
The Path He Chose Is Revenge: An Idol Once Again

Choi Daniel is average in every aspect. Even though he knows this he still auditioned to be an idol trainee! But wait? He got accepted!? And wait.. He is going to debut in a 5 member group! Daniel was too excited to notice the real reason why the entertainment company used an average man as one of the members of their upcoming group. The idol group members are talented and above average unlike Daniel. After the group debuted using the name 'Heaven'. Scandals to mountains of scandals suddenly popped out of nowhere. All of them are about Choi Daniel. They all weren't even real! What is happening? After Daniel knew the truth it was too late already. He died and couldn't even take revenge on the people who harmed him. They took advantage of Daniel and used him as an exposure for the group. They all thought Daniel couldn't take revenge or do anything now that he is dead. But who would of thought that a famous rookie that appeared is Daniel?! He got reincarnated into a handsome young master of the wealthy Lee family. Xander Lee is talented, handsome and extraordinary in all aspects. Now Choi Daniel is in this body! Do you want to find out Choi Daniel and Xander Lee's revenge?

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22 Chs

Annoying Streamer (2)

Xander froze for a couple of seconds when his eyes landed on Diana. He almost couldn't recognize her.

This is the first time Xander saw Diana ever since he had entered this body. And the last time Xander saw Diana was when he was visiting her rented house before going on tour with the Heaven members in his original body, Daniel.

Diana doesn't have bleached bright red hair before and she also doesn't have that butterfly tattoo on her nape.

Xander knew Diana was still in highschool but he doesn't know where she goes to. But seeing that she is hanging out with these Kang Highschool students there should be a chance that she also goes to Kang Highschool.

Xander isn't worried that Diana won't have anything to eat. He would give her money when he was in Daniel's body every month.

So if Diana didn't spend the money he gave her recklessly, she could live comfortably till she reaches the suitable age to find a job.

Even though this is his little sister. He is now in Xander's Body. He isn't related to Diana anymore but he couldn't ignore the fact that he was Diana's elder brother when he was in his original body.

Xander is completely sure this girl is Diana. She has the same small mole under her eyes and the beautiful hazel eyes that is the same as his original body and coincidentally the same as his new body. As well as that small scar on her knee which she got when she fell on a rocky road when she was young.

Xander retracted his gaze from Diana and lowered his hood even more to cover his face.

The student with the glasses quickly pick his backpack and stood up, stiffly.

"T..Thank you." The student with the glasses bowed his head before running out of the alley.

Xander glance at the group of five before leaving without saying anything.

As soon as Xander left, the two boys quikly rush over to the student with a beer belly which is the so called leader of the group.

"What the f*ck was wrong with that kid!? He f*cking broke my hand." The beer belly student angrily complained while being help to stand up by the two boys.

The two girls on the corner didn't say anything and stared blankly at the beer belly student.

Just then three men with black suit suddenly appeared from the darkness of the alley.

The group of five was caught of guard by their sudden company.

They didn't even feel the presence of theses three men in suits. Where did they appear from?!

The three men in black suits glance at the group of five before looking at each other and nodded.

One of the three men with a buzz cut walk forward towards the beer belly student.

Cold sweat drip down the beer belly student's head as the man approach him.

"W-What do you want!?" The beer belly student tried to talk confidently but was unable to prevent himself from stuttering because of the man's aura.

The man slowly reach his hand inside his suit making the group of students gulp in fear.

'What is this man going to do? Why did he put his hand inside his suit? If he going to take something out? Is this man going to take a.. gun?!' The group of students felt a shiver ran down there spine.

'Suddenly the man slowly took out his hand from his suit and this probably the part where he pulls out his gun and point it at them!' The group of students complexions paled.

"Uwaah!!! I'm sorry if I did something wrong! I didn't know how I offended you but please don't kill me!" The beer belly student fell on his knees in tears.

The man frowned seeing the teary eyed students.

"I'm sorry!" Diana look down in fear.

The three men look at each other in confusion when they saw the group of students begging for their life.

"Ahem.. We're not going to kill you." The buzz cut man said.

"Then why did you point your gun at u-" The beer belly man raise his head to talk to the man but his eyes landed on the man's hand which supposedly has the gun that is pointing at them.

But the bear belly student's saw a wad of cash instead a gun?

"W..what?" Diana manage to mutter words unlike the rest of the group.

"This.. Go to the hospital and get your hand fixed." The man with the buzz cut handed the wad of cash to the beer belly student before disappearing to the darkness with the other two men as if they weren't there in the first place.

The group of five kept silent.

No one removed their gaze from the darkness where the three men disappeared into.

"What was that..?" The girl beside Diana spoke with a perplexed expression.

"I don't know.." Diana replied.


Xander walk leisurely on his way home with Zeus by his side.

He had just finished picking up Zeus from AMA's building.

Xander didn't forget about his encounter with Diana earlier and the fact that he has injured someone. He knows there are men following whenever he goes out. These men were most likely task by his grandmother to take care of him.

They can take care of the small mess he made.

It's okay if these men follow him because they hid themselves thoroughly so it's not that annoying.

Xander only found out that his grandmother's people follow him secretly when he saw two of the bodyguards in Lee Mansion pretending to be selling hotdogs on the streets while keeping an eye on him.

Xander didn't care as long as they don't disturb him.

Just as Xander turned to an alley he saw two familiar figures talking to each other.

The bright red hair and butterfly tattoo is definitely Diana.

And there's another familiar person with light pink hair facing her back on Xander.

But Xander already recognize her.

It's Hannah Astor, that one annoying streamer from a week ago.

Why was she talking with Diana? They knew each other?
