
The Pandoras Box

The gang embark on a dangerous quest to save their world from very powerful gods and mythical creatures.......

Crystal_Austin_9608 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Is it a treasure chest?

It all began on a monday night when the boys where walking home from after school practice, they saw an object fall from the sky, it came down with a lightning bolt unto a junkyard, "wow. what was that?" Michael said with curiosity in his eyes.

"Let's go check it out" Clinton as he walked towards the junkyard, "I don't know guys, it seemed pretty dangerous" Lee said, he was Michael's adopted younger brother.

"What? You scared, baby?" Clinton laughed as he teased Lee who could only feel nothing but anger for Clinton, "hey come on, we are just gonna check it out and we don't know if someone was hurt and might need our help" Michael with a soft tone convinced Lee, "yeah alright" Lee said like he had no other choice.

When they got to the yard, there was no one there and the impact had caused a huge crater at the middle of the place.

When they got close to the crater they could see an object inside the crater, the hole was at least five feet deep.

"Let's check it out" Michael slid down into the crater signalling the others to come in. "I don't know man, we don't know what it is" Clinton with a hint of fear in his tone walked back a bit, "who's scared now baby" Lee said.

As Michael walked close to the object, it became clearer to see cause smoke had been blocking his view before. "It's a chest" Michael said to the other two who still refused to come in.

"Wait, like a treasure chest?" Clinton said with a small smile creeping up his face, Lee could only shake his head in pit "of course it's like a treasure chest, are there any other type of chest you know?".

He dragged it out of the smoke towards them and asking them for assistance, they both rushed in and brought it out.

"What do you think it's inside?" Clinton said hoping it was gold, " I don't know, I tried opening it but it didn't budge" Michael looked at the box but there was no lock on it, "lemme try" Clinton pushed hard onto the chest but it didn't open.

"Well you tired already?" Lee said to Clinton who really wanted to see what was inside the chest. "How bout we take it home and find a way to open it" Michael said.

"Yeah, alright, I'll see you guys at school tomorrow" Clinton said with a disappointed look, "alright man, see you tomorrow" Michael held one end of the chest and then beckoned to Lee for help.

They all walked home with Clinton taking a separate route from them.

On getting home, they placed the desk inside their garage before walking through the front door.

"Hey mom, hey dad" they bought greeted their parents "hey boys so how was practice? Sorry I couldn't pick you guys up today." Mr. Allen, their father asked "was great dad" Michael said, "why don't you guys drop your stuff and we can have dinner" Mrs. Allen said as she made the table.

During dinner, Mum told them that Nana Cho would not be able to babysit them because she had the flu and Michael's clearly interpreted a wild scream of yes.

"So who's gonna babysit us, Mum?" Lee asked, "well, we couldn't get anybody on such short notice but bella" Mr. Allen said.

And a ray of excitement was visible on Michael's face and Mrs Allen noticed it "will you please stop" she said to Michael

"I thought you talked to him about it?" She asked the Dad.

"What is going on?" Michael acts clueless, "okay son, you remember our talk about older women, right?" He asked him, Michael sighs "yes sir".

"We aren't saying you can't date older women, but she's nine years older than you" Mr. Allen said to his son while trying not to make contact with his wife.

"But I'm almost fifteen" Michael argued. "Okay I don't feel comfortable with leaving my boys and our two year old daughter with Bella for a week anymore" Mum boast out "but there's no one else that we trust could take care of them and besides, she's cheap" hearing what he said she sighed hopelessly "just please take care of yourselves".

"We will" Lee said "and I'm not okay with you dating older women just yet" She said looking at both father and son.

Waking up to a 6am alarm, she felt a slight hangover. "Ughh" she grumbled in pain, she took some pill and then hurried down stairs.

"Morning dad, gotta go" Bella said to her father who was making coffee for her, she was fair young twenty three years old lady.

As she open the door to leave, her father stopped her with a question "uhh, what about him" points towards the young man sleeping on his couch.

She sees him and then sighs, "careful, he has vomit all over", she walks up to him and wakes him up "hey babe, look so hot in that dress" Tony said with half-closed eyes and as he was about to kiss her, she pushed him back to the couch "not with that mouth" "can you please watch him for me, I'll be back, I just need to take those kids to school".

"Why did you go to a club, when you have somewhere to be the next day" her father asked sipping his coffee, "because I can handle myself and they didn't ask until last night" "so bye" bid farewell to her father.

"Hello, Bella's dad, do you have foood....." tony said as he falls from the couch into his vomit. He stood there and continued sipping his coffee "why him?".