
Chapter 23: Enchanting Grom Fright

At the Owl House; Luz looks through a magnifying class noticing a glyph symbol on a flower trying it again and manages to get it to work creating a flower.

"Wow Luz; you will be able to do plant magic as well!" Willow shouted excited as Luz was excited as well to see that she was finding more glyphs skills.

"My glyph skills are blossoming!" Luz said before getting a look from Cornholio, "Déjà Vu again; isn't it?" Luz moaned and Cornholio nodded.

Luz tells King who is on her phone that her glyph skills are blossoming and King asks if she thinks that's impressive then check out two warriors battling to the death and Luz goes onto the couch to see that he was looking at a cat video.

There were laughs from the humans as some were awing at the cats.

The portal door is open with a cable coming through it and Luz notices that they are getting enough wifi through the portal for cat videos.

"Wait, where would the cables be coming from?" Camila asked as Eda muttered that it's probably better if she doesn't know.

King is calling it senseless violence and Luz regrets teaching him about the internet with King asking what regrets could possibly come from the internet; he then asks if she knew that the Earth is actually flat which causes Luz to take the phone away from him saying that it's not right.

"Are you certain?" Bo asked getting annoyed sighs from the humans.

"King definitely needs to be supervised if you are going to let him use your phone for the internet Luz." Camila told Luz and she couldn't agree more.

She then gets a notice on her phone seeing that it's a text from her mother asking how was camp today; she gulps as she starts to type and then delete before settling on a thumbs up Emoji thinking that it was good enough and King calls a severed hand good enough.

"Feeling guilty about hiding where you really are Mija..." Camila softly asked Luz who then looked down but was then pulled into an embrace.

Luz lies back on the couch asking what is she supposed to say; she then gets up and sarcastically started saying that she isn't at camp and in the Demon Realm learning to be a witch and does she know that demons and magic are real directed to her mother.

Camila did her best to comfort her daughter but knowing that her daughter's fears were valid considering that she didn't want to think of how her future self would react.

Luz scared said that Camila would end her; King said that she would be freaked out by their world anyway so by keeping the truth from here she is doing her a favour. Luz thinks that the demon at her shoulder makes a good point and King takes the phone back saying to always trust a shoulder demon.

"You are lucky King that you are only the 2nd worst influence on Luz in that house..." Camila shouted shaking her head as Luz laughed weakly and Eda didn't find the energy to respond at this point.

The front door opens as Hooty says that it's time to fill up Luz's head with delicious knowledge as he barfs up Luz's books; Gus reveals himself looking creeped out begging Luz to please hurry and Willow comes out with the same expression saying the more she looks at Hooty the more uncomfortable that she gets as Hooty hoots.

"Seriously, you two dweebs should have gotten used to him by now! Especially since one of you chose him over me!" Eda yelled it clear that she was still not over what happened in the last episode as Hooty gave a hoot.

Other audience members understood completely what Gus and Willow were feeling and agreed with them.

Luz gets up kissing King on the forehead telling him not to spend all day watching TV and King shouts that he forges his own path before playing another cat video of one chasing its tail calling it a dumb-dumb before trying to catch his tail before lying down asking who has the energy.

King glared at the laughs at this; the disrespect to their rightful overlord was near intolerable...

The opening is shown.

There are decorations around the halls of Hexside as two students are smiling with one having its shoulder over the other; Luz tells Willow that she notices that something is different that day asking if everyone got a haircut.

"Wait... You think that it's time for the best event of the year?" squealed a Hexside student and this got all of them muttering excitedly but the humans could get a feel of what this could be.

"A school dance and one that you shouldn't be able to get kicked out of this time Luz..." muttered Samantha as Luz sighed at the memory.

Willow realises that she had forgotten that Luz had never been there for the social event of the season as Gus welcomes her to her first...

The Hexside students were squealing in anticipation.

Gus is interrupted as two demon doctors are pulling a stretcher getting a bat demon student onto the stretcher saying that his disease is advancing as Skara is nearby looking concerned.

Skara shouted out in worry looking towards the bat student who was next to her and the student had a feeling of what was happening.

He asks one of them if there is a cure; the doctor darkly says only one... Finding the perfect date to Grom.

"What?" shouted most of the humans in shock as Skara was squealing along with the other Hexside students; the bat student was looking towards Skara hopefully as Luz was wide eyed but Amity shot a glance towards Luz wondering something.

"So this Grom is a monster prom?" asked a human student as Cornholio smirked shaking his head.

"No Monster Prom is a darkly comedic foul mouthed dating simulator game where you are supposed to get a date from a select few of 20 something high school monsters and if you fail then your character's life is forever ruined. You can set your character's pronouns I have played it so many times." Cornholio said with a huge smile but then looked down. "Of course I never forgot when I got the fish princess I was trying to ask out killed by a Flounder parody who was part of a violent revolution against the oppressive royal family... I just need a minute and I will freeze and unfreeze reality so you don't have to watch me mope..." Cornholio said and in an instant later he looked perfectly happy.

"That's probably the weirdest he has ever been..." Amity muttered to agreements from Luz and Camila.

The bat student then brings out a beating heart with 'GROM' written out in blood asking if she will go to Grom with him; Skara squeals hugging him saying of course she will whatever to the cheers of students.

There were the students cheering as Skara shouted yet to the bat student as they embraced with even Amity smiling at the display but the humans were open mouthed. "That looked like something Luz would have attempted to try..." muttered one human student.

"Was that a real heart?" Samantha asked feeling queasy knowing what the answer probably was and Hal was close to fainting. Camila was speechless as Luz looked thrilled as Amity glanced towards Luz.

"Edalyn dear sister; remembering the stunt that you had planned out to ask Raine out to the Grom and how you threw a tantrum when they asked you out first and you had them terrified that they were being rejected before you told them that you would be their date?" Lilith shouted asking as Eda was embarrassed having her arms folded to some giggles.

"Shouldn't have been too bad; that was an amazing serenade..." Eda muttered to herself as this got Luz's attention and Camila smiled at the reminder that there was more to Eda than it would first seem.

Luz is excited about having a weird version of Prom in the Boiling Isles; she was kicked out of the last school dance for dressing as an otter but maybe she could be Grom Queen and Willow nervously says that it's not usually what people sign up for.

"Why wouldn't you want that?" Samantha asked as the Boiling Isles residents looked her way in the biggest disbelief as if she had asked the most ridiculous question ever.

Amity turns the corner with her books and a folded up note, Amity drops her stuff after bumping into Luz saying 'watch it nitwit' before realising that it was Luz and said hi to her and co apologising for it. Luz says no problem helping her pick up her stuff with the last bit being the note which Amity snatches back.

Amity looked down embarrassed only giving out a mutter that she is still getting used to being nice and it was a force of habit; there were mutterings with many guessing what the note was...

Luz calls her having some quick grabbers and Amity says that it's private; they hear the intercom with Bump talking with Gus and Willow saying that he is announcing who will be the Grom royalty. Bump bestows the honour of Grom Queen to Amity who is in shock with students muttering as Luz cheers but Amity runs away with Willow saying to give her some space since being Grom Queen is a tough job even for Amity to Luz's concern.

There were mutterings as Amity clenched her teeth looking down concerned; she thought that she deserved a break after the last episode but now this...

The humans were confused as to what was going on as Lilith was even concerned for her student despite thinking she would have the skills to pull it off.

Bump is supervising the decorations being set up for Grom Nite with the Snaggleback being placed up as a disco ball, Bump asks how the Snaggleback is and he says nauseous.

"Oh wow, I totally forgot all about him..." Luz said wide eyed remembering that Bump said earlier as there were similar statements among the audience.

Bump tells him great and to keep it up for 36 more hours.

Camila just loudly sighed muttering about it being no way to treat a living being like that; much less an employee as Bump looked nervous.

Luz enters the hall excited for her first school dance experience on the Boiling Isles and says that she can't wait to get overdressed, take awkward photos, push all the buttons and then notices one which she presses.

"Mija, I love you which will never change and I know you can get distracted and not think things through but just touching a red button in the Demon school?" Camila asked incredulously as Luz looked sheepish.

The floor opens up with a pathway leading down and suddenly there are different weapons appearing Luz think that medieval torture seems like a strange theme for Grom but hey. Amity gets Luz's attention from the top of the stand sadly explaining that they are not for decoration; Amity goes down saying the arena is where she will make her debut as Grom Queen.

"Sounds as if you are expecting her to fight..." Hal said as there were mutterings from the students about that being the case with Bump nervous about the looks that Hal and Camila were giving him.

Luz asks why Amity isn't excited and Amity picks up a sword saying that it isn't just some dance party with something down the path moving; Amity explains that it's Grom short for Grometheus the Fear Bringer a monster that lives under the school. She uses a spell to explain that every year it tries to break out and a student has to defeat it before it invades the town; ever the optimist Bump holds a party and calls it tradition and the worst thing is that Grom can read minds and shapeshift into your worst fear.

Camila was now standing up glaring at Bump giving out different words trying to make sentences and gives out Spanish words with her anger making it hard to do. "Wow Princy B; first King and now you have all made her so angry that she is having trouble to form sentences which I haven't done before..." laughed Eda as the humans were staring wide eyed and open mouthed.

"It's not like they are in real physical danger; it's an honour and no student has been killed before. True one or two or maybe six needed to get six weeks off to recover but nothing permanently damaging..." Bump tried to defend himself as Camila calmed down.

"I probably will be convinced to let Luz come here but I will be chaperoning this Grom!" Camila shouted making it clear that it was a statement and not a request as she sat down with Bump nodding.

Amity says that her is very embarrassing looking into her reflection into the sword.

Amity looked down repeating that she thought that she deserved a break...

"Could it be her parents?" Camila thought as Luz tried comforting her.

Luz asks why don't she talk to Bump to get out of it unless talking to Bump is her worst few which amuses Amity who says no but it's a good idea thanking her before leaving.

Bump shook his head knowing what his answer will be as Amity was sitting hopeful.

The Snaggleback shouts that he is going to puke as Luz leaves in a hurry.

Most of the audience were grossed out as Bump was writing down a note to get an extra cleaning crew on standby for Grom.

Luz arrives back at the Owl House hearing Eda shout ow; Eda is in a suit with King telling him to be careful with the pins and King asks why is he doing this since he doesn't even wear clothes. Luz says sweet duds asking what are they for with Eda explaining that she is chaperoning Grom so she has to be sharp and King explains that Gus asked him to co-MC the Grom showing the poster saying that they are going to turn the bloodbath into a fun bath.

"The most wanted criminal in the Boiling Isles chaperoning Grom; what could go wrong?" Lilith asked sarcastically as Eda grinned at herself on the screen as Gus was excited along with King.

Eda asks if they announced the victim yet and Luz sadly explains that it's Amity who is freaking out and she wishes that she could take her place though with Eda and King unable to hold back their laughter.

Luz glared at their direction as there was some laughter as well from the audience.

"Luz will not have to face that thing... Who am I trying to fool?" Camila thought in her head while sighing.

Eda says that it's a noble sentiment but Grom is above her pay grade since she is a fragile human with Luz retorting that she had been learning a lot of new spells so she could totally handle it and Eda says that there is a horrifying spider in her hair.

"Seriously Eda? Not only am I not as fragile as you think but do you really think that I would fall for one of the oldest tricks in the book?" Luz asked incredulously shaking her head.

Luz walks to the door saying that she is not as fragile as she thinks and she can't be so easily fooled but as she turns to the door it shows that there really is a spider in her hair.

Luz jumped in her seat as the audience didn't see that coming.

The door is slammed as King asks Eda if she is being too hard on her reminding Eda that Luz saved her from multiple horrible monsters; Eda explains that facing Grom means facing your worst fear and she doesn't think that Luz knows what that means yet.

Luz was remaining hopeful but smiled with a thumbs up to King for having her back. She should be able to handle anything after all that the island has thrown at her...

Eda asks King if he thinks that she could pull of red eye shadow and King tells her that she could pull off anything as they share a high five saying that they are style geniuses.

Eda and King shared a nod.

Luz is using a stick to get through the bushes of the forest angrily moaning about what Eda said and she is a bad boy but is scared when she hears ominous footsteps; Luz charges with her stick hitting someone on the head who lands in the mud and uses a light glyph to see that it was Amity.

"Amity! I am so sorry!" Luz shouted in panic as there were some holding back laughter including Boscha with a vicious smirk as Amity shook her head.

Luz apologises helping her up as Amity says that she thought that this day couldn't be any worse as she sits on a tree stump before being distracted when she looks into Luz's eyes.

Something that didn't go unnoticed by Willow or Camila but Amity sighed thinking what was going on.

Luz sits in the mud asking if she talked to Bump and Amity explains that he said no so she is now Grom Queen unless she could find a replacement but who would switch with her.

Amity shook her head thinking that she should have known he wouldn't do so; "Sorry Ms Blight but Grom would need to be faced by a top student..." Bump said nervously with an apologetic tone.

Luz knew what her future self was going to do.

Luz says that she would standing up saying that she will take her place in the arena and be Amity's fearless champion; the spider moves to Luz's face as she screams and rolls in the mud.

Camila shook her head as there were some giggles as Luz was embarrassed; "I am still ready to be your fearless champion..." Luz said standing up on her seat as Amity hoped that she could do it.

Luz is in her room at the Owl House looking through her clothes picking out a witch dress and then her otter suit.

There were laughter from the audience as Luz didn't even look embarrassed and some of the humans groaned, "Wait... You would only have that there if... Did you seriously pack that with you to go to that Reality Check camp place?" Samantha asked incredulously as Luz gave a sheepish smile as Camila and Amity found this amusing.

She then gets an alert on her phone seeing a message from Camila saying that she is visiting their favourite after school snack spot with a photo on her outside Chimichurri Sandwiches along with a message saying that she misses her.

Camila held Luz close as Amity looked at the screen sadly; Camila noticed that and guessing what she was thinking cursed Amity's parents under her breath. There were mutterings of how nice that this looked with Perry and the Parks wanting to have a nice talk with Camilla when they got the chance.

Luz looks sad as she texts a smiley face Emoji as Hooty comes to her cheek saying that she has a guest as she shoos him away saying no touching.

"Sorry Hooty; it freaks me out when you surprise me like that." Luz apologised to Hooty who had no hard feelings on his face.

Amity enters the room getting feathers out of her hair saying that if that bird tube ever talks to her again then she is going to destroy it.

Amity was giving a warning death glare to Hooty.

Amity asks if she is ready to train as Luz asks which should she wear to Grom as the witch dress says that it says witch with a dark side and the otter suit says that it says that she is an otter with a dark side.

"You should focus Luz..." Amity mutters shaking her head as there were more amusement from this.

"How could an otter have a dark side?" questioned Eda with an amused smile.

"You never know Ms Owl Lady; one could be jealous of one which gets all the girls and all the good fish so one night he snaps and arranges for his rival to be eaten by a predator while he looks on smirking." A human goth teen said to shocked looks from the audience.

"You have really creeped me out..." muttered Viney and most of the Boiling Isles residents were nodding in agreement.

Amity tells Luz that she needs to take this seriously since if she can't beat Grom then everyone on the island will need to live out their worst nightmare; Hooty puts his face up to Amity 's face with her eye closed asking if she wants to hear his worst nightmare.

Amity's eyes twitched as the audience had gotten the feeling that a bomb had just been set off.

Her open eye blinks for a second and it cuts to the open window as Hooty is moving and hooting, there is banging with Luz shouting at Amity to stop.

Hooty shrieked before going to hide in his place in the backpack as Amity glared at Hooty's direction as the audience were split in those who were terrified at what was going on and wishing they could do what Amity was doing.

Outside the Owl House; Luz is lined up with Emira and Edric as Amity explains that Grom will transform into her darkest fears and asks Luz what she is afraid of. Luz thinks as Edric asks if she wants to know their greatest fears; after 3 Edric says being alone forever and Emira said being stuck with him forever making Edric look down sad.

"Don't take it too personally... Come on Ed!" Emira said Edric who was looking down as she sighed and some were shaking their heads in sympathy for Edric.

Luz shows a list that she made in preparation with Amity reading it with the twins looking over her shoulder. The twins laugh as they make illusions of a giant phone with a picture of a man tipping his hat to represent jerks online who want to date, a human soul trapped in cat bodies and milk since she is lactose intolerant.

There were some giggles and Amity and Eda shook their heads and some were freaked out by the cats.

Amity comes over saying not enough and the reason why she can't face Grom is because it goes deeper than things that just gross her out asking Luz what is her real fear. Luz says that her real fear is that Eda thinks that she is too fragile to do this and if she is right then she will never be a real witch.

Luz looks down as Eda was wondering if that really was her worse fear.

Edric and Emira makes an illusion of Eda who calls Luz inadequate who puts Luz into a high chair with a weak baby bib.

"Well you really belong in the baby class now!" Boscha snapped as Cornholio appeared in front of her.

"Congratulations Boscha; you are now stuck like that for the rest of the season!" Cornholio told her before going back to his place as Boscha screamed out loud.

The real Eda in her suit sorts her tie in a mirror thinking that she still got it but hears Luz shouting 'no' and goes outside saying that she get it ditch the yellow tie. Eda looks at her illusion thinking that she looks great and states to Luz that she is training to be Grom Queen; Luz falls over asking so what if she is.

Eda was muttering something underneath her breath as Lilith gave her a look, "What are you looking at Lily; at least she wants to try and face the thing unlike your student!" Eda shouted at Lilith who was silent.

The illusion chair and bib disappears as Eda asks if she thinks training will help against Grom; she tells Luz that she always goes overboard and she ends up bailing her out and what's the fun in watching a kid get eaten by a monster if that's her kid.

"You would have watched a kid eaten with glee... Still nice to see that you care for Luz." Camila smiled at Eda who grunted at the sappiness; even if she still found plenty to judge about Eda she was still growing on her. Thankful that she was looking after Luz feeling like she would react just fine if Luz said that she was like a 2nd mother to her.

Luz says that maybe she will have fun watching her defeat Grom karate chopping the human faced cat while making a confident pose.

Eda shook her head, "Thank you for destroying that thing Luz; it was terrifying!" shouted a human teen gratefully with others nodding.

Amity smiles as she puts her hand on Luz's shoulder saying that she doesn't think she is ready but they are literally out of time with Luz smilingly saying that she will take it.

There were amused glances from the audience and laughter at this; especially the face that Amity had while she said this.

In the Grom Hall the Snaggleback is turning around saying that he is so tired with the couple from after the credits talking to eachother and some couples dancing, Edric and Emira were talking to eachother and a living instruments band playing on the stage.

"Poor thing..." Camila muttered as the students seen were excited but the Oracle student that Willow was duelling noticed that Mattholomule didn't seem so happy on dancing with her.

"Will we see our dates?" Edric and Emira asked at once excitedly as Cornholio shook his head.

"You both got stood up." Cornholio said simply as the twins were open mouthed at both the bluntness and what he just said. Most of the audience including Amity couldn't help but feel sorry for them or pity them.

Willow gives flowers to students who clap for her as Skara and the bat student passes them with Eda standing with a frown a leaning against a decoration with her arms folded. Eda looks at her watch as King asks what is so twitchy asking if she had ever seen her this worried before; Eda says of course she is worried since she is going to save Luz from a nightmare monster moaning about so much for mama's night out.

"I appreciate the concern but I will be just fine Eda!" Luz stubbornly said as Eda gave an amused smile in response.

The lights go out as Gus says through a microphone saying that it's almost time for their main drama event asking everyone to take a seat and the first three rows are designated splash zones.

Eda and King sits down at the stand with King commenting on how good Gus is at this with the audience hanging on his every word as Gus makes an ear pose to the sides of him like he was Hulk Hogan.

"That's my boy; he gets his skills on the microphone from his old man!" Perry proudly said standing up as Gus moaned about his dad embarrassing him.

Gus points to Bump in the audience saying that he doesn't throw them in detention because they are going to raise the roof with the spotlight going to Bump who nervously does the raise the roof hand motion.

Bump shook his head with a smile as the students him on, Camila was finding this amusing as Luz joined in the cheering. Hal found his students looking his way and he sighed doing the same.

King hopes his material is up to snuff but ends up sitting on a whoopee cushion asking if close up magic or impressions, Eda picks him up explaining that teenagers are brutal and will boo anyone and that kind of public humiliation can stick with you for life freaking him out.

"Tell me that I am wrong!" Eda shouted at the looks she was getting from the teenagers as King was looking nervous.

"You will be just fine King!" Luz encouragingly shouted to King.

By the entrance Amity in her dress looks at her note after checking behind, Luz appears in her dress and suit combo with her hair done saying that she is not sure if it's nerves or if she accidentally drank some milk but something is making her stomach squirm.

Most of the students both Boiling Isles and human were stunned by how Luz looked with her get up as Luz was red in the face as Camila was commenting on how she looked and she definitely has to be there with a camera.

"You look good too Mittens!" Edric and Emira cheered on Amity who gave a smile to her siblings.

Luz with a straight face tells her that she looks nice; strange but nice and thanks Luz putting her hands on Luz's shoulders and that she is honestly amazed with how fearless she is with her having done things that she could never do.

Luz was looking down muttering about not being as fearless as Amity thinks.

Amity puts her hands back as Luz with her arms folded asks Amity if she is going soft on her as Amity laughs and then smirks saying in her dreams.

The two smiled at eachother as they laughed as others in the audience were amused by this; Amity was still Amity.

Gus introduces Luz as the Grom Queen with the crowd cheering and the spotlight is shown on her as Luz asks Amity to wish her luck as Amity mutters luck.

Luz felt herself becoming tense.

Gus presses the button opening up the floor distracting Skara and the bat student from their attempted kiss who rips off their suits showing their Grom shirts with them cheering.

Skara and the bat student were cheering as their screen selves did.

The weapons appear as Luz gets a spiked chained mace with an ice glyph placed on it and goes down with Grom seen squirming behind her.

Grom forms into several version of the human faced cat from before muttering about it weird and bangs the weapon on the ground with an ice pillar sending them flying with the crowd cheering and Gus saying there she goes.

"See Eda; I got this!" Luz said smirking as Eda shook her head.

King goes up on stage as Gus hands the mic to him and King drops several his cards nervously trying to make comments to boos from the audience. King shouts that they will clap for him please as he throws the mic running away crying as Gus chases after him.

King looked mortified as some were giving him looks of pity but Luz and her friends were concerned along with Eda.

Luz uses a light glyph against the phone form of Grom saying that he doesn't come from a place of intellectual honesty so debating him would be pointless with the audience cheering and Eda smiling. Bump on the mic says that Luz has lasted surprisingly long but what form would Grom take next as Luz is excited to finish it human style with Grom becoming larger behind her.

The audience felt the atmosphere becoming tense.

It takes the shape of Eda as students close to Eda in the stand glances at her with her moaning while hiding her eyes with her hair.

Luz gulped as Eda slapped herself frustrated.

Grom then puts a tentacle to Luz's forehead with its eyes glowing bright blue and then it transforms into the portal door, it opens up revealing Camila shocking Luz.

The real Camila found herself holding Luz close to her as Luz gulped as there were looks coming their way.

Grom as Camila asks what is the terrible place which isn't a camp and has she been here all these weeks and is that a weapon which Luz drops and she says that she can explain. The eyes glow light blue and from her lower body forms a multi eyed monster asking if she has been lying to her.

Camila was saying soothing words to Luz who kept repeating that she was sorry; Amity sighed as she took Luz's hand as if to try and comfort her.

Gus finds King kneeling against a locker asking King what is going on as King says nothing and to leave him be as he drops his side, Gus says that he is sitting in his personal chit chat zone so he has to talk. King moans about him the King of Demons getting stage fright.

King was moaning about the same as Camila and Luz were still looking at the screen while in their embrace.

Gus explains that but King interrupts that he knows imagine everyone in their underwear and Gus calls it gross asking why would he do that with King says that he is a little weirdo who always does that.

The humans were chuckling as the Boiling Isles residents were mortified.

Gus says that sometimes you just have to face your fear like Luz is doing right now as Luz runs out and past them saying that she can't do it with Grom giving chase.

"Thanks Luz..." Gus said jokingly but Luz was still being closely held by her mother.

Bump is at the door saying that Grom has escaped with students afraid and Gus tells King that now is his chance who then takes the mic.

King tells himself that he has got this and says that the show has literally took off with them silent and Gus tells him that he has got to pander; King continues take off just like their local sports team has took off and about to make a goal making them cheer. King says to follow them and see what happens next as Gus picks him up and they follow.

There were cheers at this and Luz felt a little bit better knowing that King had some of his confidence back.

Eda rushes out of the door with Amity just behind her and they share a look before continuing on with the chase. Luz covers her face with her hands running in the forest saying that she doesn't want to Grom Queen anymore and she gives up the throne; she reaches the edge of the cliff as Grom asks Luz why can't she face her own mother. Luz shouts that she really isn't her Mum and Grom asks how could she say that and she is breaking her heart as Eda is riding on her staff sending a spell at Grom.

Camila and Luz's eyes were glued to the screen in worry.

She lands on the ground with the staff pointed at Grom saying hands off her human, Luz tells Eda that she was right that she isn't ready and Eda says that it's okay and she has got this one.

Eda smiled at the direction of Luz and Camila.

Before Eda can cast a spell Amity jumps out of the trees and runs in front of Luz facing Grom shielding her from Grom saying to stay away from her.

Camila slowly let go of Luz and they looked at her direction gratefully and commented on how brave she is being.

Grom gets a tentacle to pick Amity up as Amity apologises to Luz saying that she should have fought her own battle and then the eyes of Grom shine light blue along with Amity as Grom transforming and Luz shouting about Amity's fear.

Amity gulped feeling dread rise up inside of her.

Grom shrinks to a humanoid figure slightly taller than Amity with white eyes with Luz asking who is that; Grom lets go of Amity taking her note from her dress pocket taking it into two pieces and drops them rolled up with Amity closing her eyes. Grom slithers way as Amity picks one of them up and Luz comes closer picking up the other one unfolding it and reading 'will you go to the Grom with me? Amity'.

There were gasps, the twins were looking at eachother with concern in their faces and Amity had tears in her eyes ready to bolt but felt Luz catching her hand; "It's okay Amity... If you ask me I say that if the person you wanted to ask was dumb enough to reject one of the smartest, coolest and cutest witches that I had ever seen in the Boiling Isles then good riddance and that's their problem!" Luz said with a supportive look on her face as Amity was red in the face muttering something as Camila was smiling at this having a feeling on what is up.

Luz gasps and says that Amity was afraid of getting rejected and tells her that it is okay and asks her what if she went to Grom with her instead.

Amity was wide eyed as Camila and Willow giggled but Luz was smiling at Amity who smiled back as there were mutterings in the audience.

Amity smiles putting the other piece away asking really and Luz closes her eyes saying that's what friends do. Grom emerges in front of them as Amity holds out her hand asking if that's settled then may she have this dance.

"I thought you were supposed to be the smart one? How could you even think of dancing at a time like this?" Eda asked incredulously.

Luz takes it and they get closer as music plays and they start to dance with Amity using her feet to create a spell circle creating a giant abomination with them on top of it.

Most of the audience were looking were wide eyed and amazed at this as Luz and Amity looked on with their hands held.

They continue to dance with Luz putting a glyph on the forehead of the abomination as it charges forward swallowed by Grom but is burst open by flowers as Luz lands and catches Amity bridal style who finishes their dance with their hands together facing eachother with Grom exploding and turning into a purple tree behind them and the small remaining pieces of Grom slithering away.

The audience were speechless and were on their feet cheering and clapping with Luz and Amity sharing a look after they let go.

They have magical tiaras appearing on their heads with Luz asking Amity who she wanted to ask out as Amity says that it isn't important throwing the other half away; the piece lands next the other piece and unfolds itself so it's on top of the other piece showing Luz's name written down.

There was silence as Cornholio sighed pausing the screen knowing that this moment would come. Luz's face was practically frozen as she slowly went to face Amity who was shrinking into her seat as the mutterings started. She then bolted to the door to the room as Luz followed.

Amity was crouched down next to the door muttering to herself that she thought that deserved a break repeatedly as Luz sat down next to her. After a few awkward minutes Luz asked "can I please ask if you were settling when you decided that you want ed to ask out me?"

Luz instantly regretted that as Amity angrily faced her saying "what possible made you think that I would settle on you?"

"Because you're you and I'm... Me... You are the cool top student who has been studying magic longer than I have and can do things that I can't. You're pretty and if anything I should be the one scared of being rejected by you! I had no real friends before coming here, I was the weird girl in human school and I go overboard with my Mami having to deal with it! How am I supposed to believe someone like you several social classes above me; wanted to ask me out?" Luz replied as Amity sighed.

"You're cute Luz and you have been more nice to me than I had deserved considering everything that I had said and done to you and your friends! You are not really fearless but you are brave willing to stand up for your friends at a moment's notice! You saw the younger me telling my parents that I didn't like who they wanted me to choose friends from? That was the bravest I had ever been facing them! You have done and faced things that I would be too scared to face! You are willing to try and make your dream of being a witch come true! The Social class thing? All that has ever gotten me is some fake friends and impossible standards set to me by my parents! There is a lot to admire about you even if it took me a while to see it..." Amity retorted before sighing.

"I am confused about how I am feeling now; how my feelings have changed watching you throughout the episodes and how I could be close to my future counterpart but hours ago I had last seen you at the Covention... It is so confusing..." Amity sighed as they looked at eachother awkwardly and tried to talk to eachother with red in their faces.

Then they heard At the Beginning by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis starting to play inside the room, Amity was looking angry as she got up and opened the door to put her head through shouting "turn that off right now while we figure this out!"

The song stopped as Luz heard from the outside of the door Cornholio shouting "well excuse me for trying to help you with my most wanted song for a Lumity AMV!"

Luz got up as the door was closed and they awkwardly looked at eachother; "Amity Blight; I am certain this could be a bit too fast like a Disney movie romance and I am not sure what we will see next between us in the episodes but if you are willing to try with me we could take it slow when we get out of here?" Luz offered putting out her hand as Amity hesitatingly looked at it before smiling and taken it.

They walked out hand in hand as there was the audience standing up and cheering for them with Boscha doing do begrudgingly. Standing at the door was Eda giving a smirk and a thumbs up, King was clapping, Lilith gave a small nod with a smile as she was clapping, Gus and Willow were cheering and Camila was wiping away tears that her Luz was growing up. Hooty was sobbing openly as Skara was holding his backpack and was hand in hand with the bat student offering to double date with them two of them. They all went back to their seats as there were whispers among the human students.

King is near them saying into the mic there you have it a happy ending for this year's Grom and tells them to give a big hand to the Grom Queens Luz and Amity as Eda, Gus and the students are at the trees and the students cheer coming forward.

There were more cheers.

They cheer on them as they hoist them up and Eda claps with a smirk. Gus tells King that he did it because he is the King of demons and he never had stage fright in his life as he is hoisted up to join Luz and Amity laughing at the sight of King shouting that they love him before they smile at eachother.

"Nice of you to steal our moment King!" Luz laughed jokingly looking at King.

Eda, King and Luz arrives back at the Owl House with Luz looking down taking off her tiara dropping it and thanking Eda for saying that she did good saying that she is going to bed. King puts the tiara on saying that he is King and Queen best of both things.

There were amused looks at this.

Luz enters her room sighing as she sits on the window ledge muttering that in the end she couldn't face her mum and maybe she is fragile.

Luz was now being embraced by her mother as she moaned "Mami; not in front of my new awesome girlfriend... Wait no; we are not on this stage yet as this is kind of fast so please forget what I just said..." Camila giggled along with Amity.

She gets a notice on her phone seeing texts from her mum asking how was her day and that she misses her with a smiling Emoji. Luz puts down a duck Emoji but deletes it to text that she misses her too and then texts.

"Looks like you are facing your fear kind of Luz..." Camila asked hoping that her future reaction will be much better than what she fears it will be.

Luz narrates that she won't lie today was kind of hard as Willow and Gus are seen at a piece of Grom with Willow freaking out as she touches it and a ladybug was starting to come out, and Gus touches it showing a clown making him run away.

There were amused giggles as Gus and Willow were scared at the sight; Willow's parents giggled thinking about how Willow reacts whenever she finds a ladybug in her plants.

Luz continues on that she doesn't always think that is supposed to be here as Amity wearing her tiara is seen on the window ledge before putting it away in a box. Luz says that when things got tough her friends helped her out as Eda is seen sleeping in her suit on the couch as King wearing the tiara climbs on top of Eda to sleep like a cat with Eda smiling as she puts her hand on his head as Luz says that she thinks that she will like them.

"I do Mija..." Camila smiled as Eda smiled at King.

She finishes it by saying ' Te extraño también, Mamì ' and one day she will tell her all about this as Luz notices the moon.

"She misses me too." Camila translated to the audience.

"Mrs Noceda; can I please ask about the Mija that you sometimes calls Luz?" Amity asked as Camila looked her way.

"It translate to 'my daughter' and please Amity; call me Camila." Camila told her and Amity smiled. Camila knows that this is far too early to be thinking of this with how fast this could be with looking at the future events and how they might not even be officially together but Camila was thinking about Amity being her daughter in law so that she could help take her away from her awful parents forever...

She would be willing to just adopt her if that didn't mean that she couldn't date her Luz.

She receives a text back saying that she can't wait and a P.S. saying that she loves receiving her letters; Luz calls it a cute way of saying text.

Camila frowned thinking that was quite odd.

Camila is seen in her bed smiling on her phone turning it off and putting it on her bedside table before going to sleep. The phone is next to a stack of letters addressed to her from Luz but on the top letter there is 'Lus' crossed out and replaced with Luz.

There was shocked silence as Luz and Camila looked at eachother; "You think that you started writing letters to me that Owlbert just takes to our letter box that you forgot about for a second Luz?" Camila pleaded with Luz and she shook her head. The implications of this were terrifying.


People calmed down thinking that this should get their minds off it.

The student that King talked to accidentally on Luz's first school day is with his date, the next picture is shown them being shoved away by the bat student and Skara and the next one is showing them together with Skara pointing to another Grom shirt that the bat student is holding.

"Sorry; we must have gotten overexcited!" the bat student apologised as he and Skara were embarrassed but the students smirked.

The next picture is Boscha, Bo and the oracle student posing with their hands under their chins, the next one is them showing funny faces and the next one is them staring angrily at Mattholomule who has stolen the spotlight to pose.

"You are so going to get it!" Boscha shouted angrily to Mattholomule as the boy in question could feel the murderous intent from the three witches.

"You looked adorable in that second picture Boscha!" Boscha's mother cooed to her daughter's embarrassment.

The next one is Luz posing, the next one is Luz noticing something on her right, the next one showing her foot as she is off to her right and the next one is showing her smiling with her elbow around Amity's neck with her also smiling with Willow posing with a smile and Gus talking into the mic with his eyes closed.

The four smiled at this along with Camila and others.

The book is closed as the Snaggleback still up is reading saying wow what a night and can someone get him down but then the lights are out with him asking anyone.

"I promise that I will get him down!" Bump said sensing the glares that were coming.

"Okay, I know that we already had the last break not too long ago but I think you all will need a second one after the last two episodes." Cornholio said facing the audience.