
Chapter 22: Understanding Willow

At Hexside; Boscha tries different nail styles before settling on talons as Amity leans on a locker reading a book.

"Bout time I got some more needed screen time." smirked Boscha as there were some groans.

Skara goes up to them showing off invitations for her 15th birthday party (invite only) giving sparkling butterfly invitations to them both as VIPs.

"Do you want a VIP invite Luz? I am sure that I can convince my dad!" Skara shouted as Boscha looked aghast.

"I will have to get back to you on it but I don't have much experience at birthday parties." Luz shouted back as she noticed Camila eyeing the screen.

"Wondering if that is a real butterfly." Camila explained to Luz who hoped that it wasn't the case.

Amity asked if they are real insect wings and Skara explains that her dad spared no expense since you only turn 15 once to which Boscha retorts that you only turn every age once.

Camila just sighed shaking her head as other humans were freaked out.

"You use live creatures as invitations?" Luz asked as Skara looked uneasy at Luz's reaction.

"Not like they would get hurt much..." Skara muttered.

They hear Luz doing a thumb war with Willow; small faces drawn on their thumbs and Willow says that it's fun because it's stupid.

Camila giggled as Luz and Willow grinned at eachother with some mutterings of those finding it stupid including Eda.

"I bet you are so proud of your student; aren't you Edalyn?" Lilith shouted with a grin as Eda glared at her direction.

Boscha says that it's so weird that a human goes there now but it's too bad she burned her social life at the stake since any friend of Willow's an automatic dork; she then notices her invite is malting throwing it away demanding that she gives her another one.

"Watch what you give me in the future Skara!" Boscha snapped at a nervous looking Skara who nods as Willow just sighs shaking her head.

"Seriously I know that there exists popular mean girls but how she treats her friends; I don't see how anyone could stand being her friend unless they were forced too..." Camila muttered to Luz with Amity sighing after hearing.

The invite lands on the ground as two children fights over it with teachers being excited over a kid fight.

There were some giggles as Amity turned from her seat to lightly scold the girl that was in her reading group. "Teachers cheering on kids fighting?" Hal asked incredulously.

"You have to make do with what teachers you can get..." Bump muttered with his arms folded.

The opening is shown.

Luz tickles her locker to get her books telling Willow that she is excited for Photo Class and can't believe that you can make pictures of your actual memories and is going to see baby Willow and Willow admits that she was adorable.

"We have evidence to collaborate that in our photo album!" Willow's dads shouted with some giggling but Willow was smiling only a little bit embarrassed.

"Will be nothing compared to my Luz." laughs Camila as Luz didn't seem too embarrassed.

Luz gets her book stuck in the mouth of her locker trying to get it and stop the locker from eating it but is sent back hissing back at the locker; Boscha is talking to Amity and a laughing Skara mocking Willow with an impression of her saying that she was going on a date with her ferns and she can't believe Luz would hang out with her.

Willow sighs looking down as there were glares from Willow's parents and more non-fans of Boscha. "Well, it's the truth!" Boscha shouted.

Luz tells a down Willow that it could be anyone but Skara calls it a solid Willow impression and asks Amity that weren't she friends with Willow.

"Cross me off the guest list then if you are going to make fun of my friends like that!" Luz snapped as Skara looked apologetic.

"Sorry; I thought we were just doing harmless fun like we usually do... I don't like hurting people's feelings..." Skara muttered.

Amity retorts that she is a Blight and they only hang out with a select few; keep annoying her and she will be happy to select fewer as she walks off.

Boscha glares at Amity who was looking down as Skara looked apologetic still, "Was that Amity trying to defend her; she probably didn't like people prying into details like that..." Willow thought sadly giving a look towards Amity.

At the Photo Class; Luz takes out another photo from Willow's ear with her saying to be careful with her brain, Luz puts it up with her pliers asking who said brain surgery is hard.

Luz giggles as Camila joined her as others found this amusing.

"Be careful with her brain? Not like there is much to be careful with..." Boscha laughed out loud but then saw the audience holding back laughter towards her. "Oh no..." Boscha moaned looking at herself and seeing that she was back in the outfit to her horror as Cornholio shook his head.

"Behave yourself until the end of the next episode." Cornholio reminded her as Boscha just glared at his direction as Willow was failing to contain her laughter.

The teacher tells them that as they work to notice that some prints have greater clarity than others which invoke a strong emotional response. Luz is about to reach for one but the teacher creates a 'halt' sign illusion in front of the pictures at their desk saying that if you damage the prints then you damage the memories themselves putting away the illusion; warning them to be extremely careful.

"Great you have classes that are capable of damaging your students' heads forever; why am I not surprised?" Camila muttered with Hal shaking his head as well as Bump looked annoyed.

"The teacher gave the warnings and don't you humans at your school work with dangerous liquids?" Bump pointed out and Camila and Hal knew that he had a point there.

Luz calls photo class intense as one picture develops showing a younger Willow smiling awkwardly at a stool with awkward hair; Liz is excited about Willow having an awkward hair phase too showing a photo of a younger her saying that she knew that they were meant to be friends.

"You really have no shame kid, taking that photo with you." laughed Eda as Luz looked proud and there were audience members giggling with Amity trying to hide her own. Willow's parents were smiling at the memory.

"We have some embarrassing photos of Mittens if you want to see them!" Emira shouted out causing Amity to instantly stand on her chair facing the direction of her siblings with fire on her face.

"No one wants to see them!" She shouted looking towards everyone daring anyone to try and contradict her.

More pictures develop with the last one showing a younger Willow and Amity hugging at a birthday party; Willow turns away with her arms folded with Luz asking if she would feel better talking about her history with Amity.

Willow and Amity looked down as Luz and Camila noticed how happy they looked in the photo; Willow's parents were looking sad. "Willow was in tears running home from your party Amity." Gilbert shouted glaring at Amity's direction along with his husband as Amity just looked sad.

Edric and Emira were getting looks as Edric said "don't look at us; we don't know what happened! We only got home as Willow was leaving and all Mittens would say was that they she didn't want to be her friend anymore." Amity sighed at that as Luz was still curious.

"We would have been there all day but somebody forgot to pick up Mitten' presents from us so we had to rush out to retrieve them." Emira said with her arms folded glaring at her brother who was looking nervous.

Willow shows that she would rather turn the last picture around saying that 'out of sight, out of mind' is her motto as the bell rings. Luz says that if she won't tell her what she did then she can't concoct a scheme to make them friends together; Willow says that she gets it but doesn't want her to do it so no schemes, no plots and no rouses.

"I understand completely that you don't want to bring up what happened but you don't know Luz well enough to think that would be enough to stop her..." Camila sighed to Willow and Willow looked at Luz accusingly who was looking sheepish.

Willow leaves to go to lunch as Luz says that she didn't mention anything about shenanigans while turn the picture back around before leaving.

"Good on you kid for finding the loophole." Eda said approvingly as Willow sighed as Luz tried to look innocent and Amity wishes that they don't pry too much into this.

Boscha is talking to Amity about making a teacher cry passing by the classroom as Amity notices the picture; Boscha asks why she looks like she had seen a ghost is there a ghost in photo class and are they cute.

"You never know..." Boscha muttered getting looks still angry at her punishment.

Amity goes in closing the door saying that the super cute ghost is all her's with Boscha asking to find out if they have any friends.

Amity hopes that she doesn't do anything too bad while panicking.

Amity takes the photo saying to Willow that she is sorry but she has to do this; using a small flame to burn the picture putting it back up.

"Ms Amity Blight; do you know how reckless that is?" shrieked Lilith as the audience were becoming concerned.

"Nice to know that you would want to destroy the last good memory that we had together..." Willow snapped with her arms folded up at a guilty looking Amity as Willow's parents were once again glaring at Amity. Luz was staring at Amity stunned that she would go to this lengths.

She notices to her panic that the flame on the picture is spreading and tries to blow it away but it spreads to the rest of the pictures saying to come on.

Willow was looking terrified as there were more gasping; "Willow, I am so sorry..." Amity apologised to Willow but the looks from her parents were scaring Amity. Luz and Gus were becoming terrified as Camila sighed judgemental looking towards Amity with Lilith looking displeased. Bump shook his head as well as most of the audience wanted to know what was going to happen now. Even Edric and Emira were shaking their heads at Amity's direction.

At the lunchroom Gus has a board up asking who to interview; Luz sits down asking him if he is solving a crime or about to commit one calling him a detective.

"Someone has already committed one..." Eda spoke up as people were looking to see what would happen to Willow.

"Flattered that you had me down as a candidate Augustus but I still haven't forgotten about the tunnel and I just remembered about the illusion taking your place in class." Bump told Gus who understood.

Gus explains that his interview for journalism class is due tomorrow and he is supposed to choose someone interesting, accomplished and noteworthy with people not meant to be all those things.

"People can be those things and I am the living proof!" Eda said striking a pose after standing up.

"You; he should choose to interview me!" King said as he and Eda had competitive looks towards eachother.

"You should be thinking of these things ahead of time Augustus." Perry said shaking his head.

Luz calms him down with her carton of apple blood asking Willow if she is okay; Willow drinks water asking why it got so hot but starts pouring it over her with steam literally in her ears.

The audience were now becoming concerned again.

She then introduces herself as Willow asking to be reminded of their names with her hand extended.

"I am super sorry..." Amity muttered but Willow silently glared at her putting up a hand as if to say 'save it'. Amity looked back to the screen thinking that she deserved that.

Willow states she is serious asking who they are and Luz has to tell Gus that it really seems that she has forgotten them but then realises that her memory is gone.

"I think she is about to catch the culprit in the act." Eda said with some glaring at her thinking that it wasn't the time.

They go to the photo class to see Amity trying to save the pictures; Luz screams at her for destroying Willow's memories and Amity said that she saved as many as she could by a spark burns the ones in her hand.

Amity just groans into her hand asking why did she agree to stay here in the first place.

Amity asks why would they make memories so flammable with Willow asking if she always had her hand calling it a crazy thing starting to slap herself, goes to put her arms around the shoulders of Amity and Luz saying that she could already tell they were going to be good friends before falling down.

Willow was becoming more scared and looked towards her parents to see that they were ready to run and embrace her and not let go.

At the Owl House; Amity looks around the Owl House asking Luz if she sleeps there and Luz replies when the night critters allows her too.

Camila was too worried about what would happen to Willow to react to Luz's response.

Eda talks about how even minor damage to memories can have huge effects ; Willow bumps into the chair King is sleeping on and then lies on it; she goes on it after doing a handstand. Eda says that her brain is burned up real good and damage like that can change everything about a person so Willow may never be the same.

Each syllable made Amity feel guiltier and guiltier.

Willow sits up straight while starting to try and peel King's fur thinking that he is a furry fruit to his panic before Eda stops her with a sleep spell.

There were some strained giggles as King moaned at the screen.

King goes back to sleep as Eda says that she didn't cast it on him but King asks who cares. Luz asks if there is anything that they do and Eda says that there is a way but it's terribly dangerous and partially illegal so she is in the right place.

"Just wow Edalyn..." Lilith said shaking her head.

"Just to remind you Lily that I am called in to fix the situation that was caused by the careless reckless destructive actions of YOUR student!" retorted Eda as Lilith was silent.

"She does have a point mam..." Steve told Lilith only to be silenced by her glare.

Eda explains that she will send her into Willow's mind to fix the damage and Luz excitedly thanks the Boiling Isles saying that she always wanted to do that.

"Not even the fate of your friend's mind can stop your excitement for fantasy related adventures..." Camila said with a mixture of mostly scolding but also amusement.

Eda says that it won't be easy since it's a mess with a lot to fix in there; whoever did this to Willow showed unbelievable disregard for her saftey and downright despicable as Amity looks guilty. Eda then points to Amity saying oh right it was her.

"I deserve it..." Amity muttered looking down as Luz did her best to comfort her whispering that it was going to turn out alright.

Eda asks Luz who is going in there with her and the door opens with Hooty offering to help since he is pretty good at getting stuck inside people's heads.

"NO!" shouted Willow's parents looking like they were horrified at the idea.

"No offense Hooty but the idea also kind of scares me..." Willow muttered with a fake smile to Hooty who didn't seem too offended.

Eda closes the door with magic saying that it's someone's brain and not a night club.

Willow and her parents shared a breath of relief.

Luz sees Gus with a pile of books along with his board saying that he is running out of time and goes towards a book on Raising the Dead but it scares him to the ground.

"Books on raising the dead... Sure, why wouldn't they have those?" Camila asked with a strained fake smile as some humans were too scared to think of the implications.

"Nothing for you to be looking at Augustus!" chided Perry.

Luz says that Amity has to go in there with her with Amity saying that Willow might not want her in there; Luz reminded that she set everything in there on fire so she has to help.

Amity sighed knowing that she would have to help but hopefully she could stop Luz from looking at the specific memory.

Amity says that she will do what she can taking Luz's hand as Eda says bold choice to choose the girl who caused the mess giving them a bell with a magic circle around the two; Eda explains that when they are done to ring that and she will cast them back and to keep an eye out on her Inner Willow the gatekeeper of emotions and memory so she might help them.

"Edalyn dear sister; I know all too well that I am going to regret asking but how do you know so much about what to do here?" Lilith asked hesitatingly.

"Nothing for you to be concerned about sister." Eda replied and Lilith was more than grateful for the non-answer that her sister had given her.

They are magically sent into Willow's head to find themselves in a dark place with a light revealing trees with empty photo frames on them.

"That's the inside of my head?" Willow couldn't help but share the look of amazement of most of the audience.

Amity asks where the Inner Willow is and if she thinks she will help and Luz doesn't know so they will have to start fixing stuff on their own. Luz goes to one of the portraits blowing away dust finding a faded photo of a fort made of logs putting her hand through it, she puts her head through it pulling herself in and then goes back through to drag Amity through it.

"The fort..." Willow muttered looking down sighing at one of the examples of her earlier lack of skill with magic.

They are in a faded memory seeing flame marks on the memory at Lake Lakuna and Amity explains that this is where she and Willow took swimming lessons and they find the fort. Amity explains that one time Willow wanted to play hooky for their lessons so they built the fort; she explains that they knew that the teacher would be on the prowl so Willow said that she would protect them with an illusion spell.

"That didn't turn out well..." Willow muttered as Willow's parents remembered getting the report from the teacher.

Amity says something is missing and brings out a small flag marked 'A + W', smiling she puts it on a pot strapped to the fort and they return to where they came with the picture turned to normal color. They watch the two younger Willow and Amity go into the fort as snail shelled seagull like creatures are around, she tries to get rid of them but makes the fort disappear for a second causing the creatures to be in the fort; Willow thought that she was getting better apologising for it as the teacher drags them back.

Boscha forced herself not to laugh as Camila thought that they seemed to like eachother even if the magic attempt didn't go over so well.

Amity says that Willow was a late bloomer and Luz says that now she is a great bloomer, Luz calls the place a theatre of Willow's most important moments so she says they should fix some more. Luz finds the framed picture from the birthday party with Amity ripped from it, she goes in to do it next as Amity tells her to wait and suggests the awkward hair phrase picture saying that it might be about a crush.

"Better not to tell anything as another excuse to hide what happened..." Willow muttered accusingly at a nervous looking Amity.

"Even with Willow's mind at stake; she still doesn't want to revisit whatever happened..." Camila commented sadly as Amity looked down.

Luz follows her inside as there is a giant foot of purple energy landing.

The audience blinked wondering what that was and things were becoming tenser...

Gus walking in circles in front of the sleeping Willow thinks that he could summon an illusion copy of himself to interview but then are about to attack as Eda gets their attention saying if Gus needs an interview then look no further.

"Mr Augustus Porter, your priorities are most stellar and Eda you are as humble as always..." laughed Bump as Eda glared at him.

Interesting as she is a bad girl living in a secret fortress and then Hooty crashes through the window saying that he is the secret.

"No one wants to hear from you Hooty!" shouted King as Luz had to hug Hooty.

Eda shushes him saying noteworthy, she is public enemy number one while flying and pointing to her wanted poster. Eda finishes saying accomplished she is the greatest witch that ever lived.

"Seriously Edalyn; is that house big enough for your ego?" Lilith asked incredulously which was shared by most of the audience.

"You think that I am being ego-driven? Well don't you dare call me arrogant because it's not arrogance if you can back it up!" Eda said smirking as Lilith rolled her eyes.

Gus asks his illusion what does he think but King goes through it saying that if he is handing out attention, he deserves it.

"Looks like we will be having a competition of the egos..." Amity said trying to lighten the mood and smiled as this got a giggle out of the Nocedas and looking back so did Willow giggle before going back to glaring at Amity.

The illusion disappears after King jumps through it; Gus says that he will choose only one of them so if they want to get picked they will have to impress him and they share a look.

"So you two will be competing against eachother to see who will be chosen to be interviewed by a small teenager for a school assignment?" asked Boscha's mother incredulously as Boscha had forgotten that her mother was there.

Amity and Luz team up to fix a bone swing set fixing a memory of young Willow with her dads on the swings where Gilbert is pushing her and the other dad is accidentally pushed to the ground.

The Parks family members giggled at the memory.

Amity puts away a Weapon of Love book fixing a memory of them looking through it at the Young Adult Romance section before being chased by a librarian.

Willow and Amity giggled as Luz said "wait, wasn't that one of the librarians from that previous episode?"

"He was giving me looks when I started working there; he doesn't forget troublemakers it seems..." Amity muttered as Luz giggled.

Luz and Amity puts up a sign for a Roller Ghoster with them going on it and then young Willow shouts that she doesn't feel so good; Luz turns the picture around saying that they don't need to see how it ends and Amity says that Willow threw up a lot that day which was when you knew that she was having fun.

"She didn't need to know that!" Willow shouted with her hands on her head as audience members were giggling.

"Luz wasn't much better when she first started going on roller coasters so don't you worry." Camila told Willow as Luz looked embarrassed.

Amity looks down and Luz asks if she is okay and Amity says that she can't believe that she almost erased all this and she really messed things up; Luz tells her not to worry because she has gotten good at fixing memories and she won't rest until they have this sorted out. Luz has her repeat after her in saying that they can fix this together while Amity had a small blush on her cheeks.

This didn't go unnoticed by Willow and Camila.

Luz says that she knows that some of these memories can be painful for her but asks what happened between the two and why is she trying to hide it.

Amity just shrinked into her seat with a sigh feeling dread to the concern of both Luz and Camila.

Amity then points out a purple energy being behind her but it disappears when Luz looks and Luz thinks that it's just an excuse as she walks off; Amity thought that she saw something as Luz goes into a memory of a ball pit and Amity tries to warn her to wait; Luz puts her head through with an egg in her hair asking why the memory is filled with eggs and Amity says that it's hard to explain.

"...I don't think you want to know the details..." Willow said sheepishly as she and Amity were being given looks.

"Scared the life out of us when we saw..." Gilbert admitted.

Eda and King are both sitted confidently at a table; Eda tells King to just give up since she has got this and King says that she got nothing since no one turns down an interview with someone this pretty as he is looking into a cracked mirror. The lights go out as Gus has a ball of light in his hands saying that he has got to start answering some tough questions while interrogating them saying that if they want this interview then they have to dazzle him as he shows off several floating balls of light. Eda says that the kid scares her.

"Augustus; have you been watching that cop show late at night again?" Perry shouted as Gus ignored his dad as Eda and other audience members were creeped out by this.

Outside the memory, Luz pulls an egg off her head as Amity says that Luz is getting good at fixing these; Luz points out that the last memory to fix is the one that she is suspiciously avoiding.

"Oh no..." Amity screamed in her mind.

Amity tries to claim she isn't avoiding it while trying to go for Eda's bell but Luz stops her saying that they have got to fix all of them unless there is something there that she doesn't want her to see. Luz says that she isn't there to judge and is only trying to help Willow, Amity bites that all she is doing is prying into her friend's life and if she ever thought that it was none of her business.

"I get what you are trying to say and it might not be Luz's business but still..." Camila lightly chided Amity who quickly apologised to Luz.

They smell burning as they spot purple flames around all the trees and the being is there.

The audience felt tense again.

It charges towards them as Amity has then hide behind one of the trees as the being goes inside the memory starting to make the frame burn, Amity begs Luz to call Eda before the thing comes out and Luz rings the bell. In front of the sleeping Willow; Eda is ringing several bells at once as the table is filled with bells.

"This to impress a student Eda... You did this while forgetting that you gave your student a bell to let you know to get them out of Willow's head; I complained a lot of actions you have done on the screen but this... This is just reckless and dumb..." Camila sighed as Bump smirked along with Lilith as Eda knew that this was something she probably should have given more thought into.

Gus thinks that it was nice and King starts banging on a piece of silver with a spoon saying that if he wants noise then he will give him noise.

People just groaned at this.

Amity rings the bell asking why won't she answer as Luz notes that she isn't super reliable.

"Right from the mouth of your own student Edalyn." laughed Lilith as Eda glared at Luz.

"She isn't wrong though!" Amity, Gus and Willow said at once surprising them.

They run as the being comes out destroying memories; Luz notices the swing memory or the memory of Willow opening presents with her dads hasn't been burnt and then notices Amity being burnt out of the picture of them at the library.

People were catching onto what Luz was noticing.

Luz realises that the being is not after any photo but is after Amity as it finds her; they run as Luz says that she has an idea. Throwing her into the fort memory.

"Your track record of ideas kid... Ow!" Eda said as she felt something being thrown at her head.

Luz says time for a swimming lesson as she makes a giant ice glyph which the being lands and slips on causing it to land in the water.

People hoped that this would last.

Luz cheers and then hugs Amity who has a small blush on her cheeks for a second.

Again this didn't go unnoticed by Willow or the elder Noceda.

The being in the water reveals itself to be the image of Willow; the Amity asks if she is the Inner Willow and Inner Willow says that she was.

"Inner me looks scary..." Willow muttered with few disagreeing.

She walks explaining that she used to be a being made out of all emotions but ever since Amity has set Willow's mind on fire all she can feel is anger while destroying everything in the memory.

Amity was muttering to herself that this was her fault.

Luz pleads with her to stop and Inner Willow retorts that Amity wanted this and is going to burn every moment that Amity touched; bringing up the birthday picture. Amity says that she is just hurting Willow and asks why is she doing this; Inner Willow asks if she still hadn't figured it out so she will show her as a purple arm grabs her flinging her into the picture.

Amity moans into her hands that it was inevitable now that they would all see.

Inner Willow says that Luz wanted to know everything and offers to let her take a trip down memory lane before Luz is pulled in. They land in Amity's room in the memory with Inner Willow saying that Amity said that she was hurting Willow but she is only finishing what she started.

Amity couldn't refute this.

They see young Amity going through the door telling young Willow that she has to get out now, young Willow asks if it's because she still can't do magic and then apologises for them getting into trouble at the beach that she can't get the spells right. Young Amity says that is why calling her a weakling who can't do magic so she doesn't want to be her friend telling her to leave.

Willow glared at Amity shaking her head with the audience becoming quiet as Camila muttered about how kids could be jerks; still even if this was on her birthday then she thought there would be more that Amity would want to hide.

"You are not weak Willow dear; you made into Hexside and you found your calling in the Plant Track!" Gilbert shouted encouraging along with his husband which made Willow feel slightly better.

The young versions of the two burn away with Inner Willow says that Amity let her new friends pick on her for years all because she thought she was weak well now she can erase all that pain because after all out of sight, out of mind as her eyes turn dark purple.

Willow was scared at how her Inner self was using the motto as Amity was close to tears.

Amity has flames around her but asks Inner Willow to wait causing the flames to go away; she explains that there was something else before all that started.

"Something else?" Willow pondered as Amity kept her face down.

They hear a bang and the door opens hearing the voice of Alador Blight saying Amity's name; they see young Amity facing her parents but only their shadows can be seen.

The audience had their eyes glued to the screen and were quiet afraid of how this looked.

Odalia Blight asks why Willow is there since she wasn't on the guest list for a reason; young Amity says that Willow is her best friend as Inner Willow's face softens.

"What did your parents say..." Willow muttered remembering that Amity's parents were never really fond of her.

"We should have known that Mum and Dad had something to do with this..." Edric muttered to his sister who nodded; it seemed so obvious in hindsight.

All 3 Blights thought that looking at their parents shadows talk felt just like how it was to have a conversation with them...

Alador calls it nonsense since Blights only associate themselves with the strongest of witchlings and she can choose a new friend from the suitable companions that they invited with Skara and Boscha shown looking mean. Young Amity says that they are mean and just because they work with their parents doesn't mean that she has to like them.

"That was the only moment that I was ever brave against them..." Amity sadly thought in her head.

"Amity... Is forced to hang with me? We are friends..." Skara said to herself quietly remembering that she wasn't the nicest kid at that age but still...

Boscha just shook her head.

Odalia tells young Amity gently that good children don't squabble and tells her to sever her ties with Willow and if she doesn't; Alador says that then they will.

"Amity; what did your Dad mean..." Willow hesitatingly asked as her parents were glued to their seats but Amity was just silent.

Young Amity gasps as Odalia explains that they will make sure that Willow is never admitted into Hexside and tells her to go and try not to make a scene.

For a moment you could hear a pin drop as the majority of the audience; the Parks family had their mouths drop wide open as Bump thought that they probably could have carried out their threat. "Mrs Blight seemed so cool advertising the tech that their company makes..." muttered a demon.

Camila had a look of rage on her face which was soon shared by Willow's parents; if she thought about it she could have probably guessed that they wouldn't be the best parents but she could never have imagined this...

Willow tried to meet Amity's face but she refused to face her. Luz had her mouth covered by her hands.

The door is closed as the room is back to grey with marks; Amity looking down says that Willow was never too weak to be her friend and she was too weak to be her's.

"You are certainly weak..." Boscha muttered uncaring of the punishment only to get slapped on the head by Skara shocking her. Skara glared at her but soon realised what she had done.

Amity says that she can't take back what she had done but she can promise that she won't let Boscha and her gang pick on her ever again.

Boscha forced herself to be silent as Willow looked on wiping away a tear as her parents looked on wide eyed.

She takes out Skara's invitation about to rip it; she puts it away saying that she isn't actually going to rip it because it's a real butterfly but she gets the gesture while Luz has her mouth covered by her hands. Inner Willow smiles saying that she does taking her hand saying that she thinks that Willow should keep her memories of Amity both the good and the bad. Amity says that she too.

There were smiles across the audience as Eda stopped herself from complaining about the sappiness.

Luz says that Amity and her still have some work to do as Inner Willow nods as the memory is restored and the picture put up. They see a glowing light blue Inner Willow holding hands with a version of an even younger Willow as Amity waves and Luz is close to tears but they end up gushing. The younger version of Willow bumps into the tree but leaves along with Inner Willow who waves back at them.

The audience was calming down as Willow smiled at the screen and so did Amity, Luz and Camila.

Luz asks if this means that she and Willow are buddies again and Amity is not sure; Luz asks why don't they go see taking out the bell ringing it.

The audience were becoming more calm again.

King and Eda and are tired asking Gus who got the gig ; Gus calls it the hardest choice of his entire life but the interview goes to Hooty to shocked reaction from Eda and angry reaction from King.

"HOOTY?" shouted the majority of the audience in disbelief as King and Eda had their mouths frozen in angry looks. Hooty gave a shocked hoot.

Hooty has the door opened showing his shocked reaction with a hoot. Gus says that he was thinking what creates such interesting people but the Owl House itself as Hooty is excited with Gus asking him to tell him everything.

"You know that logic works well Gus." laughed Willow along with others.

The door closes with Gus outside after Hooty says that he had been waiting to hear those words all his life.

"I love you Gus!" Hooty cried with tears of joy as even Amity smiled at this display though Eda and King were still angry.

"Seriously; someone try and destroy this memory..." laughed Lilith.

Eda angrily says that she is going to bake that bird in a pie and King says that he is going to bake that kid into a pie.

Gus gulped at this.

Eda hears the bell remembering that she put people in Willow's head taking them out with a spell; Amity takes her hand away from Luz's as Luz asks what happened there and where is Gus. Eda says the kid is fine but he is just dead to them as she goes off with King.

Eda shook her head at Gus vowing to make him pay.

Luz calls that very mixed messages as they see Willow starting to awaken; Luz asks if Willow knows who she is. Willow asks if she is a friendly scarecrow but admits that she is just messing and she remembers everything.

There were some relieved sounds from teh audience.

They happily embrace as Luz says that she is going to hug her so hard that she will never forget her again as Amity turns away from them. Luz spots Amity as she opens the door about to leave with a wave.

Willow shook her head at Amity thinking at first she wouldn't be welcome in this gesture.

They let go as Willow says that she remembers what Amity did too making Amity stop; what Amity did in her head and she can't say that they are friends but let them start with a smile.

Willow and Amity shared a smile which brought a smile to the faces of Willow's parents, Gus, Luz and Camila.

Amity has a small smile on her face as she gives a small wave before leaving. Willow asks Luz how did Amity see the photo she hid from class and Luz brings up how she didn't say anything about shenanigans.

There were laughter at this.

Amity walks off as Hooty explains to Gus the first few words that he said with Gus telling him to stay on track; Amity brings out the butterfly invitation letting it fly away.

"I understand Amity..." Skara said sadly.

Hooty gives a song that he wrote as Gus says that he can't take it anymore leaving as Hooty continues with the song.

"Regret it already Gus?" laughed Eda along with King and Gus looked annoyed.

"Wait, can you please stop for a second?" Willow asked getting up from her seat as the credits started walking towards Cornholio. "Can I have a moment please to talk to Amity alone?" Willow asked and Cornholio nodded. He poofed up the door to the room that Amity used to let out her frustrations of her siblings; Willow looked towards Amity and after some encouraging words she got up and followed Willow into the room.

The door was closed and they silent looked at eachother awkwardly for a minute; "Okay I wanted this talk but I have no clue on where to start..." Willow muttered.

"Let me start Willow." Amity said taking a deep breath; "Willow; I could spend an entire hour or several saying that I am sorry and it would be nowhere near close to enough to apologise for what I put you through all these years. All the mean and demeaning words and actions that I had said and done; not to mention letting Boscha and her group bully you that I was pretty much an accomplice by inaction. Plus how I allowed myself to treat just about everyone just to keep my reputation; how I let my jealous and anger over that stupid badge... I thought the least that I could do was bring up that you need to work on your schoolwork in order to encourage you to try better as we have seen when Luz first saw both of us. I was lying to myself when I reasoned that it was encouraging you to be better without being overly friendly and I am sorry about that. I will act on the promise that my future self had made in the screen in not letting Boscha pick on you again." Amity told her with an apologetic look on her face.

Willow looked down silently and then picked up her face; "Can I just please ask why Amity? As in why did you have to say that I was weak which was why you didn't want to be my friend? Why did you never tell me there or another time took me aside to tell me what happened? I knew your parents didn't like me and I would have understood if you told me the truth about what they threatened." Willow asked as Amity looked down.

"I wanted to Willow believe me; countless times I practiced telling you only to chicken out when I saw you at Hexside. I wanted to let you know how proud of I was when I heard you had gotten accepted into Hexside but I couldn't do that without being demeaning. I was scared of doing anything that could even remotely disobey my parents... I was afraid that it would lead to us continuing our friendship in secret and if my parents found out that I was doing that. I was a coward... No excuse could be satisfactory..." Amity said as she felt Willow pull her into a hug and she returned it with a small smile on both of their faces silently reassuring her that she isn't a coward.

They let go as Willow sighed "I so want things to go back to how they were all those years before but the things you did and said... They hurt and despite how badly I want to fully forgive you the truth is that I can't... I am willing to start over though and work our way from there..."Willow smiled which Amity returned.

Amity decided that if her parents found out about this then she will find a way to deal with it...

"I can start this new do-over by saying that if you want any help on your crush on Luz then look no further than me!" Willow offered as Amity was taken aback and refuted what she said. "Please don't ruin this do-over by insulting my intelligence Amity as I noticed you blushing and the moments you talked to eachother during your time talking to eachother. I know Luz isn't Malingale the Soothsayer but there is no shame in admitting that you like Luz." laughed Willow as Amity kept arguing against it with her cheeks red.

"Look; with how cute and nice she has been and all the cool stuff she has done... I am kind of confused how I feel about her especially since hours ago before this author kidnapped us my opinion of her was only above totally negative. Can you please keep this quiet?" Amity begged as Willow smiled as she mimed zipping her mouth shut. They shared another hug as they went back through the door where a down looking Skara was waiting by it.

"I never meant to be mean Willow... When we got to Hexside I meant since I know I can be oblivious and ignorant but sorry if I was a jerk to you..." Skara told Willow who gave a slight nod. "Amity, please be honest with me... Do you hate me?" Skara asked Amity who sighed.

"Skara; I admit that when we were kids I didn't want to be your friend but you got better... You annoy me a lot but you are not too bad to be around and definitely a lot better than Boscha." Amity admitted as Skara gave a small smile accepting it. "I won't mind still going to your birthday party and I am sure Luz won't mind as long as you make an effort to be nicer to her friends." Amity told Skara and she gave a small smile.

Willow and Amity then went back to the direction of her seats as Skara noticed the closed door still there, "They are done Mr Author sir." Skara said to the direction of Cornholio.

"Oh no; something tells me that it will need to be used again real soon so I might as well keep it there." smirked Cornholio to Skara's confusion as she went back to her seat.

"So you and Willow made up?" Luz asked Amity excitedly as she sat back down.

"You could say that; did I miss anything while I was gone?" Amity asked as Luz laughed.

"Well Eda and King are still mad at Gus and Cornholio had to step in as Gus's dad was pulling King back from attacking Gus. Boscha's mum made an embarrassing Penstagram picture of Boscha and he reaction. My Mum was speaking about your parents with a few choice words in Spanish and I would be super grounded if I repeated what she said." Luz explained.

"She didn't need to know that Luz." Camila grunted with her arms folded as Amity giggled at the display. As the credits resumed Amity took a deep breath thinking that the next episode might probably be more of a filler one which she thinks that both she and Willow will need after the revelations of that one. Seriously it's not like anyone would have two episode of big revelations back to back...