
The Phoenix Saga

Ranma is a martial artist, and a teenage boy. At least, she used to be. After an attack leaves Ranma trapped in a feminine body she never asked for, and unable to take a hit, her life as she knew it is over. She runs from her home and her abusive father, and after spending a few months homeless in Tokyo, takes a job in a bar called the Phoenix run by a found family consisting of the bar's matriarch owner and four hard-luck women she took under her wing as teenagers. At the Phoenix, Ranma finds a place where she can be accepted and "normal," begins to deal with the trauma she's been though, and experiences the first unconditional love she's ever known. As she does so, she begins to embrace her new life as a young woman, discovers a new talent and potential career in music, and rises from the ashes of the life she once knew.

AnneOminous · Anime et bandes dessinées
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364 Chs

Message in a Bottle

Tatewaki Kuno paced in his lawn by the pond, whisking his wooden sword around idly. The full moon reflected off the water, adding a certain ambiance to his thoughts. "Just think of it, sister dear. Any day now, I will receive word that Akane Tendo and I are to be wed. Finally, I will have the victory I have dreamed of for so long."Kodachi scoffed. "And all it took was someone else besting my poor beloved Ranma, when you never could."The young man whirled, leveling his bokken at her. "Silence, she-devil! It matters not how the die is cast, only that the game is won. Forevermore I shall cherish Akane Tendo, forsaking all others. The code of bushido demands no less. I, Tatewaki Kuno, bastion of virtue, shall take the fair Akane to wife, and none yet live who dare interfere."With a whimper, Kodachi swatted his stick out of her face. "Must you be so callous as to mock me in my grief, brother? Ranma Saotome was to be my true knight, my one love, and now you celebrate his death before his body is even cold. How could you?"Her brother allowed himself a small smile, nodding. "Is it not the way of the warrior that any advantage honorably obtained must be pressed in the pursuit of victory?""As if my Ranma could be defeated honorably. That little snake of a girl must have poisoned him, or performed some other dark witchcraft to bring my beloved to his doom." At least, that's how she would have done it, if she'd had to get rid of Akane or Shampoo. If she'd only gotten the chance."You know not of what you speak, sister! The fair pig-tailed girl, Ranko, is far too fragile and virtuous to even attempt such a thing. I know not by what miracle she escaped that dishonorable wretch, but I thank the gods for it. Not even to protect herself from his lechery would she murder another, and stain her porcelain hands with such vile blood." He swung his wooden sword with enough force to elicit a little whoosh noise as it cleaved through the air.With a satisfied smirk, Kodachi leaned back in her chair, crossing her ankles. "So, the little witch has a name.""Indeed she does, and she bade me use it, even as she broke my heart and told me we could never be united. Verily, it was her own selfless suggestion that, rather than ascend to the House of Kuno herself, that I reach for Akane Tendo. Truly, the goddess is as magnanimous as she is beautiful."Kodachi nodded. "So, you're definitely not interested in her anymore, then, brother dear?"Her brother shook his head. "I have made an offer to the father of Akane Tendo for her hand in marriage. Honor demands that I remain true to this pledge."Kodachi smirked, reaching into the pocket of her long black skirt and producing a small beige envelope. "Then, I surmise you don't want this letter you received from dear Ranko this afternoon?"The young man's eyes bulged and he dove at her, tripping over her lounge chair. "Give me that this instant, you miserable crone!"