
The Pandoras Box

The gang embark on a dangerous quest to save their world from very powerful gods and mythical creatures.......

Crystal_Austin_9608 · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Bell got to the Allen house and raised the mat to get the spare keys. But before she could open the door, Michael had already done so.

"You are awake" Bella said looking at Michael who was wearing his dad's bathrobe. "Well you know, us men have a busy to get to" He said leaning to door and acting all confident.

"Well, please wake up Lee and I'll make you guys some cereals" as she walks into the house "I think you should let him sleep, after all he is still a kid". Michael said walking past her and sitting on the couch.

She exhales lightly walks towards the kitchen, "umm... So Bell.....wait can I call you bell?"


"Can we talk....You know adult male to adult female" he spoke with a little less confidence seeing as how she is getting annoyed.

"Listen Mikey.....can I call you Mikey?"

"Yeah whatever suits you" he said adjusting as she walks towards him.

She sighs "you are cute and all, but ai have a boyfriend". "Who? Tony?..... he maybe older than me, but he's not smarter" he said with an annoyed look.

"Well, at least he doesn't need a babysitter" Bella said walking away.

"Sure about that?" He spoke with a smile on his face and seeing how she stopped hearing before walking to the kitchen made him feel amazing.

She drove them to school on their mother's minivan. "Okay... I'll pick you guys by noon?" she said as she goes through the list Mrs. Allen left for her.

"Oh you don't have to do that, we can take the bus" Michael said as he hopped out of the car. "You guys don't have practice today, right? I can pick you up" she said.

"Good bye Bella" Lee said as he hopped out. "Break a leg" as she zooms off.

"So you are going to preschool" she said looking at the daughter behind.

"Can we go home? I forgot my bag" Lucy said

"You what?" She stops the car and stares at Lucy who was trying not to make contact.

He walks into an antique shop dedicated to artifacts of Poseidon, the god of the sea. "I see you are really dedicated to this dude" he points at a painting of Poseidon holding his trident to the sky.

"Oh yeah, he's one of my favorites of all the gods" the shop owner spoke standing behind the counter.

"So tell me, how is it that you say items of such, yet you have no faith in him" he walked towards the counter.

"Well, I don't believe in any god, it just good for business" he spoke hoping to convince him.

"Of a particular god? Tell me this, is how gods relate with mortals now? Selling paintings of themselves?" He took a small sculpture of Poseidon and broke it.

"Okay, you need to leave or I'm gonna call the cops" he picks up his phone to dial and Proteus took it and broke it

"What really did happen to you, old friend?" He said smiling at him.

The man behind the counter could not understand what was going on anymore and soon he realized he was talking to any mortal.

"Is that really you, Proteus?" he towards trying to have a better look. "But not my true form"

"After all these years"......"you have the audacity to walk in here and look at me like nothing happened" he screamed at him.

"My friend, I am sorry"

"I am not your friend". "you have only seen me as nothing but a pawn" the shopkeeper said angrily.

"I feel your pain"

"No you don't, yes you get to live forever, but me" "I just go on living, selling artifacts of Poseidon, just to die and be reborn doing it over again, as another person"....

"I know but I have a plan to release you of this torment but I need your help" Proteus pleaded with him.

"Of course you do, but you are not powerful enough to break his curse"

"Not yet, but I can be"

Hearing that he gave him his attention. And Proteus seeing that spoke on.....

"Let me get this straight you want me to get you followers, people who would believe in you"


"I mean I know some sailors who would really love your protection but what if he finds out?" He asked waiting for an answer.

"He won't" "gods don't usually care about humans anymore, so big trick and we won't get their attention"

"That being said, I don't think a couple of believers will be enough to overpower Poseidon, I mean he has tribes who believe in him, as a very powerful sea-god"

"Just enough for me to have a feel of my powers is okay" Proteus said looking at his hands.

"What are you planning?"

"That is for me and my partner to know" he stood up and walked out.

"Just so you know, I can't leave till closing hours" he yelled seeing as Proteus had already walked a bit far.