

itsmeDaoistra · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

my new life

i cant believed that its all true i thought im just dreaming but sad to say im not i woke up and i saw that guy

he said his my father


" hey sweety are you okay now ? do you remember me already?" he asked me

" i still dont remember you im sorry" i said in weak voice

" its okay anyways your old brother will come here to guard you while im away i need to change and also your mom in already in airport i need to be the one who drives her home you know mom shes a tigress" he said to me in a smile why is he so nice to me ? yes because in his eyes i am HERMOINE but im not im scarlet i wished i can tell it him outloud the way he looks at me i can see a father who really loves his child i dont deserve that look i felt guilty that i stole his daughters life he cant eve grieve for his child

"why are you looking at me like that? " i suddenly asked and his smile disappears

" like what? " he asked me

" like im so precious to you" i said and he laugh

" because you are , you are my child my own flesh and blood you are one of the most important thing in me and i loved you so much so stop asking weird question okay?" he said how i wish that my real father can tell it to me the way how hermoine' s father tell it to me, why does my heart feels so overwhelm? maybe because its the first time that i recieve those words from a father then a guy enter my room he is hermoine's older brother hes the one who calls the doctor earlier then hermoine's father leave

" hey " i looked up because someone called me

" are you talking to me? " he gave me a looked like his telling im weird

" ofcourse little sis im talking to you do you see something that i cant? " he said

" is that a joke? coz its not funny" he laugh

" so your back " he said in a joyful tone then he hugged me

" i thought i lost you already? do you know how scared i am when the maids scream after going in your room? i cant even stand when i saw your body you looked so lifeless! dont do it again lil'sis i cant lose you? okay? if you have a problem im here dont bother think on doing it again okay? i can take all your problems so please tell me okay?" i just nod i smiled a loving brother how i wished i had one but im an only child , when i look in his eyes i can see how concern he is to her , how i wish i can see that look when im scarlet

" im sorry " that all i can say im not hermoine to tell him my problems

" dont tell me you cant remember me too? " huh? what is he talking about

" what are you talking about?" i asked him

" your doctor said that maybe as a reflection of your suicide attemp your mind react on your body and your mind erases the painful memories that you have but dont worry the doctor said when your body is better we can visit a theraphist maybe they can help you on your problems and issues right? then you can go back to your old self ? the cheerful one because i missed my little sister you are my duo my partner in crime , my best buddy, my bestfriend please go back" his words it feels like it goes through my heart how can i pretend that im hermoine when i feels like they know every details about her at this moment i cant even understand why did hermoine tried to kill herself im so confused right now

" im so sorry bro i promise that i will try my best to remember you" i said i a cheerful tone to him

" did you just call me bro? o jesus my little sister is back" he said in a glee with a small thing his already happy then something came to mymind when i am scarlet i cant even be happy when my daddy do simple gestures to make me feel important i cant be happy in a small thing how shameless of me

" bro i think i need to rest " i said to HERMOINES older brother

" yeah you should because when moms home she will scold you for sure so be ready" and that got me confused

"oh i remember daddy saying that shes a tigress what does it mean?" i asked to him

" well mom is like a machine gun when shes mad she becomes a tigress that even dad say "honey i concede iloveyou" with a puppy dog eye and please sis do remember that dont call mom a tigress okay?" his words i got scared so i just nodded

" okay im going to rest" i said please save me god


i just woke up from my rest when a woman in mid 40's enter my room based on her sophistecated yet beautiful look i think shes hermoine 's mother based on my brothers saying a while ago im expecting a scold but she just cried and hugged me

" you ? why did you do that? im so worried about you? im in paris doing my fasion week when your brother tells me the news ? sweety what goin on? please talk im waiting for your answers ? are you mad at me ? tell me whats wrong? please so i can fix it! so i can help you" this is so dramatic but a perfect scene a mom who always cares , shes ready to fix herself so that she can help her daughter i wished that shes my real mom HAHAHAHA maybe i wont be miserable like this the old man i right its so hard to figure out why HERMOINE did it

" im so sorry mom please forgive me i wont do it again" i said

" forgiven your forgiven already rest my child you needs to rest okay tommorow is a new day mommy will stay here so dont be scared" seriously ? those words can my stepmom tell it to me? wait the oldman says im already dead as scarlet is my father okay? does he greived for me? is my stepmom sad? or is she happy now? acctually i missed them both i keep on thinking do my realmom knows that im dead? is she crying right now? i want to know but icant because im stuck in here i wanted to see if thier grieving or not? scarlet maybe they didnt even care about you just focus on your mission you need to know why hermoine killed herself because you need to live

as i can see

she have a perfect life

she have it all

so what is it?

what is the real reason

because based on my observation its not her family maybe she have another reason and that is what i need to found out

who is the one who pushed her on killing herself

what is the problems that she have for her to give up i need to know it all

i have a lot of questions but i cant think straightly maybe because im scared of what this missiong is going from i cant beleived that im already dead that i cant go back if i just knew then maybe i can tell my goobye to my father i want to hugged him

to tell him that even if a got misserable i am happy tobe his child

oh before i forgot i think i have a lead on whats happening the old man he talks to me while im asleep maybe i just need to sleep again so that i can ask him questions imagine i have a brain now i tried to sleep

" old man old man are you there? " i asked

" im here ? why do you want to talk to me?" i got curious

" nothing im just afraid thats all"

" and bytheway your mission already got ultimatum you need to discover it before the new year came okay? " what ?

" new year? its just a week before that cames?what will happened in HERMOINE if i failed to know it? "

" just like youre body her body will be rotten in cementery" what the

" she cant live?" i asked

" i told you shes already dead you cant undo it" what the hell

" are you not happy you have the life you were wishing for a Perfect life right?"

" i want a perfect life but not in this way how can i be happy knowing that i just stole her life ? i dont deserve this its making me guilty knowing her family cant even grieve for her because im impersonating her " i said

" well be careful what you wishef for and its already here so i cant undo it just enjoy herlife while it last HAHAHAHAAH" WITH THAT HE LEAVED ME AGAIN IN CONFUSSION