
The Other Sawamura

What happens if Sawamura Eijun had a twin sister? Meet fifteen year old Sawamura Hikaru, Ace batter and right fielder for Akagi Junior Highschool. There is just a small problem.... Hikaru is always mistaken for a boy, but she is a girl. However, when Takashima Rei comes and offers her brother a scholarship and some weird turn of events MR. Sawamura Hikaru gets a scholarship... what will happen if Hikaru goes to seidou disguised as a boy? will her batting or right fielding stay top notch or will she fall? will hikaru be found out?

Jovy_Rhia_Matias · sport
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The Other Sawamura

Sneak Peak:

Hikaru walked up into the batter's box. She could hear Jun yelling at her not to miss.

'Really Jun-kun.... I'm not like you.' Hikaru Thought

Hikaru thought back to the pitch count to her upperclassmen.

'Okay to Kuramochi it was a slider, Fastball, and curveball. To Ryousuke it was a screwball, Fastball, and knuckleball. To Jun it was a curveball, a fastball, and a slider. Finally to Captain it was a Slider, fastball, and then a curveball. So the second pitch is always a fastball. I'll aim for that.' Hikaru thought

Hikaru then tipped her helmet to the umpire and cather saying:


Once that was said she stepped into the batter's box. Hikaru then got into position and got ready for the pitch. The pitcher shook his head what seemed like a millions time to the catcher.

'oh come on.' hikaru thought

finally the two decided on a pitch. the pitcher threw the ball and it was a screwball. Hikaru didn't even flinch. She stayed in batting position.

'If i had swung for that it would have been out.' Hikaru thought

"STRIKE!" The umpire shouted

Hikaru then took a deep breath and got ready for the next pitch. Like Hikaru predicted it was a fastball. Once it was in range Hikaru hit it. The ball flew and flew until it hit the scoreboard. With that Hikaru dropped her bat and started to jog the bases. Kuramochi jogged to home followed by Ryousuke. Yuki followed the two then finally Hikaru. Once Hikaru was back in the dugout a voice called her:


"Yes coach?" Hikaru asked

"Why didn't you hit that first ball?" Coach asked

"All honesty, I'm a hundred percent sure that only Miyuki, Captain, Masuko, or Ryousuke could hit a clean hit off that screwball. I didn't want to risk getting out and leaving my teammates on base...It's my duty as a batter to bring them home....Also i made a promise that if i went to bat and any of my teammates were on base i would bring them home no matter what." Hikaru replied

Everyone was on edge; the regulars had started to like this less annoying Sawamura. Everyone let out a sigh of relief when they noticed the coach smirk:

"Good answer. Keep it up." Coach said

"Yes sir." Hikaru replied

Hikaru smirked then walked over to put her helmet up. It was at that moment she was kicked in the butt.

"Ow Kuramochi-senpai." Hikaru said

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