
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Tackling the disaster and beating the rich brats and Rina (1)

The very next day Gabriel joined with Harriet and Roxanne. Penelope and Preston were shown their training and Gabriel bade farewell to them. He explained about his journey to the territory and told that after the next month he will be taking her with him to certain places where she can get real life combat experience.

She was happy and delightful on hearing those words. As for Preston he needed more training since he only came recently and was slower than Penelope. Penelope was wary of Preston at first but slowly started getting used to his presence. As for Lucy, she slowly started uttering words and played with Preston. Even Preston liked Lucy and took care of her.

Gabriel used his telepathy to communicate with his mother and father that day. "Is it too much for you to talk to us once a week?" asked Evelyn with a bit of anger. "Come on. He needs to hide there to not arouse suspicions.

Gabriel explained about his soulmate Penelope and the things that have happened. His intuition told him that the moronic 4 are up to something and he might need the help of his family to keep Penelope and other 2 safe.

"Finally someone grew a bone to bring a wife." said Evelyn. In previous life she was pestering him and Jayesh to get married.

Gabriel rolled his eyes but inside he felt happy talking to his mother and father. "Don't worry. I won't let you carry anymore guilt. If they dare hurt my daughter-in- law I'll burn their their companies to ground." said Colin with anger.

There was a severe cruelness in the way Colin told those words which brought shivers down Gabriel's spine. He knew his father was the least aggressive person in even in previous life and here.

Gabriel could understand that the attitude of his father has also changed due to the incident in previous world. The thing is Colin saw the natural smile in his son disappear after coming to this world and it was replaced by coldness or cruel smile. He felt happy that his son has found someone to share a life with and she can bring him out of the darkness inside him.

"How is the dark wing going?" asked Gabriel. "They are diligent under Narho and are now in City realm along with the dwarves. You should visit us during the vacation after 1 year." said Evelyn.

Gabriel found it reasonable because all the students were given a 2 months of vacation after the first year. He can bring Penelope and the other two for the vacation.

"About that kid. You need not worry. We will raise him after you leave for the academy after the vacation." said Evelyn.

"Thank you Mom, Dad. I hope you take care of yourselves and Jayesh along with barony." said Gabriel.

"You too. When you return you will have a surprise waiting for you." said Colin teasing Gabriel and stopped the telepathy.

"Why do I get a deja vu like with Fiona?" thought Gabriel. Gabriel took Harriet and Roxanne to the transport stone in the top floor of the academy and touched the stone and said the words "McMillan Duchy".

The space warped and Gabriel felt like a space tunnel and force dragging him somewhere. They reached the territory of Duke McMillan.

Gabriel looked everywhere and when he looked back he saw a transport stone but it was not Duke McMillan's territory but a isolated land with no houses and only trees and river in the area.

He felt suspicious and suddenly he heard a clap. After few seconds there were multiple claps. "What's going on?" said Harriet with fear. Her power was Ice manipulation.

"Yeah, I feel creepy." said Roxanne gritting her teeth. She has the power of causing Seismic waves. Gabriel came to a conclusion that the transport rock is tampered and there are only 5 people who have anger against Gabriel.

"You should stop clapping and show yourselves Lucien, Clara, Carl, Barina and stupid Rina." said Gabriel.

The claps stopped and 5 figures came from behind the trees there. As expected but Gabriel sensed presences of more that 100 entities in nearby area.

Harriet and Roxanne were afraid and had shivering looking at them. Even though they had powers they are nothing compared to the technological suits and weapons the 4 of them have.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes and asked "What do 4 of you want for me? Sure I made a fool out of that stupid girl but it doesn't have anything to do with you guys."

"It has everything to do with us." said Lucien equipping a red suit and several gadgets were equipped. Clara's body is now covered with armor and a energy core in the middle and eyes portion glowed blue. There were thrusters on the legs of the suit. Gabriel knew that even a cannon shot won't work on that suit.

Carl had a green and violet armor equipped with hands glowing with some energy. As for Barina Raiden she had a blue suit equipped which was just like Lucien.

"Ever since you came to the academy the reputation of us 4 has declined. You took away the effort we put into to make the students worship us." said Lucien .

"You nobles like to put hands into things where you do not belong with your greediness." said Barina.

Gabriel went back and tried to activate the stone. "It won't work. We have placed runes in the area which will block the space and stop you from teleporting.

Gabriel looked back and saw them as rich brats who doesn't know anything. It's easy for him to obliterate those runes but he decided that it is time he teach those rich kids some lessons on reality.

If he doesn't break their will to go against him then they will keep doing such shitty things. Gabriel got information about all 4 of these guys from Ian.

Raymond Rayne who kept his "Night Man" identity hidden from the world is found out by Ian who sent a member of the Dark Wing to find out the true identity. He also came to know that Lucien uses other suit when he is with his father to fight crime. Due to the aggressive and spoiled nature of Lucien, Raymond had to send him to academy. Since Anthony Mark never hid his identity he already knew about him. But what surprised Gabriel is Rex Baxter. He is powerful supervillain with genius mind and many do not know it.

As for Barina she just had the support of her father the knight commander but she also wore suit and joined Night man to fight crime.

Though they have powerful fathers and they themselves have such powerful suits, they have messed with the wrong person. The interesting info about Lucien is that he is born out of an affair with a woman called "Dahlia" who is a daughter of "Crass-ul-kul".

"Girls. If you want to fight you can fight. Otherwise run away from here." said Gabriel as he did not mind taking on all 4 of them at once.

Suddenly Gabriel heard a roar and bright light flashed. "A yellow gate huh. These stupid bastards didn't even know such a powerful gate was here." said Gabriel.

The 4 morons were startled on hearing the roar. The creatures started coming out in packs and they decided to fight.

"We will not leave you." said Harriet and Roxanne. Gabriel smiled and said " Let's kill those monsters."