
The Path to Strength

Humorous work on such fandoms as Naruto and DxD. (There will be many more fandoms in the future) attention!!! Negative hero!!! English is not my language, and indeed the author is an illiterate creature.

DartLove · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Chapter 12 Later years of KACHA

10 years later

Wild KACH results 10 years in a row


Level 165

Class: Demigod


Last Name-Uzumaki

Title-Jinchuriki Of The Nine-Tailed


Mana - 1195250


The chakra of the Biju ???

Power 205+1300=1505

Dexterity 178+1100=1278

Endurance 640+5000= 5640

the spirit of 415+3000=3415

Intelligence 520+ 4000=4520

the wisdom of 540+ 3500=4040

control 3600 +40000= 43600

good luck -45

Free performance points 1650. 165 skill points(can be used to increase the skill level)

OS 19 trillion +

OD +190 billion +

Equipment-Printing energy storage 10 billion/10 billion

Healing seal. Storage of 1 billion honey chakras

Basic skills - 8 gates (fully mastered), sage Mode 100 ur, lightning Cover 100 ur, mana shield. Combat teleportation, Shadow clones 100 ur. Devouring the Essence of the Soul (off-LEVEL).

Attacking skills - attack with all the elements as chakra and magic, in the presence of both Chidori and Rasengan or Rasenshuriken and skills of the standard Arsenal of the shinobi and magician. (PP the Author, Skills describe such as magic arrow, fireball or meteor shower I not d, for believe this waste of time, and to do him a certain set of combat skills d, when gg will become although would lower God)

For reaching level 100 I was given a class

Archmage: spirit X6 intelligence X6 development speed control 200% energy regeneration speed x 4

and for achieving 150 level gave class

Demigod: the Spirit of intelligence X10 X10 the speed of development control 500%. the rate of energy regeneration X10 (multipliers), and all further multiplications are made exclusively after them)

And with such force me already fit count MS, and modicum on physical characteristics I now weak Kage, if cut through Regime sage (Senin mod) I will be able to put down any Kage, and having cut through also a cover of lightning I can quite successfully kick Madaru. And on sweet, having cut through 6 gates to the past 2m modes, (more until not pull), I will be able to overcome Madara with Rinnegan. But if he has a ten-tailed kick will be me....

And for so much time I only slightly surpassed the fighting power of the original Narik...

Of course Madara I fill up, Yes stupidly filled up by his shadow clones to the eyeballs inflated sen-chakra or just using a destructive technique, because like it or not and how do not shake the Mage remains a mage and if the mage Master fuinjutsu, the meteorite while you sleep or black hole in the toilet will be the least of your problems.

Bottom line -for this world I am strong, but I can cut the moon with a wave of my hand for a long time, and I will not be able to fill up Kaguya, and I will definitely bring it down. And it would take overwhelming force to get her into bed instead of a coffin. Of course, I will not be understood in this world, but I am rarely interested in other people's opinions. And the fact that she's a bit crazy not so scary, and I even understand her, went on the basis of Narcissism, which of the gods they do not suffer? And the fact that she was disappointed in people, I personally was not disappointed in them ,I initially did not expect anything good from them .And the stage of acceptance is quite a common thing ,and the fact that she wanted to create a world without wars and dirt enslaving all living beings in the world I even approve ,No, seriously approve ,in the future I will keep only units under my control in my domain, and such a thing as freedom for my toys will not worry me much .After all, if you give them freedom, they will start wars, squabbles for power, etc.…. So that absolute control should be ,I'm not going to torture my slaves, or starve them, let them live until they violate the established order .And freedom to create x*ynyu is not such a big price for a happy and quiet life.

What about further growth….. There was an idea to fall into the barrier for OD for a couple of years and buy a Rinne Sharingan with 3 Tomoe for 500 billion, but I rejected this option ,because I was too tired of constant pumping, and OD can be obtained much easier in the real world than in the barriers .And even more so, if you buy only the best, the more eyes it is certainly good ,but I want to myself first of all the Gene of God ,and only then you can think about dojutsu, although it may be more logical to buy Rinne Sharingan and with raised combat power just go farm higher floors ,but one word became decisive "U S T A L" .

So before the massacre Uchih rest, and then I will think about further pumping...