
Starter selection

A year has passed today's the day that Leagan gets to choose his starter pokemon

A alarm can be heard going off Leagan shot up out of his bed and threw his alarm clock against the wall of his bedroom Leagan mumbled stupid alarm waking me up wait I got to go choose my first pokemon Leagan quickly canned and ran out of his house greeting his mom and telling her that he was going on his pokemon adventure the boy ran towards proffeser oaks lab he arrived and went in he saw Gary and a other boy Leagan arrived in front of proffeser oak and asked am I to late proffeser oak smiled and chuckled no my boy there's still one pokemon left Leagan smiled he went over to the table and picked up the pokeball he released his pokemon a second later a green frog like creature appeared so I got bulbasaur nice proffeser oak handed Leagan 5 pokeballs and a pokedex thanks proffeser proffeser oak smiled and said you're welcome my boy Gary glared at the smiling duo and thought why does gramps like him so much hey loser I challenge you to a pokemon battle Leagan turned and looked at Gary alright Gary I accept your battle Damian do you wanna join Damian said I'll take on the winner Leagan nodded proffeser oak said all right boys I'll be the referee ok the boys nodded suddenly a screen poped up in front of Leagan

Defeat Gary reward bulbasaur gains a level

Defeat Damian reward bulbasuar gains a level

Leagan looked at bulbasuar








Ok proffeser oak began to count down 3 2 1 start Leagan instantly told bulbasuar to close the space and hit a tackle Gary told squirter to take the tackle and use a tail whip squirtle flew back from bulbasuars tackle squirtle wagged it's tail and bulbasuars defence fell Leagan told bulbasuar to use growl and use another tackle the grass frog did as it was told Gary told squirtle meat it in the middle with a tackle squirtle the two creatures grunted in pain Gary shouted squirtle use another tackle Leagan told bulbasuar wait until it gets close 3 2 1 now roll to your side and use the momentum to follow up with a tackle squirtle crashed against one of the labs walls Leagan told bulbasuar to end the battle with one last tackle the attack landed and Leagan and bulbasuar emerged victorious

Congratulations bulbasuar has leveld up and learned leach seed

Let's go proffeser oak said good battle boys you both stratigized very well Leagan said right Damian let's do this Damian smirked all right I'll beat you proffeser oak counted down again 3 2 1 start Leagan shouted bulbasuar use leech seed and growl bulbasaur followed the orders that it was given Damian was surprised at the new move and momentarily froze the leech seed connected and began to restore bulbasaurs health charmanders attack fell because of the growl bulbasaur use tackle Damian shouted charmander use scratch to tear of those seeds charmander did so but took to long a second later charmander flew through the air and flew againt the labs wall bulbasuar end it with one last tackle bulbasuar charged in Damian shouted charmander flip over bulbasaur and use scratch the lizard front flipped and damaged bulbasuar with a scratch Leagan shouted bulbasuar use leech seed Leagan and bulbasuars eyes connected and a message was exchanged bulbasuar fired of three seeds Damian shouted charmander dodge it charmander rolled and flipped over the seeds easily dodging the attack but out of nowhere bulbasuar connected with a vicious amd powerful tackle that ended the battle let's go we won bulbasuar Leagan ran over to his partner and hugged it

Congratulations bulbasuar has leveld up to level 7








Leech seed