
Chapter 120 - The Cursed Stepmother

Surprisingly to Ivy, Derion could look completely childlike in front of people who thought of him as a child.

If in front of Ivy and Theodoric, Derion could look free to express himself. He remained a child with his adult thoughts. Meanwhile, Derion acted like a child who just wanted a toy.

Now in front of Melanie, he clearly showed who he was. It was as if he knew that Melanie already knew he was a witch too.

And Melanie had known it for a long time. She just hadn't told Ivy yet.

Ivy blinked as she listened to Melanie's explanation while Derion was playing alone. She still didn't like the way her mother was hiding things from her. Especially if it had something to do with her.

"It is all right if he becomes a witch too. He will not harm anyone. He had benefited both you and Theodoric's life, Ivy," Melanie said.