
The Path to Strength

Humorous work on such fandoms as Naruto and DxD. (There will be many more fandoms in the future) attention!!! Negative hero!!! English is not my language, and indeed the author is an illiterate creature.

DartLove · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 13.



- La La La, Lu Lu Lu, rest I love you!!!

I hummed as I walked along my beloved Konoha and smiled all over Alaska, not the limit, like a canonical Narik.

But it's nice to know that you're safe, and the people around you are just ants under your feet.

And how nice it is to see the haters and looks full of fear and horror thrown at me, and with each such look my mood gets better.

Why are they throwing them at me? And because I decided to have fun poshugav people and went today without disguise ,and to quite bring all including Anbushnikov and Koreshkov, I with the help Henge (that I have 100 ur, so that from real horseradish distinguish) grew itself Fox Ears and 9 tails and also fangs in mouth .And to bring old senile people to a heart attack, I also made a Sharingan in my eyes .And if you consider that my Henge from the present can not be distinguished, then I was enjoying the emanations of superstitious horror, and it seems that some even faint at the sight of me fall.

In General, this went on for several minutes, before I was surrounded by a group of Anbushnikov (as I understood from the sealing squad) and then one of them came forward and said.

"Hokage is calling you."

- Well, let's go once again. (I replied playfully, looking forward to future fun)

5 minutes later...

In the office of Hokage.

- Greetings Mr. Hokage, what did it take for such an undoubtedly great man like you from such a poor orphan like me?

(I think I noticed that the macaque's eye twitched when I said about the poor orphan)

"It's about your appearance, do you feel any sudden outbursts of anger?" Or uncontrollable outbursts of emotion?

No (I answered with an innocent smile and twitched his ears, and given that hair I unlike canonigo Junkies has grown, and in General watched over his appearance (worthless to the future of God look like a homeless person) it looked very nice, pity that my performance is not appreciated (((. )

what's wrong with my appearance (I asked tons of radiating innocence and misunderstanding)

- You see, Konoha was attacked 6 years ago by a nine-tailed demon Fox, and during the attack he had a Sharingan pattern in his eyes. And because of this, your appearance is very frightening to the townspeople.

And how did you ever think to buy lenses in the form of the Sharingan eye, and Fox ears with tails and putting them on yourself?

- Nuuu so this not lenses and not a suit, and Henge

"Kha Kha Kha Kha ..., Henge!? But how is this possible!? And how do you know how to make it!? (Hehe hehe, won even with seats podletel Macaque, probably thinks now that I now know about their parents and about Fox that within me, and learned this type from parents that in the seal stuffed their clones, or scrolls. But nothing, it's too early for that yet, so…)

-Nu so, khokage-itself, when I killed attacked on me in past time Genina I took away have him their trophies, and among them were scrolls storage, and within them books on chakra and some technology, in including and Henge, and I trained homes his to do. (I said looking at the floor and shuffling my foot, like it's not my fault)

The Macaque seemed to feel better, and while I was talking, he had already made up a whole story for me in the style of an Indian movie.

Well, never mind, I'll tickle your nerves again, and you'll be ready to run away from my post just to be away from me, (a moment of villainous laughter).

"then why did you make yourself such a Henge and go around scaring the people?"

-Ah so train, and such Henge I took because me consider demon, and times consider the need to conform to.

"Kha Kha, don't listen to them. You've probably decided that the demon is someone very cool, and you want to be like them? (asked macaques me thinking that my childhood in the ass to play). But demons are actually very cruel and terrible creatures, and if you look up to them, then you will not have friends and everyone will be afraid of you and hate you (the old man began to sing praises).

- Hokage-sama, but as same so? After all, demons are so cute, especially kitsune. And the fact that souls are eaten and cities are burned, which of us is not without flaws?

(Why am I telling him all this? And just to have fun and pump naruto Therapy, which has already risen by 5 levels since I came to the Macaque, it seems that the stronger the victim of Naruto therapy, the faster it swings. Heh heh heh, so I will have brains all kages and akatsuki.)

(it seems that the macaque's eyes will fall out of their sockets now, apparently he did not expect that a small child would calmly talk about burning cities and devouring souls .He apparently thought that I would grow up to be a downtrodden and cowardly child who would be easily pushed around, and not a smart and extremely cruel demon .If there were any other child in my place, he would most likely have grown up like this ,but I am a popadanets ,and I have an extremely vindictive and evil nature that takes revenge for every joint in my direction ,so at least all the residents of the shelter will go to OD in the name of me.)

-Feast on the souls and burn the city is a bad thing. (macaque began instructively) And demons — this evil from which need to get rid of (raised index finger upward).

- Hokage-sama, are you a racist? Demons are like people and animals. Humans feed on animals, and demons feed on humans, which is normal.

(the campaign I will soon have to wait for a re-Fox, or nanny Anba that will be my brain on the topic of moral values. in the 1st case, I will let Konoha on OD, in the second I will pump naruto Therapy on nannies, and I will run away from them all that demons are good creatures, and people are evil. And people that hate demons need to kill, and that the main racist is Hokage)

(Ah Yes okay ,this of course will be fun ,but so Canon goes on p. one good scenario .That is not very good for me ,because you never know the Player will not like that I would kill Kanon ,and he will throw me into a parallel world Junkies or even in another Fandom ,and I still have this fandome want to have fun and rock out ,you'll get Gene and the eye of God will be in other worlds ,(but not in the worlds of cultivators ,there I was in a thin pancake roll ,given that they're entire worlds, destroy their attacks ,and at best I will be able to destroy a planet the size of earth with the genome and the eyes ,but no more. And since I have blocked psionics and reatsu In this world, I will not be able to quickly become stronger.)

In short, it is necessary to wrap up with the trolling of the macaque, otherwise he will really decide that the Fox is better to re-seal.

- Oh Oh, who brought you up like this...!? (raising his hands to the sky, the macaque asked in a half-whisper)

-No one Hokage-sama, I'm a poor orphan, and everyone always hated me, or tried to kill me, and children and caregivers with employees of the shelter. And when I asked me anything, they either tried to hit me, or drove me away... (and a little more Henge tears and pressed his ears to his head with a plaintive moose that is ready to burst into tears)

- I hope the Academy will teach you what is good and what is bad…You can go, but promise me you won't do it again?

-Yes, Hokage-Sama, I promise I'll never do it again. (I promised to be as honest as possible)


after leaving gg....

"Bring in the Jinchuriki watchers immediately!"!!!(the macaque yelled)

We have an attempt on the weapons of the village, and I do not dream of it! Yes, and these u*BKI do not perform the tasks set!!!! I'LL EXECUTE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!