
The perfect Draganoid

"Then what exactly are you?", the timid child asked the floating like god that confronted her "Oh dear child. What matters isn't who I am but who I become" She rose a brow. "We are one chosen. One of the same, not of same kind but of same destiny and mission" "The prefect draganoid... Mankind's protector"

Nimotalai_Alimi · Fantasy
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45 Chs


"From that very day, the great chosen was honored with the rest of his family. Lao shi had learnt a lot from his adventures ever since he was called upon to protect his great civilization. Although, he had expected a great lot to come from it. Of course he got his fame, his family and alongside it all the love and respect from his people. But what he didn't anticipate was a gift. The indefinite gift of life. Thus keeping it by heart that, Even if life doesn't give us the things we were hoping for, the real gift was life itself", the tale was concluded as the bus came to a stop.

"I just hope i can get through the day", she grumbled as a small yawn settled in.

Slipping her book into her bag pack, Kai gently lifts a small accessory that hung around her neck, which originally was hidden under her gray sweater.

With a small grin across her lips, she placed a small kiss on the ancient looking medallion.

"Guide with your stars papa", she whispered to no one in particular as she finally alighted from the vehicle.


"Rough night?", Nathaniel Blake asked haven studied his friend who had been occasionally wincing, then at some later time let out frequent yawns.

Kai replied with a lazy nod before forcing out a chuckle as they arrived at their situated destination.

Western burg's school cafeteria...

"Hang in there girl", Anna Marie Jane said as she slid her left arm around her friend for support.

"Too tired", Kai managed to say as she remembered yesterday's after school rumble vividly. She let's out another groan as she leaned into her friend's hold.

In a moment, the groaning became an immediate distasteful scoff...

On the table that stood diagonally to the entrance of the cafeteria sat...

Tyler Savage....

High school hottie, Senior, captain and atlas... and all round asshat. ..

Being the undeniablly well known attention seeker and full package deal, he never came alone.

Beside him sat the 'Derailed diva' promo..

Stephanie Courts ladies and gentlemen.

Around them sat their fellow gawkers plus devoted followers. Listening for the almost hundreth time how the Tyler Savage heroically saved the entire school from the most recent shinigami masaca.

But hey, who's counting???

"I mean, all he really did was let the shinagu spirits out the school main doors", scoffed Anna Marie with a massive furrow between her brows.

"And like everybody else, he had his legs behind his head trying to get away from the attack", Anna said again before taking a frustrated sip from her juice box filled with ice tea.

"Even if it does count as a some sort save", Nathaniel interjected as they all settled with their lunches ready on their usual table

"Honestly Anna, I do not know why its such a big deal. Besides, he 'heroically' letting the spirit out made it more convenient to take care of", Kai quipped as she managed to stop another wince and yawn.

"Even if it did make the shinagus' harder to contain", Anna recoiled with a raise brow.

"Gotta admit though,it was a pretty good start", Kai joked with a cringed smile.

"And you don't see what he's doing as utterly irrelevant?", Anna asked as she looked over her shoulder to meet the sight of the fangirling audience that paid rapt attention to Yappy Mcsmithens Savage's overly dramatic retell of his supposedly heroic little adventure.

"Tyler's just being his alter ego, so what?", Nathan quipped with a question of his own.

"He's drawing too much attention to himself", Anna interjected using her imdex finger to place her glasses properly above her nose.

"No shocker there", Kai deadpanned.

"I know"

"It's just... he's claiming to be this hero that he's not. He could end up doing something really dumb and get himself really hurt", Anna stated with quivering worry in her voice.

"I doubt that_", Kai began but was stopped by another wince... worse than the previous ones that had been occurring. Then, she finshes it off with a yawn..

"You look like you're about to pass out", Anna said placing a helping hand on the small of her friend's back.

"Keeping the shinagu and its pairs at bay took a lot outta me. I still ran into those two morons right after", Kai says shaking her head a little to aid her aching soul.

Hold up... that was just yesterday...

She looked across the table as her eyes met gorgeous greens that starred back at her with deep concern.

"Are you sure you're okay?", the owner of the beautiful stare asked.

Managing an assuring smile, she moved one of her tired hands to hold his slightly.

"I'll be fine. Just tired", she said starring further into his gems. The way it calmed her aching body did wonders.

She could do this for as long as he wanted her to. He's reciprocated stare said it all.

Anna saw how they both starred at one another, both sharing the mutual feeling of concern and care. How he delicately used his thumb to rub small circles on the back of her hand absent mindedly almost made her squeak.

But she didn't...


it had to do with how she loved the way they seemed so in sych, as a whole. The tenderness in both their stares said it all.

if only those two knuckles heads could just accept it and get a move on....

Being the straight up impatient sweetheart she lets out a teasing cough thus interrupting them as they both abruptingly let go of the other's hand.

"if you both are done making me a literal third wheel... Kai you were saying"

Both friends letting out uncomfortable chuckles before Kai gives her friend a resound eye roll, she continued.

"Its nothing really, I'm pretty sure that Tyler savage wouldn't be that insanly stupid and just throw himself into another attack", Kai assured her friend with a mild grin.

"Then you underestimate the power of his insensibility", Anna said with a smirk across her lips.

"True", Nathaniel said with a small chuckle..

"Then, what about the twins. Can they see him as an easy target", Anna asked again, with all the fellow readers of the book fully confused about her concern for this high school dumbass.

"it depends.... its not like the twins would just add him to their kill list", Kai joked now as she recommends to any one who is interested not to bother whose on the list, or rather why there's a list.

"That's... what I'm afraid of", Anna said letting out a highly frustrated sigh as she looked behind her again seeing how giddy her once very adored best friend looked as the crowd cheered him on

so that's why it mattered so much...

"Well, feel free to talk some sense into him", Nathaniel suggested mockingly taking a small bite from his vegetable filled falafel.

"Yeah, like that'll work",Anna tutted with a major eye roll along with it

"Mild suggestion", he replied with a playful raised brow.

The bell ordered the end of recess. Kai and the others watched the crowd that once surrounded Tyler disperse.

With a final sigh, the gang packed up and it was back to class.