
Birth and Family

[ In hospital ]

In a hospital room you can hear a woman screaming while few people are encouraging her to push.

"Miss Todoroki, only a few pushes and your second child will be with you soon." the nurse said to Rei.

After what seemed like eternity, the baby finally got out of his mother.

Rei, who looked weak, looked at her two babies and asked with a voice full of love "Let me hold my babies."

She looked at her sons, they looked totally different from one another even though they were twins. She smiled at them as they were sleeping after tiring themselves with cries and pain.

At this time a man barged in rudely. He looked serious like someone had just told him that his wife cheated on him. He looked at the kids and said "I hope they give me what I could never have".

Rei was visibly irritated by this man but she never looked at him directly and was shaking in anger since he came in.

The man is the Number 2 hero, Endeavor. He looked at his wife for a second and left the room with the same attitude.

After he left, Rei let out a sign and looked at her boys in her arms. She had worries in her eyes as she wished 'Hope you only have mediocre level quirk. I don't want those monsters to treat you like Toya'.

She remembered her first born who was born with a powerful flame quirk than his father but with no heat resistance which became his curse. Though he could heal himself, it was not enough to completely heal the damage.

Her family was always the loving one. Enji was not always this obsessed in anything but lately things have been different. Even his mother couldn't control his drive that much. She would protect her grandchild but not always.

The nurse near her asked, "What will their names be Mrs. Todoroki?"

"We will decide when mother-in-law comes back from US tomorrow. She always wanted to name one but everytime she couldn't."

"OK then. We will register their name tomorrow. You should rest too. Giving birth to two children is tiring after all." The nurse said as she took one of the boys from Rei as the other was taken by another nurse.

"Mm. Take care of them." Rei said as she exhausted herself and fell asleep.


[ 4 years later ]

In Todoroki residence, two children of the same age were playing with each other. The one with white hair was running in front while another one with red and white hair was chasing with an exhausted face.

"Hah hah. Nii-san, slow down. I can't catch you at all." Shoto said, panting.

"Hehe, that's the point of this game, Shoto. You can give up if you want to." Ao said in a cheeky voice.

"No. I'll catch you on my own in a minute. Hah hah." Shoto said while catching his breath.

"Ao-chan, Shoto-chan, come and eat your lunch." From inside the kitchen, Rei's voice could be heard.

"Coming mom" Ao & Shoto said together.

"Hehe, let's race Shoto." Ao looked at Shoto and grinned.

"Hump, Sure" Shoto dragged his body to race his twin brother.


At the dinner table, you could see two more children ready to have their lunch. Rei, who was preparing, called "Toya-chan, Ao-chan, today is your turn to serve the plates."

"Haii.." Both said at the same time.

Toya had the same hair color as his father Enji. He awakened his powerful quirk of blue flames that was even more destructive than Enji's. He had some bandages around his hands due to overusing his quirk but they would usually heal in a day or two.

He was a child with the determination to prove himself. After all he had a quirk more powerful than his own father. His grandparents from both sides had high expectations for him and were also looking forward to it.

His quirk may be destructive but according to his father, if he can have a powerful body, then he might be able to overcome his weakness. He was looking forward to that day.

Today Toya was given a day off from training by Enji since it was the Twin's birthday. It would mean that they would awaken their quirk soon and their father and grandparents from both sides would be present too.

Toya was looking forward to what their quirk would be and he had talked to his paternal-grandmother about it before.

Ao and Toya lay down the plates and chopsticks for everyone. They had their food and went to continue what they were doing.


Shoto and Ao went back to playing while Toya also joined them and was showing off his quirk. Seeing that both his little brothers had stars in their eyes, he started to flex a little. Unlike his younger sister, Fuyumi, his brothers were closer with him.

They were climbing trees to play in the back yard when Fuyumi came out.

"Mom told you guys not to play like that, didn't she?" Fuyumi started shouting at the boys.

"I'm here to look after them anyway so it won't be dangerous. Trust me." Toya replied with a smirk.

As the older siblings were going back and forth, Shoto and Ao were already at the top, standing on the branch edge.

"Nii-chan, I finally beat you today. Hehe." Shoto let out a cheeky grin since this was his first time winning in anything against his brother.

"Hump. This will be the first and last time. Now let's go down, otherwise nee-chan will call mom and nii-chan won't be able to help us."

"Ok" Shoto said as he turned around towards Ao. As he was going to walk, he slipped on the branch edge. "Aaaa- Nii-chan"

Shoto started to fall down the tree head first and seeing this something clicked in Ao's head as he also jumped towards Shoto.

With a single drive to save his brother, Ao's body started to produce blue flames. He reached out his hands and grabbed Shoto and turned around as his back hit the ground first and Shoto's body was cushioned by his body in flames.

As soon as he hit the ground he felt his spine snap and his vision black out.


Inside Todoroki residence, a young boy with white hair and cute face was sleeping peacefully on a bed. A boy the same age was lying next to him with red eyes as it looked like he cried his eyes out.

Next to the bed a boy with reddish hair was also looking at them silently with a sad face. Toya was blaming himself for his brother's condition. Even after everyone said that it was not his fault, he knew that they only said so to make him at ease.

Near him, the rest of the family including his grandparents from both sides were present. They were having small talks among themselves.

Among these individuals, two stood out rather easily as they had a polar opposite aura around them. The first one was a rather older man in his late 60's. His name is Himura Kori. Besides him was his wife, Himura Hina. They are the parents of Rei.

On the other hand, a rather good looking woman who excluded a fierce aura was Todoroki Akiho who looked like she was 40 years old. Not much older than her own son, Enji. Besides her was her husband who had a mature and kind face. He looked much older than his wife, Todoroki Haru.

Himura Kori was born with a powerful ice quirk while his wife was born with a powerful healing quirk. Though the latter had some restriction on her quirk, it was powerful in itself.

Similarly, Todoroki Haru was born with a quirk where he can control temperature around him from 30 degree to 100 degree celsius. Though the area of influence was limited to 2 meters, it was powerful regardless in itself.

His partner, the ever young and beautiful Akiho had a unique quirk of flames where she can generate flames from anywhere on her body and can make her hands completely made out of flames. A retired hero in the USA as she was originally born there.


Everyone was talking about the same thing at this moment. What type of quirk did Ao manifest? As described by Fuyuki, who was present at the time, Ao quirk coerced his and Shouto's body and cushioned his landing.

They also found that Ao had his spine broken from landing on his back but after a few minutes, the spine in question healed automatically.

They were ready to rush him to the hospital letting grandma Hina heal him but as she was healing Ao, she noticed that the broken spine was covered in flames and healing at an alarming rate after getting simulated by her quirk.

They were shocked and happy to find this out as even Hina's quirk could not heal wounds this fast. It would take her around 10 minutes to completely heal herself and she had to be conscious all time to do so.

But Ao did it in around 5 minutes while being unconscious.

This was a terrifying speed.

Enji also rushed home after hearing what happened on the phone. His mother shouted at him for being late and told him that Ao had already healed.

Ao didn't wake up that day at all so they took him to the hospital.


On the hospital bed inside a VIP room, Ao slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he did was look for Shoto and when he saw him sleeping by his side, he let out a small smile.

He remembered having a long dream but it wasn't just a normal dream, no, to him it was reality. He couldn't stop the events from happening and everything that happened was too real. Almost like he lived that life. Only at the end when he met that strange middle aged man did he realize that it was his past life.

The dream didn't give him more than just information, it also had some unhappy feelings from his so-called 'brother' and his 'loving' girlfriend.

The amount of pain from their betrayal was present in his heart and he started to feel empty inside. Though most of his feelings were erased as they were in form of information and knowledge, the remaining was enough to change his innocent 4 year old personality. His memories and personality showly merged and created a new Ao.

His new life for him was both a blessing and an opportunity. To have a loving family and to live a life without regret.

He wasn't sure about romance as it proved to be an empty promise in his previous life. He would give it a try but he himself wasn't sure about it.

As he was thinking all of this, Shoto also began to wake up. He looked at Ao who was also looking at him with a smile.

Shoto jumped on Ao but he passed through him. Both of them were surprised. Ao, after thinking for a second about his wishes knew what it was. He smiled and closed his eyes.

Even with his eyes closed he could 'see' Shoto. Or at least his color, shape and core. He knew what this core was as the wish also came with information about Observation Haki.

Unlike the original, he could already use a higher level of OH without training. His OH was also a bit different since it was a mutation with his quirk. He didn't know who else in his family had one but he welcomed it openly.

With his eyes closed he once again hugged Shoto. Shoto, also being Shoto, didn't ask anything to his nii-chan. He began asking about his health and started apologizing.

After about 5 minutes of Q&As between the twins, Shoto went out to call others that were having dinner. Ao looked at the clock on the wall and realized that it was already night time.

Rei, Enji, Hina and Akiho came in and again a Q&A started. Ao answered everything for them. In between talking about quirk, Enji started laughing like a crazy person.

"Hahaha, Ao, you will be the one to finally fulfill my ambition of becoming the number 1 hero. Finally my dream will be fulfilled throu-"

In between his rant, Akiho, Enji's mother, smacked his head hard. She shouted, "You buffoon. Your son is still healing and you are here shouting about your ambition. Wait till we reach home, I'll beat you so much that even your father won't recognise you."

Seeing Akiho shout at Enji, it reminded Ao of Kushina from Naruto. Her hair was also dancing like fire. On the other hand, Enji couldn't speak another word as he was visibly scared of his mother.

Ao laughed seeing his always grumpy father making scared expressions. He looked at Enji and said, "Even if you didn't say so, I would become number 1 anyways."

"Ao-chan, are you sure? Becoming a hero is not as easy as it seems, you know?" Akiho said with a worried expression. She then looked at Enji with a glare which made him break into sweat.

She snapped at Enji again, "It's because of what you said that he is saying that. Hump", Ahiko pouted as she went near Rei and said, "My poor daughter-in-law has to put up with this idiot. I feel sorry for you."

Everyone present laughed at the mother and son pair who looked more like brother and sister due to Ahiko looking only a few years older than Enji. Hina, as the quiet and kind one tried to smooth the situation.

After checking Ao, Hina and the doctors concluded that there was no problem with Ao and he could be discharged.

Yes, this world is AU and close to plot with many changes. Plus Ao will be op from start of canon.

For reference on new characters:

Enji's parents

GFather -> Todoroki Haru -> Temperature

Gmother -> Todoroki Akiho -> Intangable Flames

Rei's parents

GFather -> Himura Kori -> Ice

Gmother -> Himura Hina -> Healing

Evilest_Godcreators' thoughts