
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Fantaisie
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47 Chs

Tackling the disaster and beating the rich brats and Rina (2)

The monsters from the gate inside the forest have finally started approaching and Gabriel saw what sort of monsters were coming towards them. "Our luck seems to suck. We have RhinoHippos, Werewolves, Wind Bears." exclaimed Roxanne.

She was of course right because there creatures are Intermediate ranked creatures. The creatures in this world are classified into:

1) Basic Ranked

2) Basic Middle Ranked

3) Basic advanced Ranked

4) Intermediate Ranked

5)Intermediate Middle Ranked

6) Intermediate advanced Ranked

7) Advanced Ranked

8) Advanced Middle Ranked

9) Master Ranked

10) Master Middle Ranked

11) Master Advanced Ranked

12) Grandmaster Ranked

The creatures are classified into these 12 categories but there is a rare exception as above Grandmaster Rank there a powerful beings called "Catastrophic Rank".

Presently leaving Gabriel aside others were all too weak to go against Intermediate Rank creatures. The 4 morons and Rina were contemplating how to deal with these guys. Of course Lucien smiled because he has learned how to deal with these situations from his father.

"Let's do it." said Lucien. Clara nodded while others smirked. Lucien and Barina ran forward in their suits. Lucien's suit had a red moon symbol while Barina had a a eclipse symbol on her.

Lucien took out two spiked balls and threw at the werewolves and wind bears. Barina used three shuriken and sent them towards the Rhino Hippos.

The spiked balls exploded near the creatures and created a smokescreen all over the area. The shuriken which touched Rhino Hippos exploded. "Clara, Carl you two should equip the silver blasters." shouted Lucien.

Clara grinned and the armor transformed with blasters appearing on her hands while Carl took the blasters from the hidden pocket of the suit and equipped. "Let's put the werewolves away while others can deal with the rest." said Clara aiming her hands at the 4 werewolves.

"This feels great. I can now let loose." said Carl as he aimed the blaster towards the wind bears. The beams from both killed 4 werewolves and wind bears without resistance. Lucien took out swords and started slicing the HippoRhinos who were gigantic. The HippoRhinos were a mix of Hippopotamus and Rhinoceros. It had a Hippopotamus face with big mouth and a horn on its face. The other part of the body is of a Rhinoceros but there were spikes on their hips as their protective mechanism.

The slices Lucien inflicted were not that damaging. Barina took out two chakras from her arsenal sliced the Wind Bears hands.

The bear roared in pain and sent a wind attack against her. She dodge the spell by jumping away and did several flips to keep distance from the monster.

Barina then jumped into air and used a grappling hook on the branch of one of trees to fly in the air and sent shuriken infused with sleeping gas towards the Wind Bears.

The shuriken hit two bears and the gas got released in their faces causing them wobble and fall into sleep. Harriet who was fighting two of the wind bears and exclaimed "As expected from the heavenly blades. They're no pushovers."

She used her ice to freeze one HippoRhino but she was left open to an attack from werewolf who came attacking by jumping on her from back Harriet looked back and thought it was over for her. But the wolf vanished into thin air when its claw was inches away from her body.

"Keep your senses alert" came the voice and it was none other than Gabriel. She saw his hand transformed into a blaster. "Than you. I will be alert." said Harriet stuttering with words. Gabriel was not surprised at her being afraid because these guys have still not experienced real life combat like Lucien and his team.

When he looked at Roxanne she was surrounded by three HippoRhinos. Instead of fear there was a smile on her face and when the bears created wisps of wind and enlarged it so that the wooden branches all around them got sucked into them. The branches became sharp due to the thick wind pressure. The three bears roared and the branches which had sharp edges now aimed towards her.

It was a type of spell which involved wind accumulating plants to become weapons. It's a rare spell called "Wind-Plant amalgamation". Gabriel knew how dangerous that attack is based on the attack power.

Roxanne was still smiling as the sharp branches were 10 inches away she took breathe in and put her right hand in front and released seismic waves from her mouth and hands which caused the branches and the wind to weaken by a large extent.

The remaining wisps of wind transformed into sharp balls and tried to pierce her but she kept jumping from one place to another to decrease the impact of attack but a scratched both of her arms and blood started dripping out. Gabriel was impressed because he can see how intelligently she acted.

He knew that she was never trying to stop the attack but instead trying to minimize the damage as much as she could. The rare spell like that can only be stopped by City Realm superheroes but she was just in the middle of territorial realm. She used her power and the surroundings to her advantage.

Gabriel smiled and asked "Did she have prior combat experience?" to Harriet. "No, from what I know she and her father used to hunters in the forest. Maybe that is the reason why she could fight like that."

Gabriel looked in front and saw that he was surrounded by a HippoRhino, Werewolf and Wind Bear. The HippoRhino only has physical attacks and no magical attributes while werewolf had dark attribute.

The Hippo Rhino used his horn and tried to Impale Gabriel but in the last moment Gabriel unleashed Wind Rampage and let it hit the neck of it. The gigantic creature went flying and hit a big tree causing the tree to break and fall down on it. No one understood what has happened as Gabriel concealed it in the form of a punch.

Rina saw the punch as she was in her camouflage and was petrified to the core. When she looked at Gabriel she saw that there is no fear or urge to flee. He was standing there with an expressionless face but his eyes showed something else. It was an indescribable gaze as if the creatures were just cattle to be slaughtered.

She felt shiver run down her spine. Now she understood that she picked a wrong enemy to mess with. Gabriel transformed his hand into Gatling gun and started sending primal energy bullets into the the creatures all over the area. The creatures did die in droves with the powerful attack. The moronic four saw the weapon in Gabriel's hands and were shocked. There are pistols ,guns and Rifles in this world but there are no advanced guns like these.

Lucien saw the rampage and understood that danger he was in for messing with Gabriel. Even his father who knew 120 martial art styles wouldn't stand against a weapon like that even after hiding in the darkness or bring advanced suits.

Gabriel killed 70 monsters in just 6 minutes. He transformed the hand back into a sword and cut kept cutting down the sharp spikes on the HippoRhinos while Harriet freezed the creatures around her. Roxanne used the seismic waves on the ground and directed the waves towards the frozen enemies causing the creatures to break into pieces along with ice.

Clara, Carl kept blasting away the werewolves and Wind bears causing the creature count to come down but they were still not capable enough to take on yellow gates and the creatures still kept pouring from the gates.

Gabriel is not even affected as the experience points kept ringing in his head. He had already ascended 4 levels killing 100 of these creatures. He knew that if Lucien hadn't messed with him he wouldn't have got this much experience because Gabriel was still thinking that Blue gate is the one for his level. It would have been true if he wasn't in City realm but due to his level it was very easy to grind against a yellow gate. He looked at the status window after ascending one more level.


Name: Gabriel Dexter

Level: 37

Class: Investigator/Devastator

Experience: 1%/100%

Realm: City

Powers: Vision Scanner, Shadowing, Analytic Mind, Sword Rampage, Gun Rampage, Cannon Rampage, Clue Detector, Shield Rampage, Lie Detector, Finger Print Collector, Fire Rampage, Telepathy, Wind Rampage, Blaster Rampage, Water Rampage, Disguise, Zero Space, Clones, Facial expression scrutinizer, Flight, Deceiver Mask, Earth Rampage.

The two skills that were newly added after crossing Level 35 was Deceiver mask and Earth rampage.

Since he killed monsters in the area he looked at the description of only Deceiver Mask.

[Deceiver Mask]

This power allows the user to impersonate someone's identity without magical scanners unable detect their true identity. But it is weak against Null crystals.

Gabriel was shocked on seeing the description. He has been trying to enter the records room and the "Facial Imprint" was an obstacle. The skill which he got can completely bypass the issue. Even if anyone disguised as principle tried to open the room the alarm would ring because it can detect the ether from the face. The system informed him when he asked her the question regarding disguise skill to infiltrate the room.

Lucien and his team gave him more benefit than harm that he could ask for. The monster concentration kept on increasing and more monsters kept coming. Gabriel decided to eliminate the monsters in one go as he transformed his hand into a cannon and fired the primal energy bolts which caused massive blasts killing the nearly 200 monsters and the gate became inactive as soon as most of the monsters were killed. The moronic four saw the explosion that Gabriel created and felt fear.

They knew that they stood no chance against such attacks but to save face they decided to fight him together. Gabriel ascended a level after killing the monsters. Harriet and Roxanne came to him and asked "How can we become as strong as you?"

"You should cultivate the ether in you." said Gabriel silently only to two of them. Just like martial cultivators, the superheroes can cultivate ether but this method was lost over time and forgotten.

The girls were surprised and confused. "I'll teach you later. First I should deal with these brats and that bimbo called Rina." said Gabriel looking sharply at all 4 of them and also at Rina who was in camouflage.