She glanced at the expectant faces of her guests sitting on either sides of the glossy runway. Tonight's going to be promising, she told herself. She clutched the mic with both of her hands to hide her nervousness.

"Love, romance, hatred, life and death." She started, everyone in the auditorium was in rapt attention.

"These things make us all, they are a part of our lives whether we want them or not. But no one wants to be left out of this sacred feeling—love. Love gives us strength, love lifts us up when every other thing has failed us. Love is a promise, a promise that we'll never be alone."

She knew that this only describes Manuel's love for her but it had also influenced her designs and she was sure her guests would also see her designs that way. She continued. " We live once, we die once, so I say do not miss out on the little romance you have. Live it through and be fulfilled. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you, my romance collection.

The guests applauded and the lights flashed in a hue of gold across the runway as the models catwalk to and fro each with a different outfit.

The headline the next Saturday morning boldly reads 'successful designer Olivia Sandoval presents the world with a fabulous romance collection.

Gabriela had her eyes transfixed on the paper while slowly sipping her coffee. Olivia's picture with her dressed in a silver strapless lace gown with a caramel bow ribbon detail was boldly etched on the fashion page. Jealousy burned through her Olivia is slowly stealing her spotlight.

Bernardo kissed her neck from behind then he placed his hands on both her shoulders.

"What are you reading?"


"May I have a look?" She didn't hesitate in handing him the paper. Bernardo raised his brow at Olivia's photo all the while thinking how pretty she looks and that she might still be in love with him because of the glow he saw in her eyes that day at the Restaurante de Santana. She should know by now that he's happily back with his beautiful wife and that what had happened between them long ago was a mistake on his part. He never should've gotten entangled with her just because he's had a fallen out with Gabriela. He hopes she's forgiven him by now.

Olivia on the other hand was reeling over the edge at the news headlines with Manuel who's there to share in her joy. It's not all the time that opportunity like this comes along and it took her many years of hard work and dedication to be able to reach this point in her life. After five years of making less appealing haute coutures, the long wait has finally paid off.

Manuel wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him while smiling into her eyes.

"You're the best Olivia Fernandes Sandoval." He said leaning his forehead against hers.

"And I love you Manuel Sandoval." She grinned widely and he kissed her waiting lips.