
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs

Yey, colors!

Selim Harry Alexander Sirius Salazar James Regulus Bradley Potter Gold Black Slytherin scratched his cheek and silently judged his work. A small necklace inscribed with runes to such an extent that it was impossible to see them without a microscope lay on his table. In general, such a delicate matter should have been entrusted to Luna, but the catgirl was busy right now, so a temporary prototype was made by Sirius. In theory, this necklace should stop Eri's Quirk if it accidentally activates, all that remains is to put it to the test.

After a little thought, Sirius changed his hair and beard color to pink - he looked too much like a bad guy with his usual hairstyle.

Black got up from his workplace and up out of the basement. Luna took Eri to their room to run a full medical exam on the poor girl and heal her as much as possible in this short time. He knocked on the door and walked in when Luna called him from the inside.

"So, how's our resident unicorn doing?" He asked with a soft smile.

Luna shook her head and pointed to Eri, who was standing by the mirror in a clean dress. She looked with admiration at her scarless hands, hardly believing that such a thing could be possible. The pretty woman just rubbed her hands with some strange cream and the scars were gone!

Sirius, seeing the little girl admiring the casual clothes, regretted not giving Chisaki a CBT session. But judging by the memories, the now-dead Yakuza would've enjoyed the process. If he hadn't vomited his lunch a couple of hours ago, he would've done it now.

'I hate this aspect of Legimelisy. . . Stop, you can erase your memory later, now the main thing is the girl.'

He walked over to Luna and sat down next to her on the bed. Eri didn't notice his appearance for a couple of minutes, but as soon as her eyes saw his reflection in the mirror she squeaked and turned around so quickly that Sirius was worried that she would get whiplash.


Sirius smiled.

"Hello there, little one. How was your examination?"

"Okay, better than when Chisaki brought me to the doctor's. . ." Eri frowned. "Why did you take me? He will c-come for me and h-hurt you! You should've left me there!"

Sirius did not stop smiling and stood in front of the distressed girl on his knee.

"Chisaki won't come, I made sure of that."

Eri's eyes went wide.

"R-really?" She whispered.

"Yep. To be honest, he was not a very good person, so not a big loss."

Eri looked like she was about to cry. And sure enough, the little unicorn threw herself into Sirius's arms and began to cry. Black wrapped his arms around her small body - so small, even smaller than he was at six years old - and allowed Eri to release his emotions. Luna joined their embrace, Lovegood and Black just gave the girl the comfort she needed for so, so long.

Unfortunately, this moment was broken when someone knocked on the door. Karin cracked the door open and stuck her head through the gap.

"Aunty Luna, breakfast is ready. Oh, hi Siri! Why are you both sitting on the floor?"

Eri looked over Luna's shoulder and immediately hid behind the catgirl. Karin's eyes turned blue for a couple of seconds. The blue-haired girl slowly looked at the two adults in the room.

"I'll tell mom to cook one more portion, Izu didn't t say that we have another family member now. He's grumpy for some reason. . ."

The girl shook her head and closed the door. She was already used to the oddities in their house, the appearance of another child didn't even surprise her. But behind her calm façade, she was so excited! She finally has a friend of her age in the house!

"Well, let's get some food. I didn't think that it's already morning, it's still dark outside. . ." Sirius muttered and patted Eri's head.

After Luna explained that Eri would have to drink Nutrition Potions for the next week, the trio walked into the living room where their unusual family was already sitting. Izuku and Gin discussed their days in the U.A. - the girl talked about a pink-haired inventor who was even crazier than she was - Azumi and Karin talked about unicorns, and the Basilisks lay in a snake pile by the fireplace.

Eri looked at all the colors that adorned the room. She was not used to such a bright world, the basement where she was kept was gray and gloomy. But the main difference was the people.

If earlier she was surrounded only by evil people - except for Rappa, he brought her favorite cookies every time he visited - now, sitting in front of her were. . . Good people? Were they good people? Eri still didn't fully believe that this was not a dream, everything was far too good to be true.

'Do they have cookies. . ? Can I ask for one? Maybe even two? If this is a dream, then they have cookies.'

Lost in her thoughts, she only now noticed that the conversation had stopped and everyone in the room was looking at her. Eri's cheeks flushed and she grabbed onto Sirius's shirt as if she feared losing him.

"Listen up, people! From now on, Eri is part of our family!" Sirius put his hand on Eri's head.

Gin looked at the unicorn with interest and nodded.

"I always wanted another little sister, I'm in!"

Izuku muttered something about the crazy Blacks and smiled at the little girl.

Karin waved from her chair, she almost jumped with excitement.

"Have you decided to take an example from me?" Azumi grinned and shook her head. "Nice to meet you Eri, my name is Azumi Sato. The walking broccoli name is Izuku Midoriya, - Hey! - Gin Hagane is sitting next to him, and the Blue-haired girl is my daughter, Karin Hitachi."

"H-hello, I'm Eri."

'They seem like good people. Really good, not forced good. . .'

"So, you got yourself a daughter then?" Azumi asked.

"Yep! We stole her fair and square!" Luna lifted Eri in her arms and sat down at the table, the girl didn't seem to mind. "And if anyone tries to steal it from us, they have to go through my personal army!"

"Okay, I'll bite. What army?" Gin asked.

"T-they are little blue flying creatures that give people problems. Luna told me a little about them." Eri muttered while looking at the mountain of food in front of her.

'Yep, this is definitely a dream. I can at least enjoy it until I wake up.'

Gin looked at Eri with a raised eyebrow but just shrugged. In a world with superpowers that came from God knows where such creatures could exist.

The strange family continued breakfast trying not to overwhelm the girl. They saw her gaze, her rare flinches, her fear when she did or said something 'wrong'. They knew that everything in her life was not very good.

But they can fix it. Sirius knew they could fix it.

He can use experience in raising two children somewhere - and failure in the case of one walking disappointment - right?


Shota Aizawa wanted to go on vacation. Well, or at least go to a cat cafe on the street next to his apartment, maybe even sleep for a couple of hours longer than usual. Unfortunately, the work of the Hero and the Teacher did not allow him this luxury, at least not today. Battle Training with All Might is coming today, and he didn't trust the blond with the safety of his students while training. He saw the idiot train. . .

'I don't want to hear anyone screaming today, my head's going to explode.'

"Hey, mi amigo, how's life been treatin' ya?"

Aizawa glanced at Sirius who, as usual, appeared out of nowhere, and silently thanked the Gods that he decided to teleport silently.

"Today you replace me in class, I need a couple of years of sleep, if not a couple of decades. . ." He glanced at his colleague and frowned. "Why are you alone today?"

Usually, Sirius always showed up in the U.A. with snakes, in most cases his white cat was with him, but today he was completely alone.

"I'm not alone, Ric is still with me." Sirius raised his right hand with a black serpent on his ring finger. "Cuddly fucker won't let go of me even when I die."

Ric angrily hissed at his friend, Black snorted and hissed something back. The snake obviously didn't like Black's answer - if the bite was talking about something.

"Didn't you say that only one drop of Ric's poison can kill two thousand people?" Power Loader asked from the side.

"He can change the effects of his poison at will. . . Hey, has this room always been this. . . Shifty?"

Aizawa groaned into his hands.

'Gerat, we now have a half-crazy, overpowered Vigilante-Teacher on drugs. Why did I take this job again? Ah, right, blackmail.'

Sirius, meanwhile, was looking around with interest. He didn't even know their boring room had so many decorations!

'Is this a calendar? I love calendars!'

His gaze gradually returned to his colleague.

"Hehe. . . Shota, you're green. Have you always had horns?"

Power Loader took Sirius gently by the shoulders and sat him down in the nearest chair.

"Black, breathe, ask Ric for an antidote to his poison. You need to be in a clear mind."

But Sirius was not listening, he was already talking about something else.

"You remind me of my teacher, Professor Sprout. She always had plants by her side too. Ooh! You have roses growing out of your ears! I wonder if they are delicious? Probably not."

Midnight chose this moment to enter the teacher's lounge with Itsuka Kendo. Sirius turned as soon as he heard the door creak and frowned.

"Nemuri, why are you fifteen?"

Kendo looked strangely at the teacher she didn't know, but Midnight just turned to Aizawa.

"What's wrong with him?"

Shota thought about how best to describe what was happening in front of the student so as not to harm the reputation of his colleague. But then he remembered that it was Sirius. He once turned the floor of the entire building into a pool during class and laughed like a madman. The most annoying thing was that he parted the water like Moses and "led his people in search of a new land where everyone will have their inner peace."

He brought everyone to the cafeteria.

"His snake bit him and now he's hallucinating."

Nemuri looked back at Sirius, who was writing something on a piece of paper with incredible speed. She didn't have time to blink as he shoved the sheet into her hands and disappeared into a black swirl. Kendo was very confused but very interested. She looked over Midnight's shoulder and read aloud.

"What's wrong with me, chronological order is on the other side. . . Can't choose which the last name to give to his daughter. Died four times? Three hundred years wasted? Aizawa-sensei, are you sure these are simple hallucinations?"

Aizawa just groaned even louder. He didn't want to deal with that today.

Eri's rescued! Oh, and Sirius' on drugs.

Simple_Russian_Boicreators' thoughts