

itsmeDaoistra · Fantasy
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do you want a perfect life ? where no one can judge you? or hurt you? do you want to feel that for the first time youre not just a nobody? do you want a world that can accept you as who you are?



because i live in a world that every move a take they make a judgement!

im living in place that every single word can hurt me!

i want to feel that im a somebody too

i want a world that accept me as who i am

its a world of perfections

where i can be who i am




it's a sunny day im at our farm doing some stuff that a man can only do but here i am a woman or a lady doing this because there's no man in the house

after i finished my work in farm i decided to walk my way home what can i do im not reach to use another way of transfortation

"oh its scarlet again she looked so thin already maybe they dont have food"

" look at her! i pity her family they look so pathethic "

" yeah i think so too maybe that will happen to a child of a misstress" well i hear tose judgement but i pretend that i didnt

thats thier daily routine everytime they see me and im used to it already well its just a wrong judgement anyways

my father is a billionaire but he have a wife and thats madame Daisy i work on thier farm well im just his daughter a fruit of his sin to his wife so everyone here treated me like plague

i feel like i was born to recieve thier judgement

i dont know my mother she just left me in front of my fathers door when im a kid

i know my father loved me but his wife doesnt she always treated me like a dirt why did i felt like no one loves me ?

my father he loves me but he cant even save me from his wife maybe because he loved his wife more than me

i already set in mind that i dont want to lived with them anymore but have no where to go

its raining already but our house is still far so i look for a place where i can stay for a while a saw a tree i think its okay to stay here until the rain stops

but maybe im just unlucky coz its seems like the rain will never stop but i hear those child sings when its raining maybe i should try

" rain rain go away come again another day" i sang then i hear a loud thunder look like my voice is not good maybe i shoulf try again

" rain rain go away come again another day" then the lightning reach for the tree where im standing remind me not to sing again

the tree fall into me maybe its may end i cant feel my body


i woke up in a pure white room is this heaven? i remember what happen to me i sing? and lightning then tree ? am i dead? is it because i sing ? is my voice that bad? did i woke up another creature ?

okay scarlet youre being over reacting again

anyways how come that im in heaven ? i do bad things when im alive like i ruin all the plants in my step mothers farm also i keep on giving her a cofee with no sugar ? HEHEHE its my jod ? to make her feel that i dont like her too

" oh hermoine youre awake " huh? whos that ? then a saw a guy maybe on his 4o' s and his looking to me?

" are you talking to me ? maybe youre entering a wrong room" i said to him his giving me questioning look ?


" what are you talking about? youre my daughter hermoine so ofcourse im in your room" what? me? daughter? hermoine? okay its not good whats going on

" what are you talking about ? is it a scene that you will tell to me itsss a prank! i got you like that" i told to him then he look startled

" okay is it you pranking me again? hermoine its not funny ? after youre suicide attemp pranking me will not save you in your punishment" he looked at me seriously

" but i dont really know you" i told to him in frustration and now im panicking

" hermoine" he called me again

" im not hermoine im scarlet scarlet is my name now get lost stop pranking me you old man" im now panicking then a guy enter my room

" whats going on dad?" he asked

" ron call a doctor now fast " then a guy exit my room fast" is it the part that they will tell me im a human tester that they will use my body for science? o god im still virgin please dont

" her vitals are okay i give her a dose of madicine it will make her calm and it will help her to fell asleep" doctor said

" why is she liked that why cant she remember me? " a voice of a guy enter in my ears

"maybe its her trauma after her suicide attemp her mind reacts on it so it means that everyone around her maybe is lost in her. memory and make another hallucination taht why she insist that she is another person right now we have to understand her to prevent another suicide attemp" its a long speech

" okay doc thanks we will just wait unti she woke up"


" scarlet" i woke up because of that voice

"who are you ? whre are you? are you my concience?" i asked me being Oa again

" are you happy with your new name hermoine? " so hes the reason

" im not bring me back to the old me" i said while looking for him

" you cant your old you died because of youre disgusting voice" oh really i f i saw this guy i will cut his throat

" why am i here? wheres the real hermoine? " i asked to him

" hermoine died because of her suicidal attemp" you should know that god hated people who attemp suicide

"who are you really and why did you know all of this? " i asked him agaim

" i? i am the one who give you another life " wow nice line

" seriously? igot it from a movie i watch its cool right ?" okay he asked me

" i looks cool if you show me your face" i said

then a guy appears from white

" do i look cool now?" o my you looks like my grand father i teased then he pout seriously how can i believed him?

" i thought im cool ? anyways i give you another life so you must return the favor " huh i give him a questioning look

" what favor do you need?" i asked

" you need to know why hermoine attemps suicide as you can see hermoine have a loving family shes rich she can have all she want in short WHAT SHE HAVE IS A PERFECT LIFE AND ITS OPPOSITE FROM YOURS once you found out the reason i will give you a gift " he told me

" and that is that gift?" i asked again

" i will gave you hermoines life scarlet and its from a lifetime you want a perfect life right? its what you wished for a perfect family enjoy"

" what will happened to me if i didnt discover her reason?" i asked

" you dont have a life as scarlet i told you already SCARLET O HARA is dead YOU ARE NOW HERMOINE GRANGER "

" so i dont have a choice but to do this because i cant return to my old self?" i told him

" believe me scarlet you will love her life" he said " so is it a deal underworld is waiting for youre decision

" deal " i told him dont have a choice i cant go back because i have nothing to return even if i have a misserable life i still want to lived and i dont want to go in underworld to meet satan there

o god please forgive me if i will commit a sin i know that i should be dead right now but i cant give up i wanted to lived

so my mission right nor is to find out why HERMOINE GRANGER commits on a suicide attempt as i can see she have a perfect life

a mom who loved her

a dad who cares for her

a brother who always there for her

what can she wished for she can have what she wants

her families attention



what came to her mind that she decided to kill herself

im so curious why would a perfect girl tried to kill herself funny isnt it ? theres alot of people who have nothing but still they didnt give up thier life but she?

she has everything but still she killed herself i pity her

i want to found out her reasons

so guyz im not really fluent in english also im just a newbie so dont assume to much in this story please do vote for me thanks for your readssss

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