
The Path He Chose Is Revenge: An Idol Once Again

Choi Daniel is average in every aspect. Even though he knows this he still auditioned to be an idol trainee! But wait? He got accepted!? And wait.. He is going to debut in a 5 member group! Daniel was too excited to notice the real reason why the entertainment company used an average man as one of the members of their upcoming group. The idol group members are talented and above average unlike Daniel. After the group debuted using the name 'Heaven'. Scandals to mountains of scandals suddenly popped out of nowhere. All of them are about Choi Daniel. They all weren't even real! What is happening? After Daniel knew the truth it was too late already. He died and couldn't even take revenge on the people who harmed him. They took advantage of Daniel and used him as an exposure for the group. They all thought Daniel couldn't take revenge or do anything now that he is dead. But who would of thought that a famous rookie that appeared is Daniel?! He got reincarnated into a handsome young master of the wealthy Lee family. Xander Lee is talented, handsome and extraordinary in all aspects. Now Choi Daniel is in this body! Do you want to find out Choi Daniel and Xander Lee's revenge?

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22 Chs

A Friend That Will Not Betray You

Xander's Bedroom.

Two days had pass since Daniel entered Xander Lee's body. Xander's grandmother hasn't visited him since then. Only a middle-aged maid would come and give him his daily meals.

Apart from the doctor, middle-aged maid, and his grandmother. No one else had entered this room.

(I will start calling Daniel, Xander from now on to avoid confusion.)

Xander slept most of the time in the day due to his weak body. But he can now properly move him hands without making a big effort unlike the last time when his hands keeps on shaking.

Xander wasn't given a phone so he couldn't see the news about his or Daniel's death. He will surely ask for a phone when he meets his grandmother.

Right now he is sitting on the bed reading a book he found in his bedside table. It's a novel about a guy who got transmigrate Into a novel he was reading and he became the novel's villain.

Xander found the novel rather intriguing. He continued to read the novel, not noticing the bedroom door opening.

A young maid in her early twenties entered the room while pushing a wheelchair. The young maid diverted her attention from the wheelchair to the man on the bed.

The young maid's heart skipped a bit when she saw the scene in front of her..

A handsome man reading a book while the sunlight hit his face. This scene looks ethereal.

The handsome man's face is looks very pale and his lips are dry, even his cheeks are a bit hallow,.. he looks unwell. Even though he looks sick his face still screamed the word handsome.

"Hello?" A euphonious voice filled the quiet bedroom.

The young maid blink before she turned back to reality. The sickly handsome man woke her up from her daydream.

"Young Master Xander.." The young maid's voice turned into a whisper as soon as she made eye contact with those hazel eyes.

She realized that this handsome man is the one she is going to serve! The young master of the Lee family. This handsome guy who was in a coma just a few days ago is now awake.

No one was allowed to enter the young master's bedroom except a few people. No one had seen the young master Xander's face. No one knows that the young master was this handsome!

If looks can kill the young maid who have died a thousand times.

Xander stared at the flustered young maid. He knows the reason this maid is speechless. Even he could not believe someone as handsome as himself exist!

"Is everything alright?" Xander closed the novel he was reading and place it on his lap.

"Uh-huh.." The young maid stared at Xander's face without blinking.

But then she realized that she is talking to the young master of the Lee family!

"I mean! Yes, of course everything is alright young master!"

Xander chuckled at the young maid's reaction. He place the book back on the bedside table.

The young maid bit her lower lip before pushing the wheelchair near Xander's bed. Her ears are so red!

"Young Master, madam wants to have a talk with you the garden. She ordered me bring you there." The young maid said after she push the wheelchair close to the bed.

"Alright." Xander put on a small smile.

The young maid help Xander sit on the wheelchair. Xander couldn't stand or walk yet because he had been laying down on the bed for 5 years. His muscles turned stiff.

The maid push the wheelchair with Xander on it, out of the bedroom.

Xander is met with smell of flowers as soon as he exited his bedroom. The bedroom he stayed at smelled like disinfectant all the time. So Xander smiled when this nice fragrant hit his nose.

The Mansion he is in is about 5 stories high. It is also quite large. The young maid told him that there are two kitchens, a large dinning room, uncountable number of unused and used rooms, there is a basketball court, an infinity pool, a large greenhouse, a glof course, a large gym, a big garage filled with luxury cars, a home cinema, and a home office.

Xander showed different expressions while listening to the young maid talking. The young maid look at Xander's expression in amusement. No matter if he is shock, excited, sad, or simply expressionless Xander looks very handsome.

While the young maid continue pushing the wheelchair they encountered two maids cleaning a large window.

The two maids noticed the existence behind them and turned around to look. Their expression turned to shock and flustered.

They saw the young maid pushing a handsome man on a wheelchair! Who is this handsome man?

The young maid ignored the other maids and continued to push Xander to the elevator so they could go to the ground floor.


The young maid push Xander out of the elevator. They are now on the ground floor.

Xander look around to see a expensive and large chandelier hanging on the high ceiling. It's look very beautiful.

The maids cleaning the ground floor noticed someone exit the elevator. They all turned to see who it was. They saw a handsome man getting push in a wheelchair.

"Hello." The handsome man greeted then with a smile causing their hearts begins to beat faster.

His so handsome! Who is this?

"H..hi." The maids manage to speak.

The maids watch the young maid push the handsome man out of the Mansion into the large garden. After the figure of the handsome man disappeared from their sight. The maids frozen figures began moving again.

"Oh My, did you see that handsome young man?"

"His face is going to be the death of me!"

"My heart was beating so fast. I thought I was having a heart attack!"


Xander entered the garden and he was hit by the smell of fresh grass. The smile on his face became larger. He is finally out of the room that smelled like disinfectant!

Woof! Woof!

Xander turn to his side to see a puppy. It is a baby doberman. It's color is black and rust making the puppy look even cuter.

"Hello, puppy." Xander smiled widely while the doberman wagged its tail.

The puppy walk towards Xander while wagging its tail. It looks very cute. Xander pick up the small dog and place it on his arms.

"What's your name, hmm?" Xander patted the dog's head.

The puppy rub his head against Xander's chest as it's tail continued wagging. The puppy likes Xander.

"He doesn't have a name yet." A deep raspy voice sounded beside Xander.

Xander turned around to see an old man wearing a butler uniform. The old butler has a warm smile on while watching Xander interact with the doberman puppy.

"So, this puppy is a male."

"Why don't you name him, Young master?" The butler said while stepping closer to Xander.

"Mhm.." Xander thought heavily for a name for the cute puppy in his lap.

When he was still in Daniel's body he used to have a dog. It was a small, white, toy poodle named Cloud. He sadly died a year ago..

When Xander thought about his old buddy a sad smile formed in his lips. His old buddy was probably the only one who loved him truly along his deceased parents. He wondered why everyone he loves kept leaving him one by one.

"Zeus, that's going to be your name from now on little puppy." Xander smiled.

Woof! Woof!

Zeus barked while wagging his tail. It seems to like his name.

Xander is sure that this small puppy is a better friend than most people. This small puppy will never betray him. He will be very trusted.
