
The Pandoras Box

The gang embark on a dangerous quest to save their world from very powerful gods and mythical creatures.......

Crystal_Austin_9608 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs


At school the boys meet at the cafeteria during recess, "so, did you guys opened it?" asked an inquisitive Clinton.

"Dude, I told you we haven't opened it already" Micheal said getting a bit frustrated, with the two of them sitting together to have lunch, Clinton spoke "okay, so what if I brought my dad's chainsaw, we could cut it open".

Micheal sighs "say you brought the chainsaw, where would we cut with it?" "I mean, it doesn't seem to have a lock right?" "It's just won't open"...

"We could cut the top half off, I mean it doesn't matter how we open it, all that matters is what's inside" Clinton spoke with food in his mouth.

Just then Lee walks in on them "yeah, I don't think we would want to open the chest" "nor would any simple means do so" looking at Clinton, he felt a bit irritated.

"So what do we do, genius?" Clinton spoke in a sarcastic manner

"Well, I've been going through the internet about chests and I found this" Lee shows them his phone.

"Pandora's box, but that's a myth" Micheal said, "and I'm sure you would say the same thing about a chest falling from the sky, if you hadn't seen it yourself" Lee said as he took hold of his phone.

"Doesn't Pandora's box have something to do with Greek gods?" Clinton asked

"Yeah" Lee said

"So I bet there's gold inside, I mean the box is golden, so...." Clinton was cut off by Lee who sighs "dude are you this dumb?"

"The box is filled with curses and troubles and afflictions brought upon mankind" Lee stated.


"Who makes a golden box and fills it with plagues?". Clinton said

"Apparently, gods" Micheal sighs

"Well so what do we do" "we can't keep an object of evil, we are kids" Clinton said now starting to have a little bit of fear.

"Who do you expect us to tell, the police, our parents?" "Who would believe us?" Lee said still looking at his phone.

"Well, what do we do?"

"I guess will just have to keep it from getting into the wrong hands" Micheal said, just then the bell was heard, their recess was over.

"See you after school" Lee stands up to leave.

Inside the Manager's office, she looks through the glass walls at the men and women on their computers trying to find the box.

The manager walks in, "well, have you found it?" Hera asked the manager who fidgeted a bit.

"Well?" with a little rise in her tone

"We.....are still working on it" "my workers have been going through satellite images all day, they'll definitely find it" he managed to speak out.

"I promised you the cleansing of your world" "and all you had to do was get me the chest right?" Hera asked


"Well you do know, if I find it myself the deal is off, right?" She spoke as she walks towards him

Hearing that gave him a bit of a shock "what?" He spoke with a high tone

She grabbed him by his neck and lifted him with her left hand "you dare yell at a god" she screamed at him.

Unable to breath, he managed to mutter the words 'I am sorry'. She threw to the floor hitting his back on the glass doors.

"Go get me my box"

Just then Proteus walks in "technically, legends say Pandora's box" he joked but seeing the stern look in her eyes "well...it...." Clears his throat...

"Did you find him?" She asked

"Yes I did and he agreed to help me, but there's a problem"

"What is it?"

"There's a kraken that has been destroying ships" "so if you could end it, I'll definitely be having some believers" he spoke

"I'll get some of our subordinates to handle that" she said looking a bit frustrated

"Wait there are more of us?"

"There beings who do not wish to see Zeus or Poseidon in rule anymore and they've chosen to support our cause" she said with a little smile

"If we have supporters, then why don't we just attack Zeus now?" He asked looking confused

"Because he is still very powerful, that's why we need that box to increase everyone's belief on us making more powerful than Zeus ever was" she said looking through the glass walls.

"Now go get my box, I'm tired of looking at these incompetent mortals" she said looking at the manager who was still on the floor.

Just then one of her loyal Olympian guard walks in to relay a message to her.

"What is it?"

"I am sorry My Lady, there are unknown creatures who call themselves 'the skrulls' outside, they wish to be part of your goal" he spoke with his head down

She smiles looking at Proteus, "let's go meet them" she walks out of the office.