
Pallet Town

The boy looked in a mirror what happend to me why am i so short?

Wait no I'm I'm I'm 9 years old again?!?!?

Why who did I ever hurt well there was Daniel and Kevin and Mical and John oh yea and Mark oh I hurt a lot of people.

Leagan come down stared you don't want to miss proffeser oaks camp do you proffeser oak oh yea he was the proffeser in Kanto looks like I'm really in the pokemon world this is so awesome Leagan jumped around in his room the boy dashed to his bathroom and brushed his teeth he quickly changed his clothes and sprinted down the stares he ran into the kitchen and shouted good Morning mom Leagans mom chuckeld good morning sweetie she put down a plate of bacon and eggs and poured him a glass of orange juice thanks mom Leagan began to devour his breakfast his mom glared at him and hit him over his head don't eat so fast you'll choke the boy with puffed up cheeks said sorry mom his mom smiled I packed your backpack you have everything you need I packed a first aid kit a small tent some food supplies a map and of course a extra pair of clothes don't worry I didn't forget you bulbasaur underwear Leagan shouted mom!

Stop that Leagan just finished his breakfast and made his way to the door he quickly ran back and grabbed his backpack and gave his mom a hug he dashed through the door of his house bye mom his mom smiled and said in a soft voice good bye son

Leagan ran and arrived at a massive building this must be the lab Leagan made his way inside the lab he saw proffered oak and a group of kids Leagan made his way to the group of kids Proffeser Oak said good morning children the kids enthusiastically shouted good morning proffeser proffeser oak smiled ok kids today were going to go on a camping trip as you all now next year some of you will go on your very own pokemon journey so this camp will help you to learn everything you need to know including type Mach ups pokemon moves and abilities and so on as well as how to work with a pokemon and how to catch a pokemon all right everyone let's get going Leagan made his way next to proffeser oak as everyone began to walk he said proffeser I already now everything you want to teach us I hope that's not a problem proffeser oak looked at him and said really? Leagan nodded and said I now witch types are super effective against each other i know how to throw a pokeball amd so on proffeser oak said well that's wonderful Leagan mmh well considering that you know how to do everything that I want to teach you you can help me take care of my pokemon Leagan smiled ok proffeser

30 minutes later

Well everyone were here let's set up camp after setting up camp

Ok everyone Mt trusty assistant Ned will help you with learning about pokemon types Leagan you can come with me no fare gramps why does he get to go a young brown/ginger haired boy shouted Gary please calm down Leagan already knows everything that you gyes need to learn so he's going to help me Gary pouted and looked away Leagan and proffeser oak made their way to a section that had professor oaks pokemon Leagan was in shock wow a tauros no way a gyarodoes a nidoking and a venuaser that's awesome Proffeser Oak smiled seems like you know a lot about pokemon young Leagan Leagan smiled

2 days have passed Leagan had a lot of fun looking after proffeser oaks pokemon he really enjoyed the camp until next time

just so you all now every pokemon type exists from the start including fairy and dragon

Leagan_Koopmancreators' thoughts