
The perfect Draganoid

"Then what exactly are you?", the timid child asked the floating like god that confronted her "Oh dear child. What matters isn't who I am but who I become" She rose a brow. "We are one chosen. One of the same, not of same kind but of same destiny and mission" "The prefect draganoid... Mankind's protector"

Nimotalai_Alimi · Fantaisie
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45 Chs


"You gonna be okay?", Kai asked as both her and Anna walked down the hallway towards their next class.

"I'm worried about him Kai", Anna confessed sheepishly as a light blush crept on her pale cheeks.

From the very first days Kai stepped into this reality and claimed to be an exchange student, her and Anna Marie have been the best of friends. Sure it all began with a few bumps... and lots of bruises, but that did not stop them both from having the mutual instinctial feeling of being forever bonded as friends.

Kai remebered that day so clearly. Their first lunch together as friends.

Anna had introduced her to so many of her friends, non friends and potential ass seekers One of those fore mentioned being Tyler Savage. She made it understandable that her and Tyler used to be the best of buddies.

She used the word, inseparable...

Two peas in one godforsaken pod..

Anna has once told her about their crazy adventures as kids and the fun games they played. The good times they had had together... Times when their friendship still made so much sense....

And with such moments leading to feelings she begged herself not to discover.

Always trying her hardest to impress her law abiding, overly sensitive and over protective parents... having even the slightest feelings for an entity or commiting the smallest wrong could cause her complete removal from existence.

Kai should know, i mean Y'all should have been there when she just paid a visit a month ago when Anna had caught the flu.

But in all, she still cared for the ass. What they had together still remaimed fresh in her heart... and she would like to keep it that way.

Managing a tired smile, Kai reached out to hold on to Anna's free hand. She gave it a gentle squeeze, rest assuring her that it was going to be fine, as it reciprocated in her once before frustrated blues.

"You know I won't let anything happen to your little kitten", She teased with a small grin.

yep..... the Tyler Savage was called 'kitten'

so you've heard...

A sudden rush of tinted shimmers and blush accumlated her currently flushed face as she swiftly turns around to make sure no one other than themselves heard that...

"You just had to, didn't you", Anna grumbled under her breathe as her friend replied with a hearty laugh.

It was second grade, and the teacher assigned them to give their very good friends allocated pet names... and the best this reknowned genius could think of was 'kitten'


Kai watched how her friend turned from a worried Wanda to an overly baked baguette.

"Too adorable", Kai quipped with a smile.

Letting out stiff coughs and predictable sighs, she calmed her flushed face as certainty struck.

Now she had a playful pout across her lips.

"oh, I think I know adorable when I see it", she said in a sing song tune that either it's shocking her best friend or it's leaving her completely at sea.

"What are you talking about?", Kai asked with a raised brow as they both stopped their walk to class.

"You know what I'm talking about", Anna retorted while wiggling her eyebrows like a complete clown.

*Thinking span*

What??... its not like she___

oh wait.... she did!!!!

"oh no. He's not_we're not_. it's_it's not like that Anna... we've talked about this. We're just friends", Kai made emphasis on the whole friending part.

"Hmm, well last I checked, the friendzone didn't have friends who kiss on sale", Anna sassed with another pout.

Glasses here is right though....

Friends don't kiss...

Kai, is there something you wanna tell the readers....

"TT, well_ it was _ ugh!!, where are you getting with this", she asked already feeling the tints take over her cheek.

"Don't you dare deny it Tatsuki"

"Me... deny my unconditional wanting to rip your head off... i would never", Kai said between clenched teeth and a forced chuckle.

"Not that... definitely not that", Anna shuddered at the thought.

"Then what?", she asked

"Your feelings for Nathaniel", Anna blurted out

Wasn't it that obvious....

I'm pretty sure that was kinda established...

The tints on her face deepened.

It took her a good fifteen seconds to process what she said.

Her feelings for the italian boy with beautiful black curly hair and an amazing jade stare.

Toned skin that reflects implacably with the sun.

And lets not start with his lips.....

The solid taste of raspberry muffins took control of her mind the first time they kissed. It sent an immediate rupture of flames in her heart.... literally.

"Nathaniel..",she said in a small whisper.

No, this was all in her head. The kiss, it meant absolutely nothing...

Besides the beautiful flame that lighted up her soul... it meant nothing.

And she had to keep it that way....

No matter what, it had to stay that way..

"It didn't mean anything Anna", Kai said with her voice as calm as the wind.

Anna had watched her just stand there for about five minutes battling with her thoughts.

"You don't mean that.. do you?" Anna asked with a questionable raised brow.

of course she doesn't

Taking in and letting out a deep breathe, she replied with a nod.

"C'mon... we better get to class", Kai interjected managing a small grin.


"Geometry class, what about you", Nathaniel asked with his books held to his chest.

"I'm kinda free till the end of the day", Kai replied placing her previous class textbooks into her locker.


Just because they have unexplainable feelings towards on another doesn't mean they should have a hard time staying good friends....

"Lucky", he stated as he watched her place the last of her books in her locker.

"Hey... don't jinx it. I'm already looking forward to my next one hour of optimal solitude", Kai joked finding support on the cold comforts of her locker.

She felt another wince coming on, but instead interjected with a low yawn.

"Still tired?"

"you could say that", she says with her eyes semi closed, trying to hold in whatsoever was about to get out.

"I thought you had Mrs Fletcher's class?", Nathaniel asked again as he led her away from the lockers towards his next class.

"Nah, she called in sick today. We had Gorzilla tutoring us instead",Kai joked letting out a weak sigh.

"Mr Dolittle?", he laughed.

"The one and grumpy. He watched the class like a hawk. Blinking was inevitable",

Nathaniel laughed again

"U'm gonna go with today isn't your brightest of days".

Like she had any....

About to give a snappy retort, intense loud screams echoed in the halls.

Simultaneously, the school emergency alarms went off as several other students ran out of their respective classrooms to either get a better view of the situation or get their scared asses out of there.

"You were saying"..


"You just had to jinx me... didn't you"

"Hey, it's not my fault they want you dead",Nathaniel recoiled as he helped another fallen student to her feet as the others tried evacuating the building.

"You just had to bring my hopes up", she retorted as she redirected a student who currently was running from the danger zone.

"So, this is on me then?"

"If it makes me feel any better... then sure".

Giving his friend a major eye roll, his gaze was refocused on the increased number of the creatures that attacked to begin with.

"What are those things?"

"Those things as you call them are called the Marisama demons", she stated as she skillfully dodged one who tried to jump her.

"And???", he asked further

"Well, my grandfather told me stories about them when I was little. I didn't think they were real", she explained as she ducked another attempt attack from the demon.

"They look pretty real to me",

"The Marisama's are summoned with some kind of keystone from the emo realm of deceit", kai furtherly explains.

"And were probably brought here by the twin destroyers... correct?"

Caught unaware, one of the demon crawlers jumped him from behind thus pinning him to the ground. About ready to feast on its catch, a sudden blast of flaming flares hits the demon square on its face... sending it crashing into a locker frame.

Turning his head to see what had just gone down, he saw how light red flame tendrils danced between his friend's fingers as she approached him.

"No doubt about that", she said before lending him a hand.

"Thanks" , he appreciated.

Kai replied with a nod before facing the situation at hand.

"Any idea on how to stop them?",

"The demons act on command. The keystone used to summon them also serves as their some sort command card. We get the stone, we put an end to this".

Kai did a quick somersault to avoid a vast blast which was aimed at her.

"They breathe fire???!!!!", he exclaimed

"That makes two of us",she replied haven landed the flip before firing another shot.

"The downside?"

"Why would you think there's a downside?"Kai asked with a raised brow.

"oh per_lease, there is always a downside",

"And this isn't still your fault how?", she retorted as she did another flip to get closer to him.

Nathaniel just couldn't right now....

"What's the plan?",he asked

"I need to get to the twins",

"could you help round up the students to safety, and maybe check up on Anna while you're at it", she suggested.

Nathaniel replied with a firm nod as he turns around, about ready to head for the opposite direction of the hall.

A sudden hold on his arm stops him in his tracks as he turns around to see concern in his belov_ i mean his friend's eyes.

"Be careful"

He replies with another nod.

"You too"

"Can't promise you that", she shrugged.