
The Path to Strength

Humorous work on such fandoms as Naruto and DxD. (There will be many more fandoms in the future) attention!!! Negative hero!!! English is not my language, and indeed the author is an illiterate creature.

DartLove · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 the Prince on a White horse? More like a Demon riding Cerberus!

Taking off the Henge kitsune, I put on The henge armor of the Dark Lord, and not to recognize the Henge if they touch me, I poured half of my chakra reserve into the Henge, which made the Henge material

The armor looked like completely black armor with spikes from the elbows, shoulders, and knees, as well as 2 horns about 30 cm long coming from the front sides of the helmet.

From the face under the helmet, only the eyes were visible, flickering blood red, and to create an atmosphere, I created another dark fog emanating from me and turned on the Aura of horror at a ten-thousandth part of full power. I didn't turn it on any harder, because I don't have a goal for people around me to die of a heart attack, which in principle would have happened if I turned it on at full power.

And in this form, I went to the familiar and shaking with fear orphanage children and took away one of them candy, and all for this

Jin ~~~

The resulting achievement is an Aspiring Dark Lord

Novice Dark Lord -You are so angry and merciless that you can't help but take away the candy from the child passing next to you, and make him cry.

To achieve this, select more candies. 1/100 selected

I'm moving in the right direction!!! And laughing with happiness (and what is it that others are shaking? Doesn't matter…) I took the candy from the remaining children

3/100 selected

And continuing to walk around in a great mood, I continued to take candy from passers-by children, and if there were too bold I just amplified the Aura of Horror, and they either fainted from fear, or urinated on the spot, some even managed to shit themselves, but when one particularly bold Jonin shat at my sight, the surrounding people almost started running away from me with screams

"We're all going to die!"

And not noticing, as flew time I received message from clone that Canon began!!

And like any self-respecting Dark Lord, I summoned my steed, Cerberus!!(turned into a clone)

And rode it to save the Princess and punish evil!!!!


Clouds covered the sky. Thunder rumbled. Lightning danced in the sky.

The area was obscured by fog. And only hundreds of red eyes were visible in the darkness of existence.

And whispers of restless souls, whispering to anyone who at least once looked into those eyes and heard that they will be OD great!!!

And among all this from the fog in front of children appeared a knight riding on a 3 headed Cerberus 10 m which exhaled from their mouths, the smoke from which sluggish all life within the radius of his breathing.

But the most terrifying of all was the rider who gave off a miasma of darkness that caused the victim to become mad and want to scratch out their own eyes just to see what they saw.

And in General, I'm all so beautiful appeared before the hooligan and Hinata, and it seems that if I tell Boo, they will immediately give up their souls from the mortal carcasses just to be away from me. But it's not time for that yet, so....

- Sinners (I said, and the thunder rumbled harder after my words)

"You dare to break the commandments of real men!"!! (the alarm sounded in the head of future ODES)

-You violated the commandments of Kawai!!!

-And therefore the sentence for you is only one....

- Death and the end of rebirth (said I gave up bloodlust and stopped the victims ' hearts, and activated the soul-devouring skill)

(explanations from author ,devouring souls that have gg simply sucks out entire energy spirit and translates its in OH (points characteristics) ,number of OH absorbed have enemies depends on their indicator SPIRIT ,is Absorbed 10% from maximum indicator spirit victims) (have hooligans average indicator spirit was 50 ,so that gg receives 15 OH)(so same gg not receives OD under using skill on victims)(so that to obtain precisely OD gg will have kill not using this skill) (so same number of received OD for level of adversary 1lvl = 1000 OD ,if opponent living organism ,for bosses in barriers od is given 1 LVL =10 OD )

- and you! (I pointed to the guard) (and also pulled him up to me using blood control in his body)

-Your punishment for creating this situation become my OD (said I and sold his in store OD) and superficially looked so as if I burned his alive so that even ashes not remained, and of course same for create entourage he let out yell full pain before as die.

-And now your turn (I said looking at Hinata)

But apparently she decided that she was going to be killed and fainted.

Shaking his head, I dispelled all the illusions that have imposed on the country, and took a normal appearance (Fox ears and a bit of enchantment enchantment)

And sat under the tree waited for Nyasha wakes up, putting her head on her knees and touching her hair along the way, humming the Imperial March from star wars and watching the movie star wars that made my clones

And looking at the production of several films at the moment where Vader tells Luke

"Luke, I'm your father

Nyasha woke up

- Good morning beautiful


"No, I came to your aid!" (with his nose to the top and making proud and I answered)

And ciccotto of pppppssssssssssssss?

-Well then, listen.

"It was like this. -I'm walking in the Park, I'm in a great mood, and I see a little girl being bullied by hooligans, and a person is sitting in the bushes gloating. So, when I saw this obscenity, I was inflamed and destroyed the evil before it was violated!!! (I finished with a thumbs-up gesture, beaming with pride at the work I'd done)

and ccchange ggggrrrrrrrrr of tfrrxrichview of PPEs and sstrongly of ddemand and dukhi ciccotto of nappali nnna nnas?

-You about my Heng and clones under Heng that whether?


"Of course, where do demons and spirits come from?" It's just that I decided to have some fun and scare the evil before heroically killing it!!!

"Did you kill them?"

"Sure, what's the big deal?" If I hadn't come and killed them, they would have killed you, and if I was weaker than them, they would have killed me, so sparing your enemies is killing your allies. Remember that the enemy is not the one who is, and always must be eradicated at the root, otherwise, one day these enemies will hurt you, and if you, because if they are not strong enough to get back at you directly, then they will take revenge on you in close. That's why all my enemies are either dead or will die soon. (uploaded girl philosophy, knocking thoughts of fear and drove away thinking about how bad it is to kill, and lowered the chance that after that I made instead of fall in love with me she will begin to fear me to shiver in the legs, and to secure the result cut through the aura of benevolence, positivity and light.)

"what were you doing alone in the Park?" You that not know, that in konokhe is operating dangerous criminal named Makak, he kidnaps small girls and small boys, and after this washes them brains WILL of FIRE, and you still lucky if you meet only his, after all there is even more dangerous criminal, an old Man named one-eyed, say after as he kidnaps children they become dolls that die in GOOD KONOKHI, and not have their points of vision and can only until the most death works in good konokhi.

- I'm not getting lost (and my eyes are wet)

- Oh, you onion grief…Let me at least take you home.

-Where do you live?

-VVV McLane of Khuga

- Exactly (slamming his fist into his palm exclaimed), so you are a clan, then I thought your eyes were familiar, this is Byakugan.

"are you a Princess, by any chance?"

- Ddda (embarrassed answered)

-well, in General, it's great, just a chivalrous novel about how the demon Lord saves the Princess from evil heroes!!!(The ANBU in the bushes made the world a gesture of hand-face)

and razve not ghero spasayut of Princess from the lords of the demons?

-Hmmm, maybe so, but as you noticed the hero on a white horse I do not draw, but for a Demon it is, so I'll be the ruler of the Demons!

-Ttak Lord of Demons naoborot pokidaet of Princess, not spasaet ...

-Examined the girl from head to toe and nodding to his reflection, I said -

-and you're right. Since I am the Demon Lord, I must kidnap the Princess and keep her in a high tower!!!

"But unfortunately, I haven't built my own tower yet, so there's no place to kidnap you."

But nothing! When I build myself a Castle of the Lord of Darkness and towers in it I will definitely kidnap you!! Agreed!?(I blurted out with ostentatious enthusiasm)

- Dddda (answered and blushed) (well, nothing you'll grow up blushing even more when you understand what muahahahaha agreed to)

"so that I know where to find you, Princess, will you tell me your name?" (copying the behaviour of the gallant Knight I asked her)


- Nice to meet you. And my name is Naruto (I said, adding the aura of charm and kissed her hand)

******** After Conducting The Hinata. Along the way, affecting it with various auras. And also allegedly accidentally touching it from time to time and using incubation techniques on it, as well as joking and generally creating a comfortable environment for communication, and also giving it a soft toy that I won when I went to the game club on the way, I finished hoeing the future flower